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Glad to hear it Scot! Like I said just be careful!!!

On a side note, if you need to borrow any of the arsenal, just ask, can meet ya half way if you need anything!!! :biggrin:

The Saiga 12 gauge is def a bummer for any would be thieves :cool:
Your cars still weren't locked after getting broken into once? Oops?
Yes all the cars WERE LOCKED "Eccept" my wife left her drivers door open on accident and that was were they got in it and turned it upside down...
Nice gun... I shot one last year, pretty kick ass, the smile says it all !

Be Careful !
Same gun I have but without the straps, Don't want them getting in the way!! ;)

BTW: Cool picture!

Well my son and I (and two other neighbors also packing!) sat up on our front porch's last night untill 3:30-5:00 AM. Us with my 870 loaded and my 1,000,000,00 candle power Spot light. At 2:00 AM we were talking to the officers patroling and they said the pricks were back in this area, (Most likely why my motion detectors went off). They are deffinetly on foot and walking tree lines and back yards to move around then they seem to have a pick up vehicle come get them so that is why we decided to stay put last night and just scope things out.

** Well they think they found one of them, He tried to start a Red chevy S-10 on fire that was stolen right here in our subdivision and ended catching himself on fire!!! :eek: LMAO, LOL KARMA IS A Beotch!!!

They are hoping he will roll over on the others but no word of that yet. Getting closer to nabbing these meth heads.

Stay tuned!
As some of you already knew about out neighborhood getting robbed several times there has been some new news as of today when I stopped a sheriff going through our area. The news is that one of them tried to burn the red Chevy S-10 pick up that was seen in this area. He tried to burn it in Knoxville and caught himself on fire!! KARMA Baby!! lol Well the officer said that he actually got out of the hospital before they got to him but was picked up shortly after.

Then just last Thursday they caught two more! GOOD!! That explains why our neighborhood has been very quiet the last couple day's...

I hope they hang these pricks and throw charge after charge on them and let them all Rot in jail until they crook..
As some of you already knew about out neighborhood getting robbed several times there has been some new news as of today when I stopped a sheriff going through our area. The news is that one of them tried to burn the red Chevy S-10 pick up that was seen in this area. He tried to burn it in Knoxville and caught himself on fire!! KARMA Baby!! lol Well the officer said that he actually got out of the hospital before they got to him but was picked up shortly after.

Then just last Thursday they caught two more! GOOD!! That explains why our neighborhood has been very quiet the last couple day's...

I hope they hang these pricks and throw charge after charge on them and let them all Rot in jail until they crook..

Dont worry, they'll be in jail until their trial and once their attourney questions all witnesses and comes up with their case, the robbers will be out on probation.

My dog and I stopped 4 robbers robbing my neighbors house. I took 3 of them out with my golf club and one got away in the van they were driving. I had a positive ID on the one that got away as well as a description of the vehicle and liscence plate (GJONES1). One of the guys I took out with my golf club got up after the initial shock and took off out of the house only to get tased by a police officer in another neighbors back yard. Another one that took off running got tagged in the face with a 2x4 after he jumped the fence into an awaiting neighbors yard. The other poor sap;) couldnt get up becuase I knocked him out after punching him in the face when he tried to get up.

They found the van and the guy, which I ID'd and even found some of my neighbors belongings in the van.

NOT ONE OF THESE IDIOTS WERE CHARGED WITH ANYTHING!:mad: I dont know how or why but I had to go to court 7-8 times and get questioned by their lawyers with them present in a small room sitting at a table with a state prosecutor, their lawyer (who was a frail old lady), and myself. I had to tell my name address, phone number, and point out on a map which house was mine. How rediculous is that? These were all gang members and could have easily sent out a hit on my house after all that info was put out there.

Then their lawyer tried bring up charges on me for assault!:eek: My dog got one of them in the leg pretty good and she also tried to have my dog put down for being a viscous animal, which he's not at all mean.

Needless to say about the only good all that effort did was stop them from taking more of my neighbors posessions. And it costed me a ton of lost time at work. Gotta love our judicial system.:rolleyes:
Dont worry, they'll be in jail until their trial and once their attourney questions all witnesses and comes up with their case, the robbers will be out on probation.

My dog and I stopped 4 robbers robbing my neighbors house. I took 3 of them out with my golf club and one got away in the van they were driving. I had a positive ID on the one that got away as well as a description of the vehicle and liscence plate (GJONES1). One of the guys I took out with my golf club got up after the initial shock and took off out of the house only to get tased by a police officer in another neighbors back yard. Another one that took off running got tagged in the face with a 2x4 after he jumped the fence into an awaiting neighbors yard. The other poor sap;) couldnt get up becuase I knocked him out after punching him in the face when he tried to get up.

They found the van and the guy, which I ID'd and even found some of my neighbors belongings in the van.

NOT ONE OF THESE IDIOTS WERE CHARGED WITH ANYTHING!:mad: I dont know how or why but I had to go to court 7-8 times and get questioned by their lawyers with them present in a small room sitting at a table with a state prosecutor, their lawyer (who was a frail old lady), and myself. I had to tell my name address, phone number, and point out on a map which house was mine. How rediculous is that? These were all gang members and could have easily sent out a hit on my house after all that info was put out there.

Then their lawyer tried bring up charges on me for assault!:eek: My dog got one of them in the leg pretty good and she also tried to have my dog put down for being a viscous animal, which he's not at all mean.

Needless to say about the only good all that effort did was stop them from taking more of my neighbors posessions. And it costed me a ton of lost time at work. Gotta love our judicial system.:rolleyes:

Way to go Jeremy! I hope you did not damage your golf club.
Dont worry, they'll be in jail until their trial and once their attourney questions all witnesses and comes up with their case, the robbers will be out on probation.

My dog and I stopped 4 robbers robbing my neighbors house. I took 3 of them out with my golf club and one got away in the van they were driving. I had a positive ID on the one that got away as well as a description of the vehicle and liscence plate (GJONES1). One of the guys I took out with my golf club got up after the initial shock and took off out of the house only to get tased by a police officer in another neighbors back yard. Another one that took off running got tagged in the face with a 2x4 after he jumped the fence into an awaiting neighbors yard. The other poor sap;) couldnt get up becuase I knocked him out after punching him in the face when he tried to get up.

They found the van and the guy, which I ID'd and even found some of my neighbors belongings in the van.

NOT ONE OF THESE IDIOTS WERE CHARGED WITH ANYTHING!:mad: I dont know how or why but I had to go to court 7-8 times and get questioned by their lawyers with them present in a small room sitting at a table with a state prosecutor, their lawyer (who was a frail old lady), and myself. I had to tell my name address, phone number, and point out on a map which house was mine. How rediculous is that? These were all gang members and could have easily sent out a hit on my house after all that info was put out there.

Then their lawyer tried bring up charges on me for assault!:eek: My dog got one of them in the leg pretty good and she also tried to have my dog put down for being a viscous animal, which he's not at all mean.

Needless to say about the only good all that effort did was stop them from taking more of my neighbors posessions. And it costed me a ton of lost time at work. Gotta love our judicial system.:rolleyes:
Way to go Jeremy! Hopefully this incident will be a tad bit different seeing that they didn't just go into one house but more like 7 houses, (9) 4-wheelers stolen, 5-8 vehicles stolen, 5-8 utility trailers stolen, 5-10 lawn mowers stolen, 10's of thousands of dollars stolen in hand tools from vehicles, 30-40 sheds broken into and everything from A/C window units to leaf blowers were took, and who knows how many vehicles were broken into but I would say over 100 easily... Every house they broke into they stole TV's, Jewlery, Guns and computers and One of the little dick heads even caught himself on fire and burned pretty good while trying to burn a stolen S-10 pick-up from our neighborhood...

I will keep you posted on their charges once they are posted..

Way to go Jeremy! Hopefully this incident will be a tad bit different seeing that they didn't just go into one house but more like 7 houses, (9) 4-wheelers stolen, 5-8 vehicles stolen, 5-8 utility trailers stolen, 5-10 lawn mowers stolen, 10's of thousands of dollars stolen in hand tools from vehicles, 30-40 sheds broken into and everything from A/C window units to leaf blowers were took, and who knows how many vehicles were broken into but I would say over 100 easily... Every house they broke into they stole TV's, Jewlery, Guns and computers and One of the little dick heads even caught himself on fire and burned pretty good while trying to burn a stolen S-10 pick-up from our neighborhood...

I will keep you posted on their charges once they are posted..


Yeah I'm sure they be treated quite a bit differently than these honyaks. I cant believe these ass-holes got away with so much for such a long time. It's almost like they were trying to get caught. Kind of like picking to many girls up at the bar, eventually it's going to come back and haunt you!

Well I hope you at least get something back from the insurance company to help with your expenses.
Way to go Jeremy! I hope you did not damage your golf club.

I actually do still have the golf club, and it's no longer in use for golf purposes because it's pretty much f-ed. I have to hand it to my 70 year old neighbor that got the one in the face with a 2x4. After he hit the bastard, he put the 2x4 on his face and on the ground and stood on it till the police got to him.

What night! Thanks to my dog Toby becuase he's the one that alerted me to the robbers in the first place. What a good dog!

Scott, my dog is a Mastiff too BTW! Excellent dogs!
As some of you already knew about out neighborhood getting robbed several times there has been some new news as of today when I stopped a sheriff going through our area. The news is that one of them tried to burn the red Chevy S-10 pick up that was seen in this area. He tried to burn it in Knoxville and caught himself on fire!! KARMA Baby!! lol Well the officer said that he actually got out of the hospital before they got to him but was picked up shortly after.

Then just last Thursday they caught two more! GOOD!! That explains why our neighborhood has been very quiet the last couple day's...

I hope they hang these pricks and throw charge after charge on them and let them all Rot in jail until they crook..

Great news man!;)
Quick question.......What would happen if you caught these ass clowns in your garage and shot them in the head, killing them them. Would you be arrested? I've got my gun at a place I can grab it at anytime. I'm thinking i wont think twice if someone was in my house.
Quick question.......What would happen if you caught these ass clowns in your garage and shot them in the head, killing them them. Would you be arrested? I've got my gun at a place I can grab it at anytime. I'm thinking i wont think twice if someone was in my house.

That is actually a "loaded" question and i'm sure it would matter what the sircumstance is as each one is different. I can only tell you from my class that you are only intitled to shoot someone IF you are in danger of your own life! Now those sircumstances very too.. so if there is a guy with a baseball bat on the other side of your car that broke into your car and was stealing your stereo and you are armed, are you in danger of your life? NO, so therefore you shouldn't shoot him. If he has a knife and is 4-5 feet from you running stright at you, is your life in danger? YES, And Now would be a good time to practice the "2 in the chest, one in the Head" method and you best make sure he's dead too! The last thing you need is his word against yours!

Here in TN once there was a guy and his wife that lived alone and a robber broke in and the wife heard it, she woke her husband up to investigate it and went into the basement to get his gun and on his way up he heard a "Shot" go off so he hurried up stairs and shot the intruder in the legs dissabling him and he realized that his wife was dead but held the robber untill the cops came. The robber ended up sueing the guy for his injury's !!!! TRUE STORY! NEED TO "KILL THE BASTARDS"

As you can see the situations very quite a bit and each situation is different.
But I keep loaded guns at my reach at all times and I am licensed to carry a concealed gun on me within the limits. The LAST thing I want to do is shoot/kill someone but if it's ME or him, I choose ME! ;)
Every one of those people on the jury should have been killed by firing squad. Anyone who would rule in favor of something like that is only polluting the gene pool and deserves to DIE!:mad: