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Anyone else had enough of the way cops are being treated these days


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But what about the "good" cops? Truth is, there's no such thing. You can't be good and be a part of an organization whose M.O. is ruining lives and concealing their own dishonesty.

You are the type of person who will never change their opinion, and you have that right.

Just remember, next time you have a problem, whether it be a traffic collision or three guys breaking into your house, just don't call 911. Handle it yourself.

Or you could always move to a truly lawless and corrupt country. Maybe that's better.
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Glad to see there are a lot of guys on here who still have a thing for men in uniform.

I honestly don't know how any educated car guy, gun guy, or outdoor guy with a backbone can so blindly support Police. ...................................... Anyone willing to sacrifice their integrity by looking the other way is no "good" person in my book.

Finally the voice of reason and unbiased truth this discussion was so sorely lacking. Although I'm sure those of us with such a low I.Q. will have a difficult time recognizing it . :rolleyes:
Glad to see there are a lot of guys on here who still have a thing for men in uniform.

I honestly don't know how any educated car guy, gun guy, or outdoor guy with a backbone can so blindly support Police. Every thing you do is a breath away from being attacked by these people wearing costumes. You are an itchy trigger finger away from being murdered, and there will be no justice for you.
There is no question that Police are above the law and are indeed the largest criminal organization in the U.S. There are nearly daily examples of police brutality, unlawful arrest (kidnapping), harassment, theft, and murder committed by police across the U.S. The next time there is a police shooting, ask yourself, as a CCW holder in the same position as the cop, would you be going to trial over your actions? The truth is that in a majority of these cases, you would. CCW permit holders are held to higher standards than the police. It should be the other way around.
The media of course both cannot keep up with all of these police brutality stories, and also suppresses many of them because of an innate security blanket that people cling to called "Just world hypothesis". It would be emotionally distressing for most people to come to grips with the fact that the police are not there to make things right, they are not there to protect you, and that you are essentially on your own to provide for your own safety and security. This is why we have so many here who blindly trust the police and shield themselves from the thousands of news stories that would collapse their rainbow and unicorn fart version of reality. The world suddenly becomes a scary place when you stop believing in tooth fairies, santa claus, and the cops being honest and there for you.

Back when I was much younger and I believed in a lot of things without ever questioning them hence I used to also blindly support police. My father, on the other hand, hated and distrusted cops. Why? He was one himself as an MP who spent a year and a half in Vietnam and 10+ years stateside. He always told me that you should never trust cops and that they were bullies. I started to see this first hand when I was treated like absolute garbage when I started driving and had a number of encounters with police. In every one of them I showed nothing but respect but like a majority of police encounters, they are itching to escalate the situation by being extremely aggressive and demeaning.

Then I joined the Marines. It took a couple of years for me to finally realize that no matter what costume you put on, it doesn't change the person inside. Just as there are sadistic assholes in the USMC for which the uniform legitimized their attitude and actions, there are sadistic assholes in the Police. A lot of them are the same people I worked with. If you think I'm going to blindly respect or believe some guy I served with after having seen how he treats people under him because of whatever ornament is on his lapel, you are beyond reason.

You have to ask yourself, what could possibly motivate a person to enjoy a job that creates nothing, is funded by theft, and ruins other people's day, every single day. What kind of sick human could enjoy that? What kind of sick human goes to work every day and never questions the laws that they enforce that ruin peoples lives for harming no one. The simple truth is that these are low I.Q. bullies for whom being a Police officer is their only option. In the real world, these are character traits that get you fired. They can't make an honest living so they join the Police and get high pay and obscene pensions. Every day they get drunk on power and for them, there is no better high. The thing about drug addicts, is they will lie to conceal the actions they take as a result of their addiction.

But what about the "good" cops? Truth is, there's no such thing. You can't be good and be a part of an organization whose M.O. is ruining lives and concealing their own dishonesty. I suspect there are some good people who join who haven't put much thought into the big picture, and when they start to see behind the curtain, they are horrified. They either quit, or they shut down the part of their brain that contains any sort of morals. These people hear no evil and see no evil. Anyone willing to sacrifice their integrity by looking the other way is no "good" person in my book.
Great story bro. Since you want to talk shit....

Funny how your dad warned you about cops but he failed to warn you about the military and you had to go out and find the truth yourself. A grunt calling into question someone else's IQ. Now that's rich. What's an MP? Is that the guy who opens and closes the front gate at the base? Much IQ needed for that job.

It's far more difficult to become a REAL cop in the US than it is to become a grunt. Up here in NY, the odds of getting on the job are like 1-2 percent. What are the odds of becoming a grunt? Got a pulse? Can you tie your own shoes? Can you carry 70 lbs like a pack mule? You're in. There's a reason they got rid of the draft....cause they knew they had more than enough highly qualified applicants out there. ;) How's that gang problem going on in the military? Boy, they sure vetted those guys real well.

What kind of person joins an organization who's only purpose is to kill? You joined the Marines....what was your motivation? To kill someone or impress your dad? Maybe it's you who needs to take a better look in the mirror.
Given that Police departments deliberately exclude people with high I.Q.s, are you admitting that you are a Police officer?

As far as who I'm going to call when someone breaks into my house, I can tell you that a phone is not the thing I will be reaching for ;) If you are counting on the police to defend your family, I'm sorry to hear there's no man in your household.
As far as who I'm going to call when there is a traffic collision? If it involves me, and there are no injuries, I'm calling my insurance and getting witnesses. Indeed, this is law in some states (Nevada) where cops will not come out for traffic accidents. If the facts of the accident are in dispute, it's settled in court.
If there are serious injuries, I'm calling an ambulance. There's no need for a police officer in either situation.

That said, I never said there was no role for policing, just that the modern U.S. incarnation of Police forces are corrupt and murderous big government organizations that are held to lower standards than everyone else and are never held accountable for their actions.

As far as living somewhere without laws.. laws are not equal to the U.S. form of Policing. Unlike you I've lived significant periods of my life in countries with very different styles of policing and despite the fact that police in these places are polite, respectful, held accountable, and seldom use force, it was not chaos.
Great story bro. Since you want to talk shit....

Funny how your dad warned you about cops but he failed to warn you about the military and you had to go out and find the truth yourself. A grunt calling into question someone else's IQ. Now that's rich. What's an MP? Is that the guy who opens and closes the front gate at the base? Much IQ needed for that job.

It's far more difficult to become a REAL cop in the US than it is to become a grunt. Up here in NY, the odds of getting on the job are like 1-2 percent. What are the odds of becoming a grunt? Got a pulse? Can you tie your own shoes? Can you carry 70 lbs like a pack mule? You're in. There's a reason they got rid of the draft....cause they knew they had more than enough highly qualified applicants out there. ;) How's that gang problem going on in the military? Boy, they sure vetted those guys real well.

What kind of person joins an organization who's only purpose is to kill? You joined the Marines....what was your motivation? To kill someone or impress your dad? Maybe it's you who needs to take a better look in the mirror.

I wasn't a grunt. If you knew much about your own country you'd know the Marine Corps does not consist of 100% grunts. You'd also know a little bit more about what M.P.s have done and did. But I'm not surprised you don't know jack about what people do to serve this country.
That said, I have a hell of a lot more respect for Grunts than any cop. They might want to just go out and "get some" but at least they have the balls to do it in situations where the "enemy" is organized, heavily armed, and willing to die for their cause. How many cops have died in the line of duty in the past 10 years? How many Marines? It's no wonder the police want to wear MARPAT cammies when they play dress up. They want to look like they have big boy balls when they are raiding some guys house for growing the wrong kind kind of plants. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't want to look like a cop either, so I can understand them wanting to be posuers.

It may be more difficult to become a cop because there are a hell of a lot more cowards willing to bully around people here in the U.S. than there are Men willing to sign on the dotted line and get sent into real combat. That's why there's generally only about 175,000 Marines at any given time versus a million cops.

As far as gangs. Don't know who told you that. Never saw any gang activity in the USMC. Plenty of assholes though. Thugs are scared to death of actual combat and if you would have ever served you would have noticed that the "hood" type people stay far, far away from anything related to combat arms. You would have also noticed that they vanished once their contracts were up after 9/11.
Statement voluntarily retracted due to escalation of negativity in this thread.
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Guys, let it go! Pablo is obviously delusional, he probably still believes in Santa Claus and Tooth Fairy. You right buddy, cops are terrible. Next time you need help, call a crackhead.
I can google articles too:

But, I'm not going to attack our soldiers intellect. I respect what they may or may not have to do. And not going to compare your travel to mine (which is also extensive). I said corrupt country. Not Japan or Germany and such. Go to Mexico (not touristy area) or Africa or South America.

But again, I'm wasting my time with someone who generalizes. You have the right to have an opinion, however narrow minded and irrational it is. It's what makes the world go round.

Me, I'll support out criminal justice system and support our police officers and trust that in the end justice is fair.

If you want to argue about the intelligence of enlisted men, you can have that argument with yourself. I don't recall ever claiming that service members are smart. To the contrary, I think that people that need to wear a costume to give their life meaning are not very bright. That's why although I cited my experience in the Marines, the Marine Corps does not define me as a person. For many Marines, it's all they have though.

Marines that volunteer and actively serve in combat zones have a hell of a lot more balls than the millions of people clamoring for fat paychecks, fat pensions, and fat bellies as police officers though. So I'll give them that.

And hey, I won't knock your faith. A lot of people believe in all sorts of crazy stuff to help them cope with life. If you want to believe that the men in costumes are blessed by Lord baby Jesus to always do the right thing, and that makes you happy, then far be it from me to take that away from you.
It's far more difficult to become a REAL cop in the US than it is to become a grunt. Up here in NY, the odds of getting on the job are like 1-2 percent. What are the odds of becoming a grunt? Got a pulse? Can you tie your own shoes? Can you carry 70 lbs like a pack mule? You're in. There's a reason they got rid of the draft....cause they knew they had more than enough highly qualified applicants out there. ;)

Lmao! Where are you getting this information from? I would really like to see some photos of you chumps for entertainment purposes. Haha this is all too funny!

All encounters I have had with the Fuss has always ended on a positive note. Speak like a man, firm and respectful. I always received the same treatment back. I grew up in Inglewood by LAX/Downtown LA.

Only problem I have with the Police/Sherrifs are the fat phucks. Well I have that issue with all fat phucks. Just can't see anyone holding a position of physical public service with a big ole 24pc tub of KFC in their gut. Lmfao! Nasty phucks.
I wasn't a grunt. If you knew much about your own country you'd know the Marine Corps does not consist of 100% grunts. You'd also know a little bit more about what M.P.s have done and did. But I'm not surprised you don't know jack about what people do to serve this country.
That said, I have a hell of a lot more respect for Grunts than any cop. They might want to just go out and "get some" but at least they have the balls to do it in situations where the "enemy" is organized, heavily armed, and willing to die for their cause. How many cops have died in the line of duty in the past 10 years? How many Marines? It's no wonder the police want to wear MARPAT cammies when they play dress up. They want to look like they have big boy balls when they are raiding some guys house for growing the wrong kind kind of plants. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't want to look like a cop either, so I can understand them wanting to be posuers.

It may be more difficult to become a cop because there are a hell of a lot more cowards willing to bully around people here in the U.S. than there are Men willing to sign on the dotted line and get sent into real combat. That's why there's generally only about 175,000 Marines at any given time versus a million cops.

As far as gangs. Don't know who told you that. Never saw any gang activity in the USMC. Plenty of assholes though. Thugs are scared to death of actual combat and if you would have ever served you would have noticed that the "hood" type people stay far, far away from anything related to combat arms. You would have also noticed that they vanished once their contracts were up after 9/11.
So you were the potato peeler then? Oh I don't know shit.....but you're THE expert on cops. LMAO

Welcome to America....where the citizenry is the most heavily armed in the world. Where often times you go into a situation without knowing very many details...especially if those involved might be armed. At least in the military, you know you're going against armed combatants. Where your back is protected by the most heavily armed military in the world. Do soldiers go into a heavy situation wearing their dress uniform or camo? :rolleyes:

Oh watch out now....your Marine pride is coming through. Thought you were disillusioned with the you're all OORAH. Most cowards don't go out and don a uniform....of any kind. They don't put themselves in danger, even when they have a gun on their hip or a rifle in their hands. ;)

Gangs....what gangs?
Given that Police departments deliberately exclude people with high I.Q.s, are you admitting that you are a Police officer?

As far as who I'm going to call when someone breaks into my house, I can tell you that a phone is not the thing I will be reaching for ;) If you are counting on the police to defend your family, I'm sorry to hear there's no man in your household.
As far as who I'm going to call when there is a traffic collision? If it involves me, and there are no injuries, I'm calling my insurance and getting witnesses. Indeed, this is law in some states (Nevada) where cops will not come out for traffic accidents. If the facts of the accident are in dispute, it's settled in court.
If there are serious injuries, I'm calling an ambulance. There's no need for a police officer in either situation.

That said, I never said there was no role for policing, just that the modern U.S. incarnation of Police forces are corrupt and murderous big government organizations that are held to lower standards than everyone else and are never held accountable for their actions.

As far as living somewhere without laws.. laws are not equal to the U.S. form of Policing. Unlike you I've lived significant periods of my life in countries with very different styles of policing and despite the fact that police in these places are polite, respectful, held accountable, and seldom use force, it was not chaos. got 1 link about 1 guy in 1 department from back in 2000. Are you the one who didn't get the job? LMAO

Back in the mid 90s, the was a lift on the maximum age you could be to become a cop....don't know if it was Clinton's doing or what. All of a sudden guys in their 40s were getting on the job. You will notice the guy in the article was 49 years old when he took the test in 1996. Maybe, just maybe, the New London Police felt guys that old couldn't do the job and found a way around hiring him? ;) It doesn't take a rocket surgeon :D to be a cop but neither do cops have low IQ, as you claimed in your initial post. But how ironic that such an intelligent man would want to be a dumb cop..... ;)

Who you gonna call if the other guy involved in the accident is drunk....Ghost Busters? :D

Sure, sure....maybe we should go back to the olden days where a Sheriff would call out the posse and string you up for stealing a cow. Now there's some accountability right there.....

Glad you've lived in other countries and have seen with your own eyes how other societies live. Now please tell us, how different were those societies compared to ours here at home. Tell us about the crime stats for those nations, the level of respect the citizenry showed towards their fellow man. Maybe it wasn't chaos because the citizenry of those nations showed a little more respect for one another and for the law...than they do here. You see, I do the job and see how people act.....maybe you need to watch some episodes of COPS. ;) :D
If you want to argue about the intelligence of enlisted men, you can have that argument with yourself. I don't recall ever claiming that service members are smart. To the contrary, I think that people that need to wear a costume to give their life meaning are not very bright. That's why although I cited my experience in the Marines, the Marine Corps does not define me as a person. For many Marines, it's all they have though.

Marines that volunteer and actively serve in combat zones have a hell of a lot more balls than the millions of people clamoring for fat paychecks, fat pensions, and fat bellies as police officers though. So I'll give them that.

And hey, I won't knock your faith. A lot of people believe in all sorts of crazy stuff to help them cope with life. If you want to believe that the men in costumes are blessed by Lord baby Jesus to always do the right thing, and that makes you happy, then far be it from me to take that away from you.

And yet you wore the "costume". LMAO Just out of you, or have you included your time in the Marines on your resume?

They may or may not have more balls but I think they are lacking some in the brains allow themselves to be used as a tool for Big Business. Yup, that's the real reason our government invades nations and puts our young, naive and very IMPRESSIONABLE soldiers in harm's way. Cause I don't believe anywhere in our Constitution does it say our military is to be used to free foreigners from their government or spread Democracy.

I see a recurring point you keep touching on.....fat paycheck/fat pension. I see where you're coming from. ;)
Lmao! Where are you getting this information from? I would really like to see some photos of you chumps for entertainment purposes. Haha this is all too funny!

All encounters I have had with the Fuss has always ended on a positive note. Speak like a man, firm and respectful. I always received the same treatment back. I grew up in Inglewood by LAX/Downtown LA.

Only problem I have with the Police/Sherrifs are the fat phucks. Well I have that issue with all fat phucks. Just can't see anyone holding a position of physical public service with a big ole 24pc tub of KFC in their gut. Lmfao! Nasty phucks.
Watch out folks.....he works ooooouuuuuttttt. Too funny!
Watch out folks.....he works ooooouuuuuttttt. Too funny!

Lol staying healthy! ;)
Anyways props to all the real police men/woman that do an honest job and take their line of work seriously. Seems like we have all had our share of different experiences and that is common when trying to manage on a large scale. Too many snakes to account for them all. got 1 link about 1 guy in 1 department from back in 2000. Are you the one who didn't get the job? LMAO

Back in the mid 90s, the was a lift on the maximum age you could be to become a cop....don't know if it was Clinton's doing or what. All of a sudden guys in their 40s were getting on the job. You will notice the guy in the article was 49 years old when he took the test in 1996. Maybe, just maybe, the New London Police felt guys that old couldn't do the job and found a way around hiring him? ;) It doesn't take a rocket surgeon :D to be a cop but neither do cops have low IQ, as you claimed in your initial post. But how ironic that such an intelligent man would want to be a dumb cop..... ;)

Who you gonna call if the other guy involved in the accident is drunk....Ghost Busters? :D

Sure, sure....maybe we should go back to the olden days where a Sheriff would call out the posse and string you up for stealing a cow. Now there's some accountability right there.....

Glad you've lived in other countries and have seen with your own eyes how other societies live. Now please tell us, how different were those societies compared to ours here at home. Tell us about the crime stats for those nations, the level of respect the citizenry showed towards their fellow man. Maybe it wasn't chaos because the citizenry of those nations showed a little more respect for one another and for the law...than they do here. You see, I do the job and see how people act.....maybe you need to watch some episodes of COPS. ;) :D

Well, reading comprehension certainly is not your strong point. The article references the fact that police departments selectively hire based upon I.Q. and they can and do exclude those with high I.Q.s from getting the job. If you had paid attention, you would have seen that the official department policy was to interview candidates with scores that only fell between 20 to 27. The man in question scored a 33. The discriminatory practice against intelligent people was upheld by the court. Although you suggest that they lied (which wouldn't be surprising given that police as a whole have no integrity) about why they didn't want him, discrimination by age for police work is no different than discrimination by intelligence in that both have been upheld by the courts. They would have no need to lie. Actually, it probably would not even have made it to the court of appeals if that was the reason.

Who am I going to call if the other guy is drunk? No injuries? My insurance company. If you hit my car drunk, sober, daydreaming, getting road head, I don't care, you pay for the damage if you are responsible. Whatever it is going on in your life that caused it does not have any bearing on what you owe me.

How different were those societies that I lived in? Well, for one thing, respect and honor starts from the top down. If your police officers are violent, lie, and harass people, that's the example you are setting for everyone else. Whatever the crime stats may be does not justify you stooping down to the level of the thugs and criminals you are dealing with though I'm not surprised that is your excuse. You've already admitted you have no integrity.
And yet you wore the "costume". LMAO Just out of you, or have you included your time in the Marines on your resume?

They may or may not have more balls but I think they are lacking some in the brains allow themselves to be used as a tool for Big Business. Yup, that's the real reason our government invades nations and puts our young, naive and very IMPRESSIONABLE soldiers in harm's way. Cause I don't believe anywhere in our Constitution does it say our military is to be used to free foreigners from their government or spread Democracy.

I see a recurring point you keep touching on.....fat paycheck/fat pension. I see where you're coming from. ;)

Sure did wear the costume and I sure have put it on my resume. I have no problem taking money from people who are willing to pay me based upon whatever they perceive as valuable. If they think my time in the Corps is a valuable asset to them, and I agree to the terms under which they want to employ me, then that's between me and them. That's aside from the fact that what I did is directly applicable to something that gets done outside of the military. A lot of people go to school to do what I did.

And if you think Marines are used as tools for big business, you're absolutely right, but what do you think cops do? Who do you think pays for all of the convoluted laws that the police enforce?
Goodness, you have your head in a hole if even as a car guy you don't see it. Here in CA one of the many masters the Police work for are the companies that made up SEMA around 1986 (edelbrock, Mr. Gasket, etc) when they greased some palms at the California Air Resources Board to make the E.O. program. Just like that, they eliminated the competition that couldn't afford the tens of thousands of dollars in entry fees required. Fast forward to today, and I can't tell you the number of friends who have been pulled over, coerced into warrantless searches for "illegal modifications" and given tickets for having parts from companies that didn't pay their tithe to the government. Vic Edelbrock ought to pat all of those cops on the back and I bet he gives them thumbs up as he's laughing his way to the bank.
And that's just cars, let's not even get into thousands of other things for which the police are paid enforcers for big business. Sometimes you don't even need a thing as in the case for private prisons that have an incentive to lobby for stricter laws that put people in jail. The cops work for those rich leeches as well.

Anyway, I'm sure they are all appreciative of your support of the Police. It helps their bottom line.

Oh and I have no idea what you mean by the line about fat paychecks and fat pensions (don't forget fat bellies)
There is a lot of fat to go around in PDs.
Well, reading comprehension certainly is not your strong point. The article references the fact that police departments selectively hire based upon I.Q. and they can and do exclude those with high I.Q.s from getting the job. If you had paid attention, you would have seen that the official department policy was to interview candidates with scores that only fell between 20 to 27. The man in question scored a 33. The discriminatory practice against intelligent people was upheld by the court. Although you suggest that they lied (which wouldn't be surprising given that police as a whole have no integrity) about why they didn't want him, discrimination by age for police work is no different than discrimination by intelligence in that both have been upheld by the courts. They would have no need to lie. Actually, it probably would not even have made it to the court of appeals if that was the reason.

Who am I going to call if the other guy is drunk? No injuries? My insurance company. If you hit my car drunk, sober, daydreaming, getting road head, I don't care, you pay for the damage if you are responsible. Whatever it is going on in your life that caused it does not have any bearing on what you owe me.

How different were those societies that I lived in? Well, for one thing, respect and honor starts from the top down. If your police officers are violent, lie, and harass people, that's the example you are setting for everyone else. Whatever the crime stats may be does not justify you stooping down to the level of the thugs and criminals you are dealing with though I'm not surprised that is your excuse. You've already admitted you have no integrity.

Guess what, they did away with that new policy from back in the 90s not long after it started and once again there's a maximum age you can be to become a least here in liberal old NY. Go figure....even liberals don't think geriatrics can/should do the job. There's also a mandatory retirement age. Oh my.....what will the courts say about that. Plus I don't know what the hell was going on in Connecticut but here in NY, the higher your score on the entrance exam....the better your chances of being hired. Most jobs even require at least 2 years of college.

Well in that case I hope the drunk guy tells his insurance company that you were the one who was drunk. LMAO Man, you're something else. Do you even have a driver's license or are you one of those sovereign citizen movement nut jobs?

Blah, blah, blah....more BS and no answer. Just like when I asked you what YOUR motivation was for wanting to be a Marine. ;) You have zero knowledge of what it's like and what it takes to be a cop. About as much as you have of being a Marine.....cause you quit. You've already admitted as much....
So you were the potato peeler then? Oh I don't know shit.....but you're THE expert on cops. LMAO

Welcome to America....where the citizenry is the most heavily armed in the world. Where often times you go into a situation without knowing very many details...especially if those involved might be armed. At least in the military, you know you're going against armed combatants. Where your back is protected by the most heavily armed military in the world. Do soldiers go into a heavy situation wearing their dress uniform or camo? :rolleyes:

Oh watch out now....your Marine pride is coming through. Thought you were disillusioned with the you're all OORAH. Most cowards don't go out and don a uniform....of any kind. They don't put themselves in danger, even when they have a gun on their hip or a rifle in their hands. ;)

Gangs....what gangs?

Yep I was the potato peeler. At least I can sleep with a clear conscience which I wouldn't be able to do if I was a police officer. Like I said, you have to be sick to your core to enjoy ruining lives every day.

Only an anti gun lefty would conflate being heavily armed with being heavily violent. There are many many more places that are far more violent than the U.S. and it's not relevant to how many guns they have or how many gun laws they have. Not surprised that you are anti gun though, cops want a monopoly on lethal force. This is why the founders knew that the only way to maintain freedom was if our populace was armed. As egomaniacal as you are, it's one of the only things keeping you in check.

As far as heavy situations go, I see more gear on swat team guys going to bust a pothead than I ever even had as a Marine and still even more than the Grunts had out on patrol. And while a Marine's back is covered, he's held to a higher standard than American Police in that Marines go to prison when they kill the wrong people. That essentially never happens for Police officers.

I'm neither disillusioned nor "oohrah" about my service. It was just a period of my life. It does not define me like your costume defines you. And I have to disagree with you, the biggest cowards need costumes. That gives them something to hide behind.

A man fighting for what he believes in needs no validation in the form of fancy clothing, ribbons, or medals.