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Every one of those people on the jury should have been killed by firing squad. Anyone who would rule in favor of something like that is only polluting the gene pool and deserves to DIE!:mad:

hey I agree with you, do you need any people in your army
Every one of those people on the jury should have been killed by firing squad. Anyone who would rule in favor of something like that is only polluting the gene pool and deserves to DIE!:mad:

i obviously don't know how the case went down BUT the jury ALMOST never gets to hear the whole story and for that the BLAME falls on the judge. On these trespassing/injury cases the the jury usually DOES NOT get to hear that the guy was running from the cops or the owner and thats why he tripped and fell. The jury gets "the guy was running and tripped and fell". The judge also interprets the law as he sees it for the jury then instructs the jury on how to rule based on that. its the defenses job to somehow let the jury know what that injured person was doing that caused his injuries-Talking loud in the hall way or talking about the case by the building entrance or stair way, elevator or follow the jury to lunch and talk about the case there. these are just some of the most common practices that i have heard of. You just have to be careful about how you would go about it.
I would say if someone thug is in my house without my permission, he's threatening my life or my families lives. If the situation ever rose, he'd be full of lead.
My dog and I stopped 4 robbers robbing my neighbors house. NOT ONE OF THESE IDIOTS WERE CHARGED WITH ANYTHING!:mad: Gotta love our judicial system.:rolleyes:

First off great work in catching the scum. Second off that too pisses me off. I've read that's part of the reason why some cops don't bother worrying about criminals when they steal/rob...because they feel most of the time the crooks will get off the hook with no reprocussions which to them makes doing their job useless. So unless your life is in jeopardy, having the cops take care of the situation is a gamble. Unless of course you call in telling them you have a gun and are about to shoot at the crooks.

Quick question.......What would happen if you caught these ass clowns in your garage and shot them in the head, killing them them. Would you be arrested?

Probably. Because it seems the judicial system works in the criminals favor. In other words it's ok for the crooks to steal or rob your stuff or even rape you but how dare you pull a gun on them unless they're about to take your life. They need to come out with a more severe penalty for thieves...get caught stealing and lose a hand.