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*BEWARE* TYLER CLARK / BOOSTED RPS / marleyskater420


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WOW!!!!!! I'm glad I trusted my 6th sense, something seemed just a bit shady to me, he tried his damndest to get me to send him money for a "work" Turbo, touting how superior it was, and how he had this awesome relationship with the owner. I told him, if you've got such an awesome relationship with him, make my Turbo, then I'll pay for it, glad I trusted my 6th sense, then he pulled the "they stole everything out of my truck" that's when I said no way, the way he made it sound to everybody that had parts ordered with him, was they stole his whole shop out of his truck, feel sorry for all of you who are out cash, some of you big dollars, hope someone tracks him down, I thought he was partnered up with DankGN on this "boosted RPS" company??
Anyone catch his late night bashing posts right About when he went missing? Then they all disappeared rather quickly that same morning...
You are all lucky... I sent this dude my cas v4 so he could “study” it... also sent money order for a “work” turbo... nothing other than “all my stuff was stolen out of my truck”... I’m a disabled veteran on limited car funds... so this was pretty cool of the guy...

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He wanted me to do some "testing", and help weld up the cores, bend pipes. No way. He smelled like a pile of :poop:, from the "git go".
He'll screw the wrong guy, some day, and they'll find him face down, in a drain ditch.
It all goes in a circle, what comes around goes around. He'll get his tenfold. Makes you wonder how this guy even sleeps at night. I just don't understand people like him and I guess I never will. What a piece of :poop:.
I got very lucky. He was odd for sure but I dealt with it when I needed the Work turbo. Not long after I placed the order and fortunately sent my factory turbo core directly to Work Turbo, I got the hospital disappearance story. But I went right to the owner of Work and got it done because something didn't smell right.

He also wanted me to test intercoolers and such and to buy some cores but I never bit on that crap.

I don't wish bad on anyone. I hope he gets himself straightened out.

Sorry to hear about what others went through.

Me? Whether it's the Work turbo issue with RPS that smells fishy or the never delivering situation I experienced with Centerline wheels that I paid for, I take swift and hard action to either get my parts or my money back. No other outcome is going to be acceptable to me.

Hopefully I don't have to fly to Comp Cams or their China supplier to get my cam because I will do whatever it takes.

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Sounds like a classic case of chasing the Dragon to me..
DAMN! :oops:
"Chasing the dragon" is a slang phrase of Cantonese origin from Hong Kong referring to inhaling the vapor from heated morphine, heroin, oxycodone or opium that has been placed on a piece of foil. The "chasing" occurs as the user gingerly keeps the liquid moving in order to keep it from coalescing into a single, unmanageable mass.

Think I saw some street people, in Louisville, this past weekend, doing that shit! They were %#@&*'d up!o_O
I just hope he:

A. Gets his shit together.

B. Makes it right/makes amends with those that trusted him and were left with regret.

Going through life knowing you've cheated people, that's just a shitty way to live.

Tell people the truth, they may not like you for it, they may not want to understand or ever give you a chance to make it right, but at least you were honest. That goes a long way towards redemption of some sort, if only in your own heart.

It's hard to own up to your mistakes, I am example #1 of absolute non-perfection. However, I have never knowingly cheated anyone, and I will always make it a point to never do so.

Tyler, it's time to step up. No more lies, no more lame excuses.

Be a man. Or don't. If you don't step up, you can be certain that you will never be a man in your own heart. Others? They've already lost faith. Only you can change that.
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I met Tyler @ Bates in 2017, I think. He had some shit to say about several vendors I will not mention, trying to make himself look "better?" to a guy that didn't know him from Adam. It pretty much pissed me off. He should have saved his breath until he proved himself worthy of listening to. I bought an EGR block off that I liked from him. That's it and he was standing right in front of me, so no issues.

So, now we are here......
It really is a shame that he did so many people wrong like this... I didn't see this coming to be honest. Other than my crank ordeal described below, I had bought a converter and headers from him and all went well with those deals. He seemed like an extremely passionate guy who had a real passion for these cars... ~JM~ made a good point to recall his mannerisms, I spent countless hours on the phone with him so I learned my lesson there for sure. anyways, it's clear to me he doesn't have any intention of refunding parts or money to those who he stole from. If I were in the shoes of those who had money/parts tied up with Tyler and his web of lies, I'd be looking to take legal action. With evidence to back your claims I don't think he has a shot of smooth talking his way into being found not guilty.

For those interested in possibly tracking him down to take legal action or something of that nature, PM me as I might have some information to help track him down...

here's what dankgn had to say on his FB regarding his partnership w/ boosted rps:

Funny that Trashman posted about his broken tail light excuse. He used that one on me as well. Guess he got a lot of mileage out of that one! Just for fun I'll share another excuse he got a lot of mileage out of..

I heard the same story when I bought a billet LA enterprise crank from him, which was a fiasco in itself... Luckily I got my $$ back on that deal. Also heard a story from him saying he was in the hospital for back injuries and that was the reasoning as to why he went MIA for a good week w/ no contact. It was a little over a year ago now that I bought that crank from him, I can't remember when it was that I heard that hospital story... either right after I sent the $$ for the crank, when I asked why it was taking over a month to ship it, or when I sent him these pictures of it magnafluxed and asked for my $$ back.
Damnit... looks like I am totally ficked... shame I fought for my country and bastards like this... I guess I’ll be saving for another intercooler and turbo. Makes me sick!!

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Along with another member named Reggie, I believe.

The "kid" was/is still living with his mom last I heard.

Think pain pills may have been in the mix.

Web-site is still up:

That Reggie would be me. I helped him out a little but as was mentioned already he would not listen to anyone about how to go about running a business. I got promised a lot and recieved nothing just as well. And I have helped out as many as I could with what I know.

Just for the record, all that money went to Tyler and his Paypal account not mine. I am not part of that business, his website or anything else.

Those that I have helped out know the full story.

Keep me out of it.
That Reggie would be me. I helped him out a little but as was mentioned already he would not listen to anyone about how to go about running a business. I got promised a lot and recieved nothing just as well. And I have helped out as many as I could with what I know.

Just for the record, all that money went to Tyler and his Paypal account not mine. I am not part of that business, his website or anything else.

Those that I have helped out know the full story.

Keep me out of it.

Reggie is and will remain a straight guy on this site. He is a straight up, honest man, no holds barred.

Please do not associate him with Marley........ Tyler ripped people off. Period.

Look at all correspondence, Reggie had no part of it, none, what-so-ever.
That Reggie would be me. I helped him out a little but as was mentioned already he would not listen to anyone about how to go about running a business. I got promised a lot and recieved nothing just as well. And I have helped out as many as I could with what I know.

Just for the record, all that money went to Tyler and his Paypal account not mine. I am not part of that business, his website or anything else.

Those that I have helped out know the full story.

Keep me out of it.
I'm sorry your name got mentioned in this thread Reggie. It was never my intent.

For those that don't know, Reggie West has done more to help those ripped-off by Tyler than anyone. He was not in anyway obligated to help as this was entirely Tyler's doing, but he did all that he could for me as well as others and his efforts are greatly appreciated. I have nothing but respect for the man and his good name should not be associated with Tyler Clark. Hope this helps to clear things up.
Along with another member named Reggie, I believe.

The "kid" was/is still living with his mom last I heard.

Think pain pills may have been in the mix.

Web-site is still up:

Just like Reggie I helped him out in the beginning and was promised all sorts of stuff . I wanted him to succeed but he wasn’t into taking anyone’s advice on how to run the company. Just for the record I have not received anything from him or that company No money or parts . It pisses me off that he has done this to ppl . It’s a very small community and everyone I have ever delt with has been nothing but nice and strait up . I myself have tried to contact him to find out what’s going on is he dead ? In the hospital? Wherever he is he needs to come out And man up for all this and square up with everyone . Again I am not associated with RPS or Tyler . I have never met him and have just spoken with him over the phone . I am sorry for the ppl that have lost money or parts and if I’m able to get ahold of him I will definitely try and figure out some info and will rely it to you guys .