Maybe water might be better than alky. Leeo would be the expert in this area. I think he use aeromist nozzles to change the spray to a mist. Leeo sprayed alky into the turbo and into the turbo adapter. Maybe Leeo or BigDaddy will chime in. Back in the day water was used before alky be came popular. I am steadly taking notes and from what I have observed the Buick Engineers went different on the 86-87 intakes. This is why I am going to use a 86 intake modified. A few years back when everyone was cutting the hotair intake apart, I actually bought a gutted intake and shoved a heater core into the intake. I got it rigged up but could not decide whether to run coolant or nitrous through it. Later I plain gave up.
2008 I plan to have my car running as a test bed. I am curious to know how much alky, water, intercooling and nitrous is worth on a HOTAIR. In theory, both Jamie and Brent have opened a can of worms. Leeo started and got his car in the mid 11's with a 231, later going to a 4.1 into the 10's. If a small block can run 10's, 9's and 8's with a turbo and a carb, a fuel injected 231 should eclipse 10's and even the 9's. Even money on both Jamie and Brent going into the 10's with a 231.
I think it would be easy with a 86-87 intake only because Buick saw something that convinced them that it was better. Even without a intercooler, the 86 intake has a bonnet that can be utilized to inject alky, water and even nitrous.
The late Bruce Plecan was ahead of his time when he took off his intercooler and sprayed alky in the place of his intercooler. Taking the intercooler out allowed less restrictions, lower boost and the same power.
Most people cringe at the NOS word. Alot of the import crowd use it and have set records with NOS. My first time with NOS was a kick in the AZZ...

I beat many 86-87 GN's, Trans Camaros and Rugstang using a 80 hp NOS. As time and technology went on to the 90's, I did not get greedy and up the NOS. I would only use it to launch as most imports do. Now that we have talented people such as Eric Marshall burning chips and Julio - alky, I would try it again with alky and NOS in small doses. I had a KenneBell 85 Nitrous chip. Jim Bell told me had only sold 3. I could be wrong but I think Terry Penner used one on his 11 sec NOS Hot Air.
Jim and Zack Willet are going against the grain and taking off the HOT AIR intake and putting on a carb and a bonnet. This could prove to be very interesting.
As technology progesses, I think someone on this board will figure out how to get a HOT AIR into the low 10's/ high 9's.