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Another failed CA smog test


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Oct 25, 2010
It's A stock '87 motor and oem chip.

Prior smog test r and r : cats, egr, pcv, engine oil and filter.
Post smog test r and r : hot wire, 255l walbro, fuel filter, spark plugs (wires are in pristine condition) and added e85.
Cleaned : maf, throttle body and air filter.

Upon initial start up, it has a hi/lo idle as if it contains a radical cam but, once warmed up that symptom is nonexistent. Can it be the tps?

Emission test results:
%co2 %02 hc (ppm) co% no (ppm)
test meas meas max meas max meas max meas
15mph 13.98 .76 88 191 .55 .68 768 212
25mph 14.5 .28 71 133 .41 .32 649 157

Off the measurements, what else should I inspect and/or r and r? I don't posses a scan tool.
All comments are appreciated and in advanced, thank you for the help.
%co2 15mph meas 13.98 / 25 mph meas 14.5

%02 15mph meas .76 / 25 mph meas 28

hc (ppm) 15mph max 88 meas 191 / 25mph max 71 meas 133

co% 15mph max .55 meas .68 / 25mph max .41 meas .32

no (ppm) 15mph max 768 meas 212 / 25mph max 649 meas 157
Does your car have a working cat and EGR? Your HC is really high. You can test/set the tps voltage with a multi-meter. Where in california are you?
The cats work and I'm going to recheck the egr to see if it's functioning. I am located in the east bay of the bay area. thanks again
I barely passed smog with my HC. 77 are allowed and I passed with 76. Check with Turbo Tweak, drive your car around to get it really warmed up (20 minutes). Don't want to give out too much info as the AQMD poges are probably monitoring. send me a PM.
It looks like you need a new cat- did you put a new one on prior to inspection ? I would say the EGR is fine due to the NO values.
I failed my first attempt. (Oregon). I changed the oil & freshened the fuel as much as possible. Then I drove it fairly hard to make sure that the cat can was hot before I tested again. I kept the car running while I waited, to keep the cat can hot. I passed after that.

Good luck
Looks like a weak catalyst. The o2# show it. As the cat warms up during the 5015 (25mph) it uses up more o2 but not enough. No egr would put NOx ppm in the thousands.
A brand new catalytic converter is in my future. Frustrating, when I reinstalled my exhaust system the cats seemed to be fresh (screen clear from crud, over all looked new, looks are deceiving and I am fooled). I retested today and the HC's were through the roof and my smog tech gave me a puzzled look from comparing the previous data to todays. Besides the cats, did the e85 and walbro 255 have something to do with the numbers? Plugs are gapped to .035. I just want to drive that damn machine for crying out loud! Did I ever mention that the sniffer tests are crap....I'm just venting. Thank you all for your suggestions.

%co2 15mph meas 14 / 25mph meas 14.6

%02 15mph meas .6 / 25mph meas .25

HC 15mph max 88 meas 1228 / 25mph max 71 meas 785 <---- where did I screw up?

C0 15mph max .55 meas .61 / 25mph max .41 meas .34

NO 15mph max 768 meas 404 / 25mph max 649 meas 1069

I am a gross polluter