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Bamford Boxing (The Truth)


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Nov 4, 2005
After all of the different versions of this I have to laugh. First I want to say that I will not go to the toilet and post this. Ya’ll want to know about it then come here and read it. Second I would like to mention that the following are F.O.S. and the winners of this award are the cowardly Bamford brothers, Mike Licht (Who was not there until AFTER the fight started. I am surprised you still show your face at Buick events.), Ed Baker (Locked down the track and I left a few seconds before?), Buickenforcer (Who knows, who cares?) Lonnie Diers (How do you know what I went there for?) and last but not least Steve Wood (Complete moron, stick to goat farming and your virtual world as your sources are full of the same thing you are.), ya'll are worse than teenage girls with your rumor mill. I am not a felon and never have been. If the police really told you that I had outstanding warrants Dave then they must have told you where. That is the first lie. Me sucker punching your brother is also a lie, I did hit him AFTER he put me in a choke hold from behind. Putting me on the ground is yet another lie, although ya’ll did have me pretty well wrapped a few seconds after I smacked him (kudos). I didn’t roll around on Ted’s car. That would be the two of you trying to pin me down, again more lies and at no point had I been drinking anything but Crystal Light. So not only are you a coward but also a liar in the first order.

I would also like to point out that Cal Hartline had nothing to do with this nor did Ron Joseph. Neither of them knew that I was walking over to confront Dave about his actions. Just as with the supposed “eye witnesses” those that are dragging Cal, Ron and the GSCA people into this are agenda driven and this is nothing more than another cheap shot at them. Take a look for yourself, it is always the same crew from where. As for the GSCA, If they choose to let me go over this then I will quietly step away but folks have doing nothing but calling in support. The bottom line is that other folks are starting to show their true colors and using this to take cheap shots at those that don't deserve it via where - the internet.

Here is what happened – I was looking for Bamford on Saturday afternoon to confront him about his internet bs. Someone made mention that he may call the cops because he is that type of coward. I said that was fine I would leave or if needed I had brought bail money if they locked me up over confronting the coward. So it is true that I was looking for him but no one there can say they heard me say I would do this, that or the other to him. I figured whatever happened happened and it did. When we had a meeting on Sunday over some other issues I asked Ted A. where Dave was and he mentioned that he would be there. I stated that was good.

Fast forward an hour or so….

I was told Dave was at Ted’s trailer so I went over and asked him if he was Bamford and he kind of stammers and stutters at first. Then two guys come out of the trailer and suddenly he blows up and starts yelling. I told him that he was welcome to step over to the side and we could handle this however he wanted and he could tell me just how he fealt now that we were face to face (MY EXACT WORDS). I took my glasses off and set them on Ted’s car. At that point a guy grabs me (Dave’s brother I am told.) from behind in a choke hold to which I smack him. He then starts yelling for Dave to hit me and grab me. Dave takes a swing to which I moved with his brother still holding me in a choke hold from behind. Dave ends up grabbing my right arm to keep me from hitting his brother again and yelling for someone to call 911. I saw Ted A. in the mix but don’t really know what he was doing as I was trying to get the two clowns off of me. I would like to make this crystal clear, I only hit his brother AFTER he jumped me from behind. At no point was I on the ground or rolling around as stated nor was I drinking or had anything to drink other than Orange Juice and Crystal Light. I did slam the two of them around in an attempt to free myself at which point someone intervened and asked if they would turn loose if I would leave it be. I said “sure” as it was apparent that I wasn’t going to be able to do much with them both on me. When I got loose I turned to get my sunglasses and they were gone at which time Dave and his cowardly brother start yelling once again. I offered a one on one rematch at which they continued cursing and yelling, Dave's brother standing there with something in his hand and Dave standing behind him still yelling for the police. His brother is yelling something about make sure I put on the internet how I just got my a** kicked. (Thats funny I am still just as handsome as before, not a mark. How the eye coward?). I laughed and walked away. As I am walking towards my truck I get stopped by someone who says he is Bill Wills and is putting this event on. About the same time a track official pulled up on a golf cart. They tell me that they are hearing that I got jumped from behind. I said yes but it was no big deal as I went over there and confronted them so I offered to leave. Bill Wills asked me to write down my name and address in case anything came out of this so I did. I then went on to my truck and sat there swinging my feet and cooling off. The police came and I saw Mr. Wills point me out and then direct them over to the Bamford brothers. After an hour of hanging around AT MY TRUCK I fealt myself getting mad all over again so I left. I figured it this way, they had my name, address and phone number. I didn’t narrowly escape. They had my phone number and all they had to do was call and I would have turned around. I wasn’t going to press charges as it is a cowardly thing to do. I didn’t have anything else to say about it. I felt the two of them showed their true colors just as Dave has done here on the internet.

I would also like to point out that the only witnesses present with this actually kicked off were Tony Gomes, Otto, Jason White’s brother and Ted A. Everyone else is F.O.S and came in after the fight started including Mike Licht. I saw what Dave is made of and to be honest he is a liar and a coward. I didn't run away or sneak off, the gates weren't locked while they looked for me, I wasn't drunk, I only smacked Dave's brother after he jumped me from behind and I would do it again, I didn't roll around on the ground or pound on Ted's car (That would be the dusche bag twins.) and I am not a felon or have outstanding charges. I don’t apologize for my actions and I don’t make any excuses. I am a man of my word, unlike most. I am rough but I am honest and I am fair. I would like for one person to point out where I screwed them or lied to them.

The bottom line is that Dave has shown his true colors by both he and his brother jumping on me. I must point out that even when Dave's brother jumped me from behind Dave wouldn't do a thing until his brother began yelling at him to hit me until I punched him then he changed that to "grab him". Jason’s brother put it to me about the two of them jumping on me in some very funny words – “That was a b*tch move”. I couldn’t agree more. Press charges, I will do the same and those present already offered to tell the truth about what happened. That tells me volumes about my character vs. Dave Bamfords. We can let the judge sort it out. I could care less. It isn’t going to change my actions or yours. At least I am truthful.Those that know me and have dealt with me know what kind of person I am. That is it in a nutshell so draw what you want from it. Last but not least I have a peace of advice for Dave and that whole crew (You know who you are.) - Treat people the same over the internet, phone, letters, email; etc. just as you would in person and you will be treated with respect. Do not and one day someone may just see you in person and ask you to repeat it even if there are two of you. :wink:

Jim C.

PS – I appreciate all of the calls and emails of support and sorry I had to meet some of you through something like this. Life's an adventure. :biggrin:
As long as this thread stays CIVIL and people that were not there go to jumping in I will leave this open!


Also please do not turn this into a board vs board thing. TurboBuick has nothing to do with this and does not want to be involved. I truly think the best thing I can do is close it but, I will leave it open for those to post that have been mentioned or there only!!!!!!

All mods and admin please watch this thread and close it immediately if anyone goes off, ANYONE!
As long as this thread stays CIVIL and people that were not there go to jumping in I will leave this open!


Also please do not turn this into a board vs board thing. TurboBuick has nothing to do with this and does not want to be involved. I truly think the best thing I can do is close it but, I will leave it open for those to post that have been mentioned or there only!!!!!!

All mods and admin please watch this thread and close it immediately if anyone goes off, ANYONE!

I will behave as I am done posting anything else about it. I appreciate the chance to post my side of it Shane.

Jim C.
I truly think the best thing I can do is close it but, I will leave it open for those to post that have been mentioned or there only!!!!!!

Jim, I have to give you one thing, you got balls of steel walking in there like that. That being said when you walked into the pit you walked within 2 feet of me, I was at the back of the car. I walked into the trailer told Ted you were there and walked out across the way and watched, so think what you want about what I saw. Opinions are different on what happened, even from guys who were 5 to 10 feet away, and there was more folks around than you listed. Something was bound to happen between you and Dave, anyone could see that coming, it is just sad that Teds car got involved and I know you said "lets go over there" I heard that when I was in the trailer too. I got no beef with you so leave me out.
Mike Licht
Mike, you heard me say "let's go over there" to who? THAT is a lie. I don't ask anyone for backup as I feel that if I have an issue then I should deal with it. Like I said before you were NOT standing there when it started. I remember walking by the JCC crew and you were standing there with them. Mind your business and I will do the same. I don't lie or mince words, never have never will. I would have walked in there if there had been 20 of em. He should have been man enough to deal with me instead of having his cowardly brother grab me from behind PERIOD. When I ask someone to leave me alone, that is what I mean. Do you think that just because someone is harassing another from behind a keyboard that it makes it any different than doing so in person? THAT is why I didn't just walk off. He loves to pull this stuff via the net but doesn't have the balls to do it in person. If nothing else people will see it for what it is. Those that are too dumb to see that there is no hope for. People are accountable for their words, one cannot pass that off as internet comedy just because it suits them. One cannot have their cake and eat it too. The point to all of this is that if you run your mouth long enough and harass enough people that someone may call you on it one day............................

Jim C.

PS - My only regret in this is that Ted' car got damaged. We have spoken about it. THAT is my only regret.
Now I am getting silly text messages with no return address. Gee, wonder who that could be?????????????? I will just call my provider and have them trace the source. Simple enough.

Jim C.
Jim,I believe what Mike's meant about "Lets go over there"
was He was making the point that you wanted to take it away
from the area in which Ted's car was in.
Otto is exactly right, you were talking about moving in front of the car in that open area and said somthing like (do not remember the exact words) "lets go one on one over there". You are dead wrong about where I was, but we will have to disagree about that one. I was right there and then across the way. Either way, I said my peace I am done here.

When I made mention to go over by the fence and go one on one was after the first round. Get it now? Either way I don't like you Mike as I read your version which is blatenly wrong. Leave me be and I will do like wise.

Jim C.
Otto is exactly right, you were talking about moving in front of the car in that open area and said somthing like (do not remember the exact words) "lets go one on one over there". You are dead wrong about where I was, but we will have to disagree about that one. I was right there and then across the way. Either way, I said my peace I am done here.



When you posted your eyewitness account in another thread you seem to have left out the part where Jim got jumped from behind by Dave's brother. In fact you kinda said the opposite and when I asked you about it in that thread you never responded. It is almost like you have some kind of ulterior motive in your posts... What gives?:confused:

I said I was done but let me clarify this for the last time. I did not see him "jump" Jim. I did see Jim hit Mick and then Jim got taken down. If someone else saw it different they have their opinion. I have no other motive, I am not trying to make Dave look good here or trying to protect him if that is what you are trying to say so lets not make this into something it is not. Dave is going to have to take some responsibility here too for letting this happen in Teds pit, there was no excuse for that from anyone. He also pushed this situation with his online commentary. Given Dave's history he has lots of people that hate him and would like nothing better than for him to be the bad guy here but in this case the trouble came walking to Dave and Jim verbally made his intention very well known on what he was planning to do. Frankly I am suprised it took this long for something to happen given the history. Jim did what he thought he had to do, I have no problem with that, if they want to beat the crap out of each other thats fine with me I am not involved. The only problem I had is the place Jim picked for this confrontation, Teds pit, he spoke to Ted, apologized for doing it there, and offered to pay for the repair to Teds car. Pretty stand up thing to do in my book. I have no problem what so ever with Jim, I do not even know the man. He said he does not like me, he does not know me either but I guess I can live with his opinion. Like Mr. Carswell said I am going to stay out of his business and he is going to stay out of mine. End of story.
I said I was done but let me clarify this for the last time. I did not see him "jump" Jim. I did see Jim hit Mick and then Jim got taken down. If someone else saw it different they have their opinion. I have no other motive, I am not trying to make Dave look good here or trying to protect him if that is what you are trying to say so lets not make this into something it is not. Dave is going to have to take some responsibility here too for letting this happen in Teds pit, there was no excuse for that from anyone. He also pushed this situation with his online commentary. Given Dave's history he has lots of people that hate him and would like nothing better than for him to be the bad guy here but in this case the trouble came walking to Dave and Jim verbally made his intention very well known on what he was planning to do. Frankly I am suprised it took this long for something to happen given the history. Jim did what he thought he had to do, I have no problem with that, if they want to beat the crap out of each other thats fine with me I am not involved. The only problem I had is the place Jim picked for this confrontation, Teds pit, he spoke to Ted, apologized for doing it there, and offered to pay for the repair to Teds car. Pretty stand up thing to do in my book. I have no problem what so ever with Jim, I do not even know the man. He said he does not like me, he does not know me either but I guess I can live with his opinion. Like Mr. Carswell said I am going to stay out of his business and he is going to stay out of mine. End of story.

Well thanks for clearing that up.:rolleyes: From this post Norwalk updates??? - Page 2 -

it seems that you saw everything from start to finish. So what happened right before Mick got hit.... was he ever behind Jim? Was he standing right in front of Jim when he got hit? Something just doesn't smell right. It just seems funny that so many other people have reported Mick jumping on his back before he got hit I am just curious how you missed it.

Jim - are you sure someone was on your back? Maybe it was the wind and you just thought it was a large person. :tongue:

Only reason I asked about the ulterior motive is just that you are such a big supporter of Dave and Ted's and just wondering if maybe you were having selected seeing like my wife says I have selected hearing. :D

Jim, I got no beef with you so leave me out.
Mike Licht
Mike I have 2 questions.

#1 if you want to be left out of this, why in the heck would you even post ANYTHING about the situation?

#2 it sounds like to me and several other people if you have any chance to ride the coat tail of a fast car (as in Ted), you will do it in hopes for a business advantage. what are you going to do when your new found friends do what they did to Jack, Cal, Jason Cramer, or F.A.S.T.?

This is starting to get ugly.
Please let's try and keep it clean.
We don't need a second show of the BFC (Buick Fighting Championship)
Lonnie Diers (How do you know what I went there for?)

First let me say I was not there nor did not see anything so I have no facts to share. I also have heard many versions of the incident and I know the version that I believe.

With all the crap that went down on the net I find it hard to believe that anyone could see it any other way. You said what you were going to do and you did it. Its in print. I am not sure how you dont see it as looking for trouble.

Direct answer to your question: I honestly dont know what you were thinking. I can only aSSume you were going to make good on your threat to kick someones a$$. You had to know that nothing good was going to come out of a meeting. There for I came to the conclusion that you were looking for trouble. I made the statement as if it were fact and it should have been stated as an opinion. My apology for the statement of fact. However I do believe I am entitled to my opinion without the fear that some internet bully or the Gestapo is going to come down at the next race and kick my A$$ based on the fact they do not like my opinion. Freedom of speech is a liberty that I do not take lightly.
I guess nobody saw my post:frown:

Closed! If ANY of the parties involved would like to have this opened back up PM me.....

Sorry guys, but this isn't happening here:)
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