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Anyone else had enough of the way cops are being treated these days


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Mar 28, 2007
In Denver, stolen car full of kids, pose threat, hit 1 officer (broken leg) they shoot and kill the driver and now protests WTF!!!!!!
...and every single one of those protesters will call who when they are in need of help?
1 Deputy got hurt real bad other lost his life in a car chase just last yr .....
We were taught to listen to authority. Nowadays just blame everyone else. I get fired up about this bs. but since I live in Colo. my wife tells me I need to just take a toke and mellow f*** out. But its tough.
as a police officer in the NYPD.. its a disgrace they way we and other law enforcement are treated.. and as an officer I will tell you first hand there are a few bad seeds, but the good guys and women on this job out weigh all of that. the shit we deal with would have people going crazy, not everyone can do this job, but a lot Monday morning quarterback everything we do with out walking a mile in our shoes.
I was taught growing up to respect everyone and especially officers.. the media and the dumb fuck mayor threw all that out of the window we are constantly shitted on. I love my job and what I do and at the end of the day im going to sign out and go home to my family. end rant
People are f'ing pieces of shit. For some reason people think you need to point a gun at a cop to get shot. Anyone who believes anything the liberal media presents is a complete moron because its 99% bullshit. Maybe the little assholes should have had jobs and been at work and their little asshole friend wouldnt have lost his life. The cop as usual was doing his job. 10000 dick beater perps will run from a cop or assault a cop and the media wont do anything. One cop does something that could even be conceived as out of line and its plastered all over the media. Fuck the media. They need to have a new "cops" show that shows people what happens when you are a piece of shit and try and fuck with the police. Tazed and if needed lethal force used. You fuck with the bull and you get the horn.
The assholes that dog the Police are the same assholes that call the Police when Subway messes up their sandwich
You can't fix Stupid.
The cops in the shit neighborhoods should take two weeks off and then see what happens . I was always taught to respect my elders and the police. I know alot of cops and I have the highest respect for them. They are way under payed for what they do.
I would vote for Bison if he ran for President.
I am very tired of the way law enforcement is being treated on a lot of fronts. The majority are good people with a horribly thankless job.

Yes, the media fueled cases such as Ferguson and the like drive me nuts. Constantly wanting to make something a race issue just to get ratings is beyond annoying.

Now with those things said, is there a problem with some people and methods practiced in law enforcement? Absolutely. As mentioned, there are a few bad seeds. That is the case in any line of work. But IMHO, one problem is the lack of appropriate punishment dealt to some of those bad seeds. It leaves a bad taste in the public's mouth to see someone get a lesser sentence for a crime (if they get one at all) just because they have a badge. And let's be honest. This has happened. Much more than it ever should have.
Add into the equation these ridiculous "no knock" warrants where the wrong address is stormed, the situations where a cop overreacts and shoots a guy for reaching into his car to get his paperwork after being instructed to by the officer, family pets being shot and killed, etc., and there begins to be a pissed off public. And rightfully so. Clearly some changes need to be made. Anything from being more careful to make sure you get an address correct before going into a house with guns blazing to better screening of applicants and better training of officers to make sure they are capable of keeping a cool head in a situation. Also, implimenting better tactics of defusing a situation as opposed to d-ck measuring contests from the arrogant "Respect my authorityyy!" bully a-hole that just makes a situation worse. Everybody here has probably dealt with this type. He's the one that stereotypical "bad cops" are based on in many cases.

All of that text to say, in some cases, useful, respectful protesting or other chosen forms of publicly letting the powers that be know changes need to be made, I am ok with. The "hands up, don't shoot" BS protests and the like... Not so much. And sadly, those get the media coverage the most.
Vote republican.
I agree. This is the lesser of the two evils.
The liberal media has been out of hand for a while now and the ratings show it. Fox News does have its share of crap, but they actually make way more sense to the people who seek information. They ask the questions most viewers already have on their minds...And thats why their ratings are so good.
Am I upset. Hell yes. Every one of these recent idiots would be alive if they had done two simple things. RESPECTED AND OBEYED LAWFUL AUTHORITY. Bottom line is: Don't do illegal shit and your chances of getting shot by a cop go way, way down.
Am I upset. Hell yes. Every one of these recent idiots would be alive if they had done two simple things. RESPECTED AND OBEYED LAWFUL AUTHORITY. Bottom line is: Don't do illegal shit and your chances of getting shot by a cop go way, way down.
It's not even about doing illegal shit. Its much more. It's about challenging an individual where you are putting their life at risk. It doesn't take a gun pointed at you to make most feel at risk for your life. If someone ran at me wielding a knife Id very likely shoot them. You can't wait to see if they were serious or not. Same goes for anyone that does the same to an officer. Imo it's like suicide. They aren't shooting to injure you either. You have all these assholes reaching into their pockets when a cop is telling them to get on the ground and put your fucking hands behind your back. It takes tenths of a second once your hand is in your pocket and pull out a gun and get a shot off. There's is no room at all for complacency. That's how good people wind up dead

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Personally I think most cops are overpaid, do nothing and talk down to people too much BUT there are some good cops and these new Media hyped bullshit protests are out of control.

I feel that right is right and wrong is wrong.

These cops did nothing wrong.
They defended themselves.

Here is a police chest cam video that I believe shows what the Brown incident and many others would have shown if the officers had a camera running.

A scumbag being a scumbag and a justified shooting.

I saw an idiot lawyer on tv saying "we need a law that you can't shoot into a moving car" can you see it now "Just keep the car rolling bro" If you want to make someone's day when you see an officer in the store walked up and thank them for the job they do. They will beam. It's a thankless job and they need to hear they have support
Personally I think most cops are overpaid, do nothing and talk down to people too much BUT there are some good cops and these new Media hyped bullshit protests are out of control.

I feel that right is right and wrong is wrong.

These cops did nothing wrong.
They defended themselves.

Here is a police chest cam video that I believe shows what the Brown incident and many others would have shown if the officers had a camera running.

A scumbag being a scumbag and a justified shooting.

I never saw a gun. I saw a sandwich. That's racist.
I just heard about liberals re-coining the term gun control to gun safety.
Just like when global warming didnt work out (Climate Change)
Just like abortion (pro Choice)
And many others.
I just heard about liberals re-coining the term gun control to gun safety.
Just like when global warming didnt work out (Climate Change)
Just like abortion (pro Choice)
And many others.
Gotta spin it to fit their goals. Can't get the sheep to heard right with out the media spinning it into something that fits the agenda.
I had had this decal made and put on a few weeks ago.
I am very pleased to see other people as bothered as I am the way police are portrait nowadays.
I would put all policemen on 1 week of Paid vacation that would fix peoples flawed perception of the Police and the liberals that were left would have a new appreciation for our 2nd Amendment.
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