So here is what I think about the ISAC after ive had it installed for a couple weeks now.
The Good:
-Control: I am 99% sure there is NO other controller out there capable of what this one is ( for list of functions). I mean you can control how the meth/alky is injected from RPM, boost, throttle position, to AFR. Also unlike other controllers its not static. There are sliders in the built in software to adjust using just a simple USB cable to your laptop. No drivers needed to install. Plug and play.
- Install: Install of this kit is no harder than any other standard meth/alky kit. However I want to list this as good because the guys (Eric, Billy, Jay, and Randy) over at Big Wood Racing did an awsome job on the install. It only took about 5 hours (a little under) and is really professional looking. All the wires are hidden and wrapped; Nothing was done sloppily.
- Price: I am a FIRM believer in you get what you pay for in this situation. For the safety and performance you get from this kit is deffinatley worth the 700 something (cant remember exact price) for all the parts you need. And in my case that includes a tach adapter which added to the normal price. For that amount you get BWRs ISAC controller, tank, pump, lines, silenoid, and nozzles.
- Safety: The second best part of this kit is the built in safety features. This really ties into you get what you pay for deal. First off there is the traditional low level sensor that will turn on a light on the ISAC controller itself. But where it gets interesting is is can retard your timing (even boost if you are running turbo or some sort of electronic boost controller) to reduce risk of damage if you happen to run out of meth or for whatever reason it stops pumping.
- Performance: I can also tell you it was worth the money for my setup being as the Eaton powered 99-04 V6 has no way of being intercooled. After installing this kit it raised my HP by 22HP and 12TQ with only an increase of 3* timing and 2LBS boost. Even more impressive is my super flat TQ and HP lines. Most importantly though, I now have room to grow until my internals give out.