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anyone using SMC's NEW!!! Boost Variable Speed Controller???


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OK, lets look at the facts.

If you buy an already built Alky system and start to have problems, you will probably post something here.

If you build your own Alky system and start to have problems, you will probably start looking under the hood to see what YOU did wrong and then just fix it.

I guess that might explain why we "see so many problems with the SMC kits", not because they are junk, but because when a problem does arise it gets prime time on this forum. From the sounds of it, it also gets taken care of promptly by Steve C.

Nuff said
If you have a kiln and some old wire coat hangers you could make your own spark plugs cheaper than those expensive part store ones AC makes,it's your money though;)

BTW,I have never seen any transitional knock with the propane,when the boost shoots to 24-25 psi as Razor stated the propane is already "in the mix"doin it's thing.0 knock thru all gears on 94 octane and 24 psi.Not saying it's better, but just wanted to report my findings on this for those interested.I am also thinking about getting the SMC for a backup and to get the experience with alchy.
Originally posted by stevemon
Maybe someone should tell you what "tunability" means then. Why would anyone need to reset the Hobbs switch once you determine the correct turn-on point for your car? I'm beginning to think your grasp of alky fails to meet the mark.

Thanks for the compliment, Steve. It's the nicest thing you've ever said.


I disagree, politely. I drag race, I autocross, I road race, I drive it on the stret, and I use different boost settings AND timing settings (all over the chip, based on Torque needs per RPM) for each. I require a different turn on point for each and different spray volume for each. I also NEED to make these adjustments in the car, while performing the tasks at hand. I have been using alky for 4 years, and just like John, I'm up over 50K miles on mine too - but I dont bash your DIY kits every chance I get. Thats the difference. Lets keep it professional, shall we?
Answers from Steve C at SMC

Hey Guys-
Guess I've been too busy improving the system to check the forum lately......Damn. No reason for anyone to get upset in here....we're all just trying to make our cars faster! I have nothing against anyone building a DIY setup- I just wanted to build a kit with good safety and in-car tunability. There are approx 600 or so SMC kits in use on TR's so far. We have made many upgrades/improvements in the last 5 years. Any problems that have surfaced have been re-engineered. I will try to go over a couple issues to help you get the most from this kit or to deal with any problems.

1. CALL or email me if you ever have any problem! No need to tell the world in a forum if it's a basic tuning or setup issue.

2. The older kits did not have a pressure guage or switch at the tank- the "spray on" lite was activated by pump voltage. (instant on". The newer kits have the pressure switch that actually senses line pressure to turn on the spray on lite. This assures you that when the light is on, you have a minimum 30 psi line pressure.

3: Some of the pressure switches have been problematic- any suspect switches are being replaced at no charge with the new metal bodied switch.

4: The newest pumps will produce up to 100 psi pressure. The "pump speed dial" roughly corresponds to 10 psi per number.
We make no money off of our repairs when a kit is out of warranty, only charge for parts.

5: Older systems (round tank) used an in tank brass filter that can reduce pump pressure after a year or so. (Easy repair) New kits use a strainer screen instead.

6: All newer kits use a pressure guage at the tank. By having a helper press the test button on the controller (engine running) you can easily test the pressure output/condition of your pump. No reason to ever have a bad pump. Simply check it occasionally! Pump life has been good, especially with the newer HD pumps. Anyone w/o a pressure guage can upgrade their kit for $15. This is the best way to keep tabs on the system. You can also test the pump speed controller using the pressure guage.

7: Stevemon is correct in stting that once the turn on and pump speed is dialed in, you don't need to adjust it much- but it sure is convenient to do it from inside the car! (not to mention having low alky warning, spray on lite, armed lite, test button, etc..)

8: As far as I know, the SMC kit is the only one to use all brass fittings and stainless braided lines.......I would not trust any rubber/plastic lines or hose clamps on the pressure side of the pump.

9. Sorry, but NOS nozzles are crap for spraying a liquid. We use an industrial mist nozzle with a much finer spray pattern.

10.The TR's can handle alot of spray (especially straight alky) w/o bogging. The more water in the mix, the less you will be able to spray.

11. The new progressive controller is more suited to smaller turbo cars or SC applications running lower boost. These cars will bog if you spray 'em too fast or too hard. The prog. controller will automatically raise pump speed as the boost pressure increases. TThis can prevent a part throttle bog by injecting less spray at lower boost, but you can still have alot of spray at WOT boost levels. They are fully electronic and use their own internal MAP sensor. You still have the ability to adjust the "MAX pump speed" and also the level at which spray comes on. This controller is a $100 option, not $149 as stated in an earlier post. The only other system in the U.S. that offers a "progressive" feature that I am aware of is a unit from C#$%ll's supercharging that costs $995. And is basically a "black box" that does not offer the above mentioned tunability. Are my prices too high? I think maybe too low!!!

12. Even though this is the same style of pump used in the past on another vendor's "methanol" kit, we do not recommend using methanol. It is very corrosive and will lead to premature failure. Use either denatured alky or el-cheapo rubbing alcohol, and be sure to use the proper lubricant!!!! (KLOTZ UPLON) No more WD-40, Marvel oil, or whatever.

13. The system is designed to allow the average TR to reach 20 psi. Some people report getting as high as 24-25 psi , but this is the exception rather than the norm. I try to be very realistic about gains....if you do better than 20 psi's all good.

14. Most important.....Call us first b4 asking the forum......Most issues can be solved in a couple minutes on the phone or a quick email.

Thanks for your support!
Originally posted by stevemon

Bob, Maybe one in a thousand of our cars has the extrodinary needs yours does so I stand to what I said & say that your information is pretty much irrelevant to the 999 other people reading this forum.

Ok, well there are 600 people who disagree with you, Steve. If you call that irrelevant, than so be it.

Peace, Man. We're all on the same side here. I tried earlier but you still come at me personally. I ask again, lets keep it professional.

Thanks Steve C for the post.

But no one has really answered JSTA6's question. Is anyone using the Variable controller? I plan to run this on a SCed v6 application and I will be running a bit less boost then most of the turbo folks.

Also the in car adjustablility is worth $200 for me. (and I am a cheeep SOB) If I knew of a ton of people running a system like this in my car then I would just ask them for a good base line set up. Then the adjustablility may not be so important to me.
Thanks Urbs.

I started a NEW thread since this one was overrun by haters...

Originally posted by Kevin Turch
Ive had my SMC kit for 2 years and NEVER had a problem with it. ANd Steve is great for support also, sent me a new cap for free!! :)

I will second this thread.. 'cept I haven't used it for two years.. nor.. do I have a Buick..

but I haven't had any problems with it in my Dakota, other than choosing the wrong nozzle size. Should have opted for the 15 instead of 10.. but that's minor and one will be on the way.. probably with a new controller to swap mine to the progressive one to play with.

Nothin' but compliments to say when I have dealt with Steve as well.. both via email, and phone.

Originally posted by TurboBuickSix
If you have a kiln and some old wire coat hangers you could make your own spark plugs cheaper than those expensive part store ones AC makes,it's your money though;)

Hey man, where you been........Hawaii? I bet your takin' all that money you saved by using propane instead of alky and been on vacation for a few months. I read some of those posts you made about running through a lot of propane. AWWW! What happened? Guess that's what happens when you put out information about something you don't know anything about. ;)
OUT OF YOUR HOLE..........

Originally posted by Matt
Why don't the mods do something? You've protected other vendors...

I don't know what he said, but from every other post of his I can assume that it's worthless.

That progressive controller is $149 btw.

Originally posted by Red Regal T
Hey man, where you been........Hawaii? I bet your takin' all that money you saved by using propane instead of alky and been on vacation for a few months. I read some of those posts you made about running through a lot of propane. AWWW! What happened? Guess that's what happens when you put out information about something you don't know anything about. ;)

Aloha,sorry John, but you need to re-read and let(comprehend) the words"tuning" ," experimenting "and other points you missed which clarify why I went through alot.Either you only see what you want, or your spinning.All summer I have not spent but $20.00 on propane @ $5.09 a fill.I hand it to the guy,pay,put it back in the car and your ready in 5 minutes for another 150-200 runs,no mixing anything ever.And without all the transitional knock which you accept as ok on your motor, it may live a bit longer.I have NO regrets with the propane system,it works as advertised and I am very happy with it.Whether or not YOU think I spent too much is irrelevant.I have it to spend and that's my business, so please stop debasing everything you don't use or have not even tried,it makes you look very ignorant.Ok,time for your "",witty comeback, and these :rolleyes: , right?? If you want to continue this discussion, e-mail me off the board.
Re: Re: anyone using SMC's NEW!!! Boost Variable Speed Controller???

Originally posted by Warp6
This is the first I've heard of this controller. Got a link?I still love David Miller!!

i ll send ya a link!

Originally posted by Red Regal T
Hey, hope you continue your vacation and have a nice winter. ;)

It's those winters that put alot of xtra $$ in my pocket,I would'nt have it any other way,BTW,back at ya with the hurricanes, tornadoes, deadly critters,illegals,and that nice salty air.And please,for the second time,if you want to address me personally then e-mail me,then I can tell you exactly where to go, and keep this nonsense off the board at the same time.
Nobody told you to snipe at me for the last 8 or 9 months for no reason as evidenced by the posts right in this thread. I could cut and paste a dozen more from this and other forums. You like to put it out but you don't like to get it back. You haven't posted much lately. We had peace. I didn't seek you out to make wise cracks. If you don't want me to respond, don't take shots at me. Afterall, it's rude not to respond when someone is talking to you.

Thought I'd post a comparison chart to compare features of the SMC to a DIY setup and show those who don't know what our controller does. This is in NO WAY an affront to the DIY kit- I think it's great at what it does!!! Stevemon was instrumental in helping to pull alky injection out f the dumpster it was in 5 years ago. I just wanted to justify the extra cost of the SMC kit- each feature adds to the construction cost.

Adj. pump speed in car yes no
Adj. "Spray On" point in car yes no
Low Alky warning lite yes no
Line pressure based Spray On lite yes no
Armed lite yes no
Test Switch yes no
On-off switch yes no
Pressure guage yes no
line pressure switch yes no
braided steel lines yes no
All brass fittings yes no
Weatherpack connectors yes no
"Progressive" Option yes no
Originally posted by Kevin Turch
Not to stop dave from venting or anything :), but did u get ur tshirt?


I'm all set Turch,I'm very happy with it and I am going to drop CF's off tonight,thanks again.
Last post..

Originally posted by Red Regal T
Nobody told you to snipe at me for the last 8 or 9 months for no reason as evidenced by the posts right in this thread. I could cut and paste a dozen more from this and other forums. You like to put it out but you don't like to get it back. You haven't posted much lately. We had peace. I didn't seek you out to make wise cracks. If you don't want me to respond, don't take shots at me. Afterall, it's rude not to respond when someone is talking to you.

I was'nt talking to you,but I realize your reading comprehension is rusty.

The reasons are clear,I'm not the only one who you have pi$$ed off with your "advice". You are like a telemarketer with an attitude,give it a rest.If you keep offending, I might defend.You did the exact same thing here that you did in my propane posts and other folks posts on different things,mocking peoples choices and methods then imposing your own opinions.If you don't have something positive to add (this does not include your personal opinion)then don't post,maybe that's why I don't post so often.If you present your opinion in a different manner, maybe you would not get this type of feedback.If someone wants to buy your stuff or take your advice fine,but to demean someone and push your opinion on them gets a little old after a while.I have said mine on this,I would have preffered we have this discussion privately, but you did'nt want to go that route.Say what you want and copy and paste the entire archives,it's not worth anymore of my time.Peace