Gentlemen and Nick,
It’s always been my belief that a “forum” is a place where people can gather to share a common interest, a likeness, so-to-speak to learn, share and exchange ideas, information and knowledge in hopes to gain new/different perspectives…..whether good or bad, (now here’s the important part) as long as the information is both factual and relevant to the topic of discussion.
I don’t take sides and I don’t believe in identity politics, very simply, I let the facts speak for themselves. I’m sure there are many people out there whom agree with me and I’m sure there are people who disagree with me, or, if nothing else….that I’m over reacting…. And that’s fine…. Like I stated in the beginning, I’m a transparent person. I’ve given you (the reader) the facts, now you draw your own conclusion.
I’m finished with the thread. I appreciate ALL whom have contributed and to those that haven’t, I appreciate you reading, but most important, I hope you’ve all learned something.....good or bad.