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Batman Dark Knight


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Dec 6, 2005
Did you guys see the new Batman Dark Knight Movie?

Oh My God, what a Freakin Great Movie!!

All, I have to say is, the movie on the Big Screen really does it Justice. The Joker, was so dam insane, and evil. Captivating character. And the Batman Bike! That Batbike Sounded Like a Turbobuick Spooling Up!!! Sounded like a Turbocharger was on it.

All I can say was "Wow!" during that movie. The movie from beginning to end is awesome.
Went and saw it at a drive in theater. Gonna have to go back and see it again this weekend at a real theater
I am hoping I can see it this weekend. Here seems like the only time it is not sold out is when I am at work
It is badass. The "other" bad guy was amazing too. I can't believe they were able to keep it under wraps. How did they do his makeup? It's unbelievable.
Went and saw it this past weekend, it was very good, not for kids though. I picked up "Batman Begins" for $7.50 at Target, it is the prequel to "Dark Knight". It is also a very good movie.
Awesome movie. Would have been nice if Bruce Wayne went for a cruise in a GNX instead of the Lambo ;)
How does it rate against the other comic movies. X-Men, Iron MAn, Spiderman, etc...

I am going to try and see it this weekend.
I liked it better.

All the other ones are more kid friendly.

While The Dark Knight is PG-13, it's real close to being R. A lot darker and creepier. But also much better.
We went to see it last night before a charity event. We had to leave before it ended to make it to the event on time. Pissed I didnt get to see the end.
We went to see it last night before a charity event. We had to leave before it ended to make it to the event on time. Pissed I didnt get to see the end.

Everyone dies in the end. Now you know. :tongue:
i really liked the movie. I think everyone should go see it.
Growing up I was a Marvel/Spiderman fan. Wasn't real big on the DC/Batman comics or movies...especially the Clooney ones.

I have to say that Batman Begins is one of the best superhero movies ever. I am looking forward to the Dark Knight. :cool:
good thing about this movie is it has just enough girley stuff for the ladies and enough action for the guys