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Best Alky Kit for $ and Street Use?


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New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Like the title says, I've been looking into alcohol injections kits for my car (87 GN). i'm very excited about these kits because my car is 90% street, 10% track car and it would be awesome to run #20 boost on the street with no worries of detonation.

So which kit? Theres ones by SMC, Jay Carter, MaxEffort, etc. I am looking for a kit that is in a budget price range but can perform well (who isn't right? :p )

By the way, just out of curiosity, say you were running a Thrasher 92 chip and an SMC or nice brang alky kit. What kind of numbers, for boost, are safe for street use?

Sorry for the long post and I bet you guys get this question all the time, if its necessary just give me a link to an old thread!

I dont run it, but There is a search mode in the bottom right hand of your screen... That should give you what your lookin for;)
Spoolin, I have the SMC kit in 87 gn I went with that kit because eveyone said it was put together so well ( and it is). Alot of guys have other kits that work great too from what I read. For me the SMC kit was the way to go because of very easy installation. It has a test switch to see if alky is working, a spray on light to tell you when it is spraying, a low alky light and a light to tell you when power to the alky is on. It has one knob to set what lb of boost you want it to start spraying and a pump speed knob.
The cost is, I believe $379.00. I have had mine for about 3 months and it works great. I ran alot of different chips with it from thrasher to Jay carter and it worked great with all of them. So far I have run up to 23lbs boost on the street with 93 oct. no knock:D(although it just fries the tires it is still fun). I don't have a lot of experience tuning it at the track yet but I don't think I'll use it much there because I'll use race gas. HTH (and you thought your post was long ;))
Check out
I also have the SMC kit which is very nice. I haven't tried the others, but another option is propane injection which also looks cool. I had Jay Carter burn me a street/strip chip for alcohol injection and it works great. Another great mod with the alcohol kit is the RJC power plate. I am able to run 24 lbs of boost on 93 octane and no knock with the Jay Carter chip.

thanx for the replies

Thanks for all the replies guys,

blackbuick87: yes I agree, DIY kits are always the cheapest, however I feel as though on this one I would rather buy from someone who has done all the guess work for me, such as pump, canister, nozzle, how to tune it, etc.

I'm strongly leaning towards SMC, they sound like they make an excellent all around street/race kit for $350, not a bad price either. Thanks for the opinions!

(BTW, BadInBlack6, I like the comment about the running 23 # boost on the street even though it just fries the tires! lol)
I would go with the smc kit. It's easy to install and easy to tune. Plus if you change something on your car you can easily adjust it from in the car without having to chage jets.

I'm running 24 lbs of boost with 23 degrees of timing with no knock retard on 93 octane.
Take it from a stupid Rustanger. DIY is easy AND you get the warm fuzzy feeling from doing it yourself. See mine HERE
Mine has
1) pump on light
2) spraying light
3) on/off switch
4) water pressure gauge
