Now that the dust has cleared,let's talk about what went wrong and how to avoid it in the future.
First off:
Name calling won't solve anything.
People's backs get up and you've got a "log jamb".
John thought he was protecting the class because he assumed the rules for it would apply the same this year as they did last year,only more liberally[still door slammers though].
Unfortunately,they weren't WRITTEN that way.
An oversight perhaps?
Again the assumption was supposed to be ..........
It was clearly stated in the Quick 16 rules.
That why the omission of the stipulation in Quick 8 was read by Mike as a welcome mat.
I agree with him.
I also agree with John and his thinking,but again it wasn't written in.
"Spirits" belong in haunted houses and drink glasses,not rule books.
Just because other "racing associations" do similar things,doesn't mean that the BPG should.
John: you've always professed an credo of integrity and honesty in Buick racing.
That's why I've stuck with you from the inception of the BPG.
With that said,when I saw what appeared to be a "discretionary wrong" being committed,I acted.
I WILL NOT stand by in good conscience and watch that kind of stuff happen to the BPG.
Not a chance.
I will not allow anyone to sour the BPG for me.
That's why I'm a member and a sponsor.
Let the *other group* shoot themselves in the foot.
It's been showing up on the attendance figures the last few years and everyone that goes knows it.
I am sorry I had to act in that manner and I will openly apologize to you here John,but it had to be done to avoid any future miscues.
A thinking mind will win the day,every time.
That's what sets us apart from the animals.
An event is run for the racers and spectators with rules and guidelines laid down to run the event by.
When you run an event using "guidelines outside the rulebook",you face the risk of becoming the demon you wish to avoid.
That's why most democratic countries have constitutions/laws and they try to stick to them.
I can understand your frustration and I sympathize.
Bringing your car down two years in a row and being denied is no fun.
However if progress is to be made for the benefit of all who attend the BPG events in the future,we have to work this out like intelligent people,otherwise this will just fester and cause a "cancer" in the group.
Pride comes before a fall.
The big issue seems to be the starting line advantage the a rail car has over a door slammer[it sure as heck's not top end aerodynamics].
Correct guys?
This is where I discussed with you [Mike] the handicap the NHRA uses when they run the Fuelers against the Funnies.
You seemed to agree that would be workable.
I am I correct?
Would this be agreeable to you John?
The concensus of everyone I talked to [30 or so at the track alone and 15 or so at the hotel] was unanimous:let Mike compete.
Not one dissenter - even among the V8 guys.
Apparently there were even a few Quick 8 guys looking forward to it too,but probably not all.
You can't have everything to your favour.
That's why it's called a competition.
You don't hand out trophies and prizes based on past performance.
You've gotta earn them.
Let's see if we can work this out for next year[intelligently] and put on a really well done show that people are going to remember.
I know I have some fond memories of the past BPG events.
I even look forward to seeing Mike's rail and John's Riv' line up and go.
That would sure be something to see.