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bogging with alky


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boost junky
Jun 4, 2011
this kit uses a standalone 3 bar map sesnsor with a seperate boost reference then the stock map sensor (just in case it was important)

my question is that i have the chip made up before i put the alky kit on the car, so now when the car goes into WOT it sort bogs out i have the setting on the little black control box set on 6 this kit had a standalone map sensor which references boost i think its a 3 bar. well the car bogs when its injeting then when i turn it off NO ALKY the car runs hard with no bogging and goes into the boost hard.

does this mean i have to redo the chip as ERic of TT told me that i would be able to get away with running the chip could it be the setting on the control box is to high? i do know that it does come on as soon as it reads boost on the gauge according to the little green led.

do i have to open up the back of the PAC and tune it down in there for what its worth the alky comes on at about 0-3psi like right when it goes into boost then i start feeling the layover,hold back,bogging, stumbling feeling when i turn it off she runs fine.

any help would be great.
Who's alky kit, and how much boost are you running? If not using an alky chip, and not using a progressive alky kit, but are still at low boost, that could be an issue. Need more details...
If you are using a street chip and now have put alky on, I would send chip to Eric and have it reflashed for alky. You will be much happier... ask me how I know:wink:
looks like i might have to send the chip back to him but he told me that i would be able to still use the same chip with the alky it just wouldnt pull that much out of it since it was not properly tuned but the car is just bogging when it does spray it wont even let me make power at any throttle % before it starts stumbling and bogging.

its one of julio ALKYCONTROLS kits which utilize a standalone MAP sensor for the boost reference. i have it set on 6 but it does what i stated above in my first post. i know the PAC has sum knobs inside of it WHICH I HAVE NOT PLAYED WITH i was just wondering if the further tweaking of the kit would have to be done in the PAC? any help guys i want to use my alky for now till i send out the chip.

p.s. the kit i have does have a progressive controller but the chip is not tuned for alky.
It's a little too rich with the alky on. Try reducing alky (main knob, not inside the box), or increasing boost, or reducing fuel in the chip.
How much boost are you running?

eric you set the chip at 16-18psi i have boost set at 15psi could this be my issue so are you telling me to turn the main knob on the control box down from 6 to 4 or 5?
That 15 psi is without alky. Add alky and change nothing else and yes, it will bog. Turn the knob down almost all the way, or off if only 15 psi. No need for the alky... either turn it off, or turn the boost up!
That 15 psi is without alky. Add alky and change nothing else and yes, it will bog. Turn the knob down almost all the way, or off if only 15 psi. No need for the alky... either turn it off, or turn the boost up!

What he said. TURN IT UP:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Spend time emailing or calling Julio and get caught up on what the purpose of the Alcohol Kit is.

Then email Eric and get an idea of what the Alky Chip does vs the non Alky Chip and why.

From here you'll get a better handle on why those things were happening and have fun the next time out. ;)
yea i already got it i just never played with it before as this kit was only set up for 5lbs of boost max.
I think his problem is he's using a 2 bar map to run the alcohol kit.

Rusty... you should have called me before installing it, I would have saved you the trouble. Every car is setup differently. Your Roadmaster used a 2 bar since it didnt make big boost. The V6 Turbo Buick is different. So map sensors used are different, controller settings are different, etc..

Also.. having moved this kit from another car non-turbo Buick.. to a Buick.. we need to discuss where you've decided to mount things like pump and tank? Things are done in a specific way to not have drama issues figuring stuff out.

The guys reading this post are assumming you have a kit made by me for a GN installed on a GN. This is why I think its the 2 bar map doing you in. As a 2 bar map will make full pressure at 15 PSI boost. Not 30 PSI like a 3 bar would. Thats why it bogs. Wrong MAP sensor.

Post back. 3 bar map has 12223861 decal on it. ;)
yea i already got it i just never played with it before as this kit was only set up for 5lbs of boost max.

Julios post said it all.. it would have been nice if ya gave details in the first post. I "assumed" it was a Turbo Buick with a kit for IT.
yea sorry bout that i will go out and check what map is on the kit now. as for how the kit is mounted it is identical to the way i had it on the roadmaster, pump right below tank on the same side with the same lines and everything nothing was modified in that aspect it actually fit really well in the same space.

now on to my MAP issue lol i tottally forgot.