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chris kirk

Active Member
Jun 1, 2013

What’s up…. How are you…. I’m still waiting…… I guess you forget how to use email…. Well, if so, you’re in luck, I figure this time I’ll make it easy for you and post it here since you never seem to forget how to find this site! And, I don’t want to hear your shit about not affording you the opportunity to address this issue privately…. because I have, and on more than several occasions.

So, now’s your opportunity to man-up and stop being a scumbag piece-a-shit, which clearly you are, if you weren’t then you would’ve replied to my emails and avoided all this, but you weren’t man enough to do so. Sad…. Just so there’s no misunderstanding, I’ll ask you the same
question/questions here that I asked you in my emails. For example, this one and it’s a really simple question, too:

“What parts did you use in my build and/or where did you buy them?”

Not so tough, huh….. Actually, that’s a ridiculously easy question for you to answer! And here’s why…..because YOU BUILT THE MOTOR! But, you continue to obfuscate and give me vague and ambiguous bullshit answers like:

“Our stroker forged cranks come from China, and are made and machined to our specs.”

“Like I stated, we have used Molner rod for years, and he does not label them either.”

“Either Cris have mistaken or mixed up the pistons, as we have never ordered JE pistons in the 20 years of building engines.”

Explain something to me because I just don’t get it. You said you used Molnar rods, correct? So why not purchase them from Molnar? The cost is $604. You charged me $525. Did you ask me? Did you give me the option to choose? Did you think the $79 was gonna break me? The answer is no to all three questions. So, let me get this straight, just so I understand you….you use Molnar rods from a guy who doesn’t label them…… Yeah….and I’m 10 feet tall with a 3 foot cock! How convenient! If that’s not shady, I don’t know what is. Nick, I was born at night, but I wasn’t born last night! What’s even more pathetic about your statement is, you didn’t even spell Molnar correctly….

Like I said in my email, who is “our, we, he, and Cris” in those statements? That’s a pretty easy question to answer.

Now, since you didn’t reply to my email, I posted a thread on this site for some help identifying the parts. I know you read it, I also, noticed you didn’t reply to it. Ask yourself a simple question and this goes for anybody out there. What type of person DOESN’T answer/comment on a thread when they know it’s about a motor they built, parts they used, and services they provided? Who does that? A piece a shit, that’s who! And, the worst part about it is, you’re a vendor here…. and a “Staff member”. Now, I’m not sure what being a Staff member means, but it sounds important.
So why didn’t you reply to my thread “Little help”? What are you afraid of? That’s a real ballbag move.…. Don’t stand behind your work, huh! Even worse, you PM me some bullshit under the guise of Boost231….aka Brent….aka Nick Micale, instead of just stepping to me like a man.

Well, here’s your chance to redeem yourself (not that I expect you too) by addressing the issues about the motor YOU built and the parts YOU used:

1. The name of the rotating assembly parts and/or WHERE you purchased them.

2. The broken lifter of which you’re “passing onto the vendor”. Is the vendor paying for the motor’s rotating assembly R&R?

3. The pistons (how I ended up with stock CR JE pistons instead of Ross pistons) Now I have 6 3.9 ash trays that cost me $1029 and I don’t even smoke.

4. Why you used a cam that was too small for a 76mm turbo.

5. Why the heads weren’t ported. (cleaning up the edge of the exhaust ports is not porting the heads) You said you ported them.

Nick, do you even know anything about the motors you build? Do you? Do you care? Or, are you just concerned with how much money you can scam people out of. You told me you were an “expert’ ‘a guru” on these cars, in fact, you gave me your soliloquy on more than one occasion. So, ask yourself, is this the work of an expert? I think we both know the answer to that question.

Like I stated in the thread, I’m giving these parts to a good friend and would like to tell him what parts they are so he knows what to expect. See, I believe in transparency, so when I give my word to someone…..then it’s the truth and I stand behind that no matter what. I’m pretty sure a lotta people out there probably think I’m an asshole and I’m okay with that, for even I think I’m an asshole, but you know one thing people will NEVER call/say about me, is that I’m dishonest and talk shit.

Sadly, your surrogates/friends will attack me and make ridiculous comments like “there’s no way that broken lifter came from… ‘why do you care what parts… ‘as long as they work…’ ‘why does it matter…’ ‘Nick built me a motor and it was great…’”

To all those who’ve had, Nick, build you motors or worked on your cars, keep one thing in mind, don’t think for a second that he didn’t do the same thing to you that he did to me. You just don’t know it yet.

Anybody even thinking about having this guy do any work on your car is outa their mind…..batshit crazy outa their mind….

Thank you all for reading. And thanks to those whom replied to my thread. Appreciate the help.
When I had my engine done thru Az gn
Years ago ... the build was actually done at Zimmerman racing engines. That’s where I dropped it off and picked it up. I paid Nick.

If this is still the case,

To get specifics on the build , try Zimmerman.

Hope this helps
I love these Nick threads,going for popcorn[emoji897]

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A. Boost231 is not an alternative person to Nick. Brent is a very real and customer of Nick's and has both his successes and issues with Nick. Put that accusation to bed.

B. Nick doesn't assemble his engines, Zimmerman Racing Engines does. He has no DIRECT control over the machining and what parts are installed, he has to trust his machinist/assembler.

C. Nick is in ill health right now, really, really ill health. That's no excuse for your dissatisfaction and or complaints, but have you ever met the guy face-to-face? Talked to him face-to-face?

I'm only asking because I've known him for several years, seen him muther-f'ed here before, and most times seen him make it right, unless he was dealing with someone with unrealistic expectations and, in most instances, both parties came to an agreeable and common goal resolution.

I'm just saying, give him a chance to address your issues.

Nick has helped me on several occasions, as I have helped him on occasions. We have a healthy working relationship, that's all I can add.
I'm not nick micale Wth

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I'm not nick micale Wth

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

Come on now Brent, we all know Nick "actually" lives in California and occasionally drives an absolutely beautiful Black on Silver on Black Turbo Regal!!!! :cool: Just like you!
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Moved to the correct forum. I do not understand why it is so hard to put a thread in the correct forum.
B. "Nick doesn't assemble his engines, Zimmerman Racing Engines does. He has no DIRECT control over the machining and what parts are installed, he has to trust his machinist/assembler."

Please, if you would, TurboTGuy, explain in detail what role Nick plays in the engine building process.

C. "Nick is in ill health right now, really, really ill health. That's no excuse for your dissatisfaction and or complaints, but have you ever met the guy face-to-face? Talked to him face-to-face?"

I have never met him and after this experience I'm not so sure I ever really care to.

"I'm just saying, give him a chance to address your issues."

In your opinion, TurboTGuy, what is a reasonable "chance"? A week, a month, three months...a year...


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Wow, how did you find that? I had a brand new set of Morel lifters and one of lifters were missing a bunch of needle bearings. I just happened to spin the roller on the defective one and the roller bounced up in body. This was just as they were going in. I was very lucky it wasn't installed. That would have been a mess. Brand new box with a tag that said inspected by (name) too. There's no excuse for yours to have been installed looking like that. Where they lubed before installed?
B. "Nick doesn't assemble his engines, Zimmerman Racing Engines does. He has no DIRECT control over the machining and what parts are installed, he has to trust his machinist/assembler."

Please, if you would, TurboTGuy, explain in detail what role Nick plays in the engine building process.

I am not privy to his build process. Contact Zimmerman Racing Engines as has twice been suggested here.

C. "Nick is in ill health right now, really, really ill health. That's no excuse for your dissatisfaction and or complaints, but have you ever met the guy face-to-face? Talked to him face-to-face?"

I have never met him and after this experience I'm not so sure I ever really care to.

That's your decision to make. I was just asking.

"I'm just saying, give him a chance to address your issues."

In your opinion, TurboTGuy, what is a reasonable "chance"? A week, a month, three months...a year...

"Reasonable" is a subjective term. Ask Nick. I haven't once said your issues are without merit. I'd be pissed off, too. Your bone of contention is not with me, remember?....
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I really hate reading all this , for Chris and for Nick . He has always been known as " One of the best TR Guys " , but I would be mighty upset if I was Chris . I truly hope this gets worked out for both parties . at the end of the day we are all in this " Turbo Regal " world together . Keith

Turbo TGuy, I had an interesting conversation today with Zimmerman Racing Engines. It was exactly as I thought, hence the reluctance to waste my time (and theirs) in the past.

You see this statement here, your statement. You see it, right……

“Nick doesn’t assemble his engines, Zimmerman Racing Engines does. He has no Direct control over the machining and what parts are installed, he has to trust his machinist/assembler.”

****** Edited, per OP request.

Now, to all the other readers who have some sense in their head, I appreciate patience.

The only role/roles Nick Micale plays with his build….the people HE contracts with to build a motor for is… and this comes DIRCTLY from Zimmerman Racing on August 6, 2018 @1:04 pm ET:

1.Supplies the parts
2.Tells the machinist what’s to be done


Those two things are Nick’s only role/responsibility in the “engine building process’.

Zimmerman Racing, also told me that Nick usually uses JE piston unless he wants something “custom” hence the reason I got stock compression JE pistons when I told him I wanted 9.5 compression.

Nick Micale: Ahhh, I’ll just throw a set of stock compression JE pistons in there….he’ll never know the difference…..fuck him anyway…..more money I can stuff in my pockets…..

Sadly, the same went for my heads, too.

The cranks are from china and the rods he wasn’t sure of. Said he’s seen no-names, sometimes Molnar and sometimes Skat.

I’m guessing here, but if I had to say, I think Nick the scumbag used the kit from GN1. I called them a couple of weeks ago and asked them about getting a set of JE piston for the TA block and they said it was just an additional $100. I think the reason scumbag doesn’t want to tell me is, he over charged me about $400 what the kit actually cost. Typical shyster piece a shit. I could be wrong, but from what GN1 told me, I think that’s where it came from. And I’m okay with there crank and rods. Didn’t/don’t want stock compression pistons. But live and learn……

Now I’m stuck with a set of 3.9 JE pistons that cost me $1029.

As far as the broken lifter goes, they (Zimmerman) said it didn’t/doesn’t surprise them at all. Said they’ve seem several different types of failures with the TA/Morel lifter. They didn’t say anything about older style or new/newer style. That was all they said. Sorry I can’t be more specific about that. Said they would reimburse me the cost of the lifter, but that was it. Said I’d have to work the rest out with Nick. I told them I'd have a better chance of seeing god then that happening…..

What’s funny about it is (but sucks because it’s at my expense) Zimmerman Racing made it very, VERY clear that Nick Micale is in NO way affiliated with them. Said they just provide him a service like they would to/for any other customer. They said, and I quote. “If Nick doesn’t tell us to port the heads then we don’t port the heads. Whatever parts Nick brings us then that’s what we assemble the motor with.”

To any new readers out there. Do some research….ask questions. Lot of smart people on this board. Many a proven vendors here like: Chris Hogeland and Bison, Richard Clarke, Weber, Cottton, RPE, Duttweiler, Dale Cherry, Zimmerman Racing.

Cotton performance did one of the most (if not the most beautiful) motors out there; NY TWIN TURBO.

My personal choice is Chris Hogeland and Dale Cherry. However, everyone of these guys is great. Have the utmost respect for all of them….their knowledge, craft, willingness to help others…. Wouldn’t hesitate to for a second to use any one of them.

Thank you all for reading, and especially those for your comments. I hope you all learned something or at least had fun reading. I appreciate your time.

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