Kaj the main point is that there are close to 30k 86/87 TR's where as there are less than 10k 84/85's. That's a 3-1 ratio and by the time you buy an HA Car and convert it to IC you could have just bought an 86/87 in the first place and save the HA car for the people who enjoy them.
true. but, in my case, i got a really good deal on my '85. there were no 86-87s in that range, even factoring the $2kish i'll be putting into a conversion.
if anyone wants to trade me their '86 or '87 to have my semi-rare '85, i'm down. LOL i'll be keeping all stock parts, though. so if someone REALLY wanted to buy my car, they can have it in original condition. my car is 100% stock.