Big H at thief

Don't tell me to quit crying. I called you a Moron and that is what you are. Butt out bubba. You are a nobody on this board. How old are you. Out of diapers yet?


Nope...just started potty training. Maybe we could learn it together, if you decide to grow up and act like an adult. ;)

You are right, this is the feedback we are giving you FEEDBACK Just because you don't like what you are seeing, doesn't justify the name calling.

I have never met you, or Big H before, so I'm not anybody's "buddy". I merely stated my OPINION, which I'm entitled to. Enjoy your future dealings here on the board...I'll just continue being a nobody....Take care Mitchy.:smile:
i have never met big h personaly but my cousin did buy a i/c from him with no problems at all......imo buick boy is way out of line name calling on members that are giving their opinion on the " feed back" section.....notice he has not posted up any pm proving anything....
Don't tell me to quit crying. I called you a Moron and that is what you are. Butt out bubba. You are a nobody on this board. How old are you. Out of diapers yet?


please tell us who you are and how inportant you are to this board!:rolleyes:
BUTT OUT. You do not know about the PM I have proving this guy is a loser.


Name calling and leaving the "proof" out? Seriously how many people have to ask for the PM's to be posted before you post them. Of course Big H didn't mention the PM either and he's offering a sweet deal. So he is either just super nice or he is trying to get this behind him fast. With the name calling you've done I'm leaning towards Big H being in the right, especially paired with the fact that he said he;d give you a full refund and you seem to be refusing it for some reason at this point.
this guy is exactly what his name says. a BOY. this putz is going on other people threads and talking chit about thier sales. he is a whiney little beeeaaatch that needs to crawl back into his doll house and get a life. you want to call people names, well there ya go.
This is one a 3,2,1 lockdown count if it doesn't mature up...

I have to agree either post the PM or drop it...
Yeah and Turbonut85 is a moron too. Exactly, you have not read the PM's and don't know the whole situtation details. Go ahead, buy something from your buddy! Ask your bud to post the PM about where he wanted to send me the wastegate and then backed out.

The post up the situation details. You started a thread calling someone out (in a half-assed manner to boot based on the information given thus far). So post up the PMs and the details or drop it. This is my OPINION, of course. Like it. Don't like it. I don't personally care.

And to be clear, I don't remotely know you or the seller. But feel free to add me to the moron list if you want.

Don't tell me to quit crying. I called you a Moron and that is what you are. Butt out bubba. You are a nobody on this board. How old are you. Out of diapers yet?

LMAO! Really? You're attempting (poorly) to call someone a child yet you're whining like a little b!tch on her first rag and calling people names? Wow...

Well, I will say, it's possible you're gonna be a big bad "somebody" on this board at the rate you're currently going. But it won't be anyone of any major significance. Unless, of course, you consider being the poster boy of "how not to act" an impressive status to achieve.

The PM was written by Big H. He needs to post it even though it will embarasssss him
And? You're calling him out. Post the PM. If you don't have it, then that's a pretty moronic thing in and of itself considering you feel like you've been getting screwed throughout this entire deal.
Buickgirl has already cost me more $$$ than what a freakin' Tial wastegate is worth in sabotaged for sale threads. All for a cheap $40 china wastegate he "thinks" was included; he can obviously read between the lines. I've had enough of his games, all the damage he has done will get him nothing from me.
And to be clear, I don't remotely know you or the seller. But feel free to add me to the moron list if you want. callin me a moron too???:p;) Oh well...:biggrin:

LMAO! Really? You're attempting (poorly) to call someone a child yet you're whining like a little b!tch on her first rag and calling people names? Wow...
Well, I will say, it's possible you're gonna be a big bad "somebody" on this board at the rate you're currently going. But it won't be anyone of any major significance. Unless, of course, you consider being the poster boy of "how not to act" an impressive status to achieve.

He sure is somebody.....I'm not though...:rolleyes:

All this and NO PM's to back up anything.................................................................................................................................................:rolleyes: