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Anyone else had enough of the way cops are being treated these days


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Which is why I keep the political thread turned off, can't even see. Too many useless idiots over there.
I resemble that remark. Haha
That is also why it needs to be separate. My father taught me one doesn't discuss politics religion or union with others. It just causes conflict. I don't follow his advice even though I'd probably be better off if I did.
I have been taking a dozen donuts up to the local Police Dept station house about every couple of months or so that helped me out a few years back.
I always make it a point to thank them for their service, dedication, & the risking of their lives so that others may live.
I also take a dozen donuts about every couple of months to the local county fire station & make it a point to thank them for their service & dedication.
Think of how easy it really is to brighten the day of Law Enforcement Officers, firemen, & all emergency personnel by simply thanking them for their service.
The local Sheriff's Department Deputies that I ran into at breakfast a while back I had about a dozen .45 auto magazines in my safe not in use so I took
the mags & gave them to the Deputies the next time that I ran into them.
In very critical times like everybody is having now I think that it is very important to let all emergency personnel know that you appreciate what they do for us.
Yeah, I read all of it and made popcorn and kept reading. Fast with Class, yeah right. When I was a kid in Tucson and had lots of run ins with the TPD, yeah they seemed pretty nazi'ish and it was all about breaking kids balls for having fast cars with jacked up rear ends and headlights pointed at the ground. Primarily, it was a revenue thing, to my 17 year old mind.
Let's fast forward about 8 years when I bought my '87 GN. I got pulled over a LOT (whenever they could catch me) and more often then not, I got away with a verbal warning to NEVER do this in city/county/state (Texas) ever again.
Most of the LEO's that I have run across have been professional, mature and because they knew what the car was, forgiving. In my younger days in NJ., when I was obviously on the wrong side of the law, the Trooper politely "schooled" me on what to do if I saw his lights in my rear view. Slow down, pull over, get my drivers license out and have it between my fingers on the roof of the car with the interior lights on with my other hand on the wheel at 12 o'clock. It just diffuses the situation.
Or, as Chris Rock's video says, "How not to get your ass kicked (or worse) by the police.
I know there's bad cops out there. However, I know a whole lot more good ones. My .02 cents.
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Guys, I know I can get a little argumentative (being modest lol) about certain topics but I can wholeheartedly tell you that the vast majority of cops are good people. And yes, there are a few I work with that I don't particularly care for their ways....but it's not because they're assholes when folks call for's cause some of them write too many tickets. It's got nothing to do with generating revenue either, these guys just have a bug up their ass when it comes to writing.

We all have a job to do in life, being a cop is no different but more often than not, it's very thankless and unappreciated...even though we do try to help the best we can.
Guys, I know I can get a little argumentative (being modest lol) about certain topics but I can wholeheartedly tell you that the vast majority of cops are good people. And yes, there are a few I work with that I don't particularly care for their ways....but it's not because they're assholes when folks call for's cause some of them write too many tickets. It's got nothing to do with generating revenue either, these guys just have a bug up their ass when it comes to writing.

We all have a job to do in life, being a cop is no different but more often than not, it's very thankless and unappreciated...even though we do try to help the best we can.
I thank y'all for what you do, and for every time you "step out and approach". I've had the 1st and 3rd most dangerous jobs, and I wouldn't want yours. Thanks for what you do!
Which is why I keep the political thread turned off, can't even see. Too many useless idiots over there.
I requested years ago that I be banned from that forum just to avoid seeing all the jack ass posts.

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