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All Sellers Please Read!!!!


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Staff member
Mar 1, 2005
If you are selling mulitiples of a product or making a new product and selling them DO NOT POST HERE UNTIL CONTACTING ME!

I see plenty of posts about this is a hobby or I do this on the side etc.... Well guys that is where most of these vendors started too. They had to pay their dues. They are the ones that pay the bills for the board and it is not fair for others to get advertising for free while they pay!

Fair is fair we have a couple of levels of pricing!
thanks Shane! Also you hobby guys, if you do not want to sell direct, pay advertising fees, deal with collecting money or shippping why not contact an established vendor and make a deal with them to sell your parts? That could be a win, win for everyone, more exposure and more sales for you with less problems and time invested. Just a thought.
Thank you. Anyone that DOES make some sort of deal with the board should also have some sort of designation that they are a paying vendor to alleviate any questions.
Thank you. Anyone that DOES make some sort of deal with the board should also have some sort of designation that they are a paying vendor to alleviate any questions.

As a businessman myself, I understand completely! I agree that there should be some form of designation as to who is a legit vendor and who isn't. How will this be policed? Will non-paying vendor's posts be deleted or what?
I agree with that. It's only fair to those members that pay monthy dues as supporting vendors. I think that should apply to all sections of the forum where people are selling multible items and not just in the "FOR SALE" section.

From what I have been told on other forums people are warned once then permanently deleted:eek:. It takes money to run and maintain this or any board. Paying and supporting members should be protected. I also agree that there should be some sort of supporting members designation or icon.
It already is a sticky. I have posted this several times before and it gets overlooked. So I figured I would do it again since so much is going on right now....

Everyone that is a "vendor" of anytype will be listed....

Yes threads will be removed to a archive folder.

Thanks for understanding everyone!