We have been a supporting sponsor of this site for years and we must agree that we are not getting rich in this business. As a sponsor we offer many discounts to the members of this site in order to help save them some money for supporting us and this site. We have noticed a decline in sales from here and even tech related questions from here. I too would like to see the members use the sponsors more (whom have a reputable reputation with the members) . We actually have gone out of our way to do very valuable tech threads in order to help the members with their projects which actually takes A LOT of time to accomplish. In the end we just want to see the members happy with their projects and the choices they made. I get phone calls all the time with people complimenting us on our tech threads here on how helpful and detailed they are. Some vendors out there are in this just for the quick buck and don't bother wasting their time doing helpful things like tech article's, some have never installed what they sell so they have No Clue on giving tech advise so please choose wisely when making your purchase and choose a Good Vendor here who has a Good reputation and goes out of their way to help you guy's! There are Plenty of fantastic supporting vendors on this site who are there for you guy's and that go above and beyond.
Thank you for your support.
Scot W.
GNS Performance
Proud supporter of this site.