
spining 6

got a job
May 28, 2001
a detailed picture of drivers throttle linkage? sounds stupid but this 43 year old mind forgot how the return spring goes back in place. would to button this project up.:confused: :confused:
Return spring?

Spinning 6, watch out for that reply!!!
At his age, he's lucky to remember who he is, much less where the "return spring goes" !!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Re: Return spring?

Originally posted by Chuck Leeper
Spinning 6, watch out for that reply!!!
At his age, he's lucky to remember who he is, much less where the "return spring goes" !!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

That's why I took a picture goat breath....:)

And Chuck, here are some pointers for when you get to civilized Bowling Green......

It's female HUMANS your supposed to chase

Even though they're uncomfortable for you, it's easier to bite apples with your teeth IN...not on the table

Don't pick your nose while eating finger food

Put your diaper on BEFORE you put your pants on

The hotel doesn't allow you to bring the rocks you crawl under...they'll have a chair in the room for that purpose

Possum tails are NOT currency in Bowling Green


These are just a few things for you to go take your meds. :D
What?You mean to tell me that chewy golden nose nuggets aren't considered a finger food?Dang.:D We're beat,Chuck.:eek:

Radius, i just consider it a feat of immense effort for "that other person" to respond w/ anything more than a "uh huh"!:D

It's amazing. He even makes believe he knows what boogers, possums and rocks are.. oh well.
As for the human "girls" he's speaking of... well they are actually the "bovine beauties" that congregate at the fence when they hear he's coming back for another week of "dates".
last yr, after the Nats were over, he claimed to have all but 1 of the 10 of his "dates" stump broke!!:D :D :D He mumbled something bout not spending as much time w/ that 1 cause he said she always had a "snotty nose"!!

There is hope for us, yet!! Hang in there Radius and maybe he'll come around to our way of living!!:eek: :eek:
Yup,there's a veritable cornucopia of worldly delights out there.If only some could see.:D See ya at B.G.?
thanks guys

thanks chris just to add to a great day my e-mail is downbut I did talk to jay jackson and he talked me through it .also thanks for the humor it helped:D
Hi Marc,

Don't worry, you're not the only one to have troubles! Should have seen me on my first TB reassembly! ;)

Here goes: The "hooked" end goes towards the TB, over the shaft extrusion and the hook loops from behind on the TB body side of the idle screw. Then, you install the plastic bushing. Then hold the linkage arm upside down so that it catches the other end of the spring and gently twist it around (you have to clear the cast-in TB protrusions, and that's the hard part) till it is able to start slipping onto the throttle shaft. This may take a few tries! Then you can slide it the rest of the way on, and put on your locking washer and nut! Any questions, call me and I'll try to walk you through it. My number is on the instructions I sent. Good Luck!
It came off so easy. I think I waited to long to put it back on. I'll give it another try tomorrow night. Thanks Jay.