Another summer down the drain


My cars suck
Jul 24, 2001
I'm just getting so frickin' tired of looking at this motor-less pos waste -o- money in my garage, all I can think is how mad I am I spent another whole summer not being able to go to the track, or even drive the damn thing, because someone can't seem to pull their head out of their a$$ and build a motor that doesn't fall apart. By the time my new motor is done it will be time for winter. I didn't get to go to any races again this year, missed the few sorry a$$ cruises this town has, and even had to street race my Lightning, which strikes about half the fear in the locals as my GN. I am so mad my head hurts. Now all I can do is sit here, do nothing and wait. Wait for next year. How much you wanna bet something else breaks on this pos so I can't race next year either? Not that I haven't upgraded, rebuilt, replaced and gone over EVERYTHING in the car. I was going to be putting in the new motor next weekend, but found out today its still not done so thats not happening. So there goes my last chance for a buick race, because its the weekend after, so I won't have it done soon enough. I swear I'm just gonna go out there and burn the whole fu(king garage down, hell with it all. I think its about time to sell this pile and buy a new Cobra. At least I wouldn't be scared to drive it, with a warranty and all. This absolutely sucks root. I need to punch something. I'm sick of watching all my friends take their mustangs and chevy's out every weekend, while I sit here looking at this thing. Yeah, my cars faster, fat lot of good that does me since it only runs about 3% of the time. So now I get to go to the midwest challenge and watch everyone else have a good time, while my car sits more. It has cobwebs all over it. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why I like this car. All it does is add stress and financial loss to my life. I thought maybe this rant would make me feel better, but all it did was put my thoughts on a screen for me to read. I'm going to the gym. Maybe there will be something good on TV later.
i've been there, i just decided that it was not going to defeat me.
the last three times i've had mine out it 1) puked a quart of tranny fluid 2) lost the fuel pump hotwire relay 3) powermaster pressure switch took a ****. but its worth it when all is good. it took me 4 years to get it to the point of getting it out at all. by then my combo was outdated.
Originally posted by turbosam6

I think its about time to sell this pile and buy a new Cobra.

At least I wouldn't be scared to drive it, with a warranty and all.

That very same thought is shared by many.
I know the feeling, I have not had much luck. I have not had it for more than 3 weeks out of the 4 summers I've owned this car. 1st summer was an engine rebuild, then the next was a tranny, then I wiped 3 cam lobes and another engine, now I just got my tranny back again after I twisted the input shaft and broke the OD planetary and there is something messed up pressure wise(stuck valve) in the tranny and it won't shift right. Its simple once I find the problem but now I'm off to school in Galveston and don't want to take it down there because it will kill my paint job. Oh well eventually it has to be right and trust me the new cobras are bad ass but they will have their problems when they are 15 years old just as ours do. I just got back from a 35 minute freeway trip with my sister(she has a really nice 00 Z28 ttops leather.....) and started thinking about how nice it must be to have a decently fast car that she can drive when ever and where ever without much worry about what each gauge is doing, but then when I picture myself pulling bus lengths on her it all becomes worth it.;)
Yeah! mine is a POS too. For all the same reasons. I should buy the "70 454 4 speed vette I saw today for $8500.

I call my car the "1 to 1 scale diecast GN"
this summer has been a bust for my car too this year...i went to the track one time and floated the valves on the first the valve springs done and 3 weeks later the rear end axle/carrier/pinion bearings all take a dump and i get a VERY loud noise from the rear...a few weeks later i get that finished and then just a few weeks ago the tranny takes a complete dump and my tranny fluid turns into black liquid clutch material...bye bye clutches! $1500 rebuild now:mad:

i am hustling to get this tranny rebuilt and put back in before the buick midwest challenge in a couple weeks...on top of all this i get in the biggest car accident of my life 4 weeks ago and my first true love girlfriend of 1.5 years decides to get wild and cheats on me...i haven't had the best of summer either man:(
What summer?

I feel for ya Sam. I at least got one that is driveable still. Last weekend just looking at the laptop bringing the rpm up and down and launched the pump in the trans. So this weekend I'm installing a shifter and getting a 400 with a 3400 stall and a brake in it. Should be interesting.

Sorry about your luck, but at least you get to work on your car. All I have is pictures. I've been recalled and overseas for the LAST TWO SUMMERS! Can't see my kids, Can't go to cruises, and can't even sit in my car.

We get to go home in 26 hours 23 min (not that anyone's counting) and then, Maybe then, if I'm really really good, Santa will bring me that special magical part to fix even my car... Ok that won't happen. I guess I'll just put lots more miles on my cutlass and pretend it's a T-type. I can even make vroom..vroom sounds and drive next to my mom so I think I'm going fast.
I am right there with you man! I have over 10k invested in a pile of parts that I can't drive! It is killing me. Won't be till next summer for me either. I set a budget for my car, and as always, it goes way over budget. I have to get myself a trans, have it rebuilt, fuel pumps, driveshaft, and a TON of odds and ends. Hopefully, I get alot done this winter, and bust out of the snow screamin with the GN. It will all get better in winter, when nobody can drive their cool cars:D
I feel your pain.. My car has been incommunicado since April.. I should have it running by Oct 1 and completely reassembled by Oct 15th..
Buy a Ford, Buy a Ford,

Get the Hell off this Board!

Yeah it rhymes. :)

Hey, you ever notice how the cars with all the extra parts on them aren't running?

Why can't people be happy with mid-low 12's and high 11's in a running daily driver?

Just wonderin'. ;)
Speed is all relative, thats why no one is happy with what their car runs. 12 seconds doesn't even feel fast to me anymore. I wish I could be happy with a 12 second car. I really do. I'd probably have half my house paid off if it wasn't for this car. I'll be at the midwest challenge anyway, even without my car. But I will have to drive the Lightning, so no one make fun of me, OK? Maybe I'll even race it friday night. Maybe smoke some ricers. I'm not totally out yet though, Nick is working on it as we speak. Now if we could find some rockers......
Sam, smoke some weed, drink some beer, or do whatever you have to so you can relax!!!:D

Chill out dude...........
Well Brick, since I don't really do any of the stuff you mentioned, I normally drive my car to relax. And with this thing costing more every day, a drug habit would be a bad thing to start.:D Although it would probably be just as worthwhile!
Yeah fast cars are pretty much drugs........ Once you take that first drive you're hooked for life and you always have to get that fix to be happy......
Good for you. I wouldn't drive mine every day if it was stock. Too nice for that kind of use. Gotta worry about door dings, theft, crazy drivers, etc. Screw that. You have a street car, I have a race car I can drive on the street. Your car is more reliable, my car is faster. If you wanna go fast, you gotta make sacrifices. My new motor should be in this week, and running this weekend. All will be well then.