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buying a 9 mm


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What I'd like to know is how do you guys get to test out these guns before you by them? I can't find anywhere around here that they do this......I had to watch decades of Dirty Harry Calahan firing his gun before I got the .44 magnum........if only I could test fire the XDs and Berettas. Maybe I have to do more serious searching, as there's got to be a place to test fire before buying.

Blue Steel.....'87GN (Bruce Urie)

You have to find a gun store that also has a gun range. Luckily, I have two in my area that are about 30-45 min drive from where I live. Obviously this is not the case for everyone.
OK, I see, but not the case around here.....well, maybe.....I'll check into it......and with all of the guns being test fired at random...what becomes of them? Sold as used, scrapped?

Blue Steel.....'87GN (Bruce Urie)
OK, I see, but not the case around here.....well, maybe.....I'll check into it......and with all of the guns being test fired at random...what becomes of them? Sold as used, scrapped?

Blue Steel.....'87GN (Bruce Urie)

Usually these places rent out their best sellers. For example, the place I go to rents out several Glock models, some popular revolvers like the little 642 S&W airweight, and a few others. Not really sure what becomes of them, but depending on how many rounds they have through them they might sell them used on the cheap (best guess). If you can't test fire the gun before buying I guess the only thing you can do is just see how it feels in your hand, but honestly if you can't find a place that allows you to test fire/rent maybe you could find somebody at your local range that has a gun that you are interested in purchasing that will allow you to fire off a few rounds. I have seen that at our local range on a few occassions. Best of luck Bruce.
Place I goto, has glocks, M&P's, Beretta, S&W revolvers. They say they never sell the guns they rent out.Bc they wuldnt get their money out of the gun that way. But every place is diff. Bruce I live in NJ , And we have places that rent out guns, So where ever you live cant be as anal as Nj
like stated before... its very blocky and big... its my least favorite gun I own.. get something nice spend the extra money and get a nice piece. my favorite 9mm is my p226 sig. Im also a huge fan of any Glock. of course.
Well, I'll be the first to say something nice about the P95 then!

I enjoy shooting mine. It'll shoot any reloaded crap I put in it from 92gr to 124gr well. It's about as accurate as the usual Ruger which is to say a hair sloppy. And it's got a noisy action. Which I enjoy. POP ClickClack, repeat... Certainly no target pistol, but at the price I didn't expect it to be. When the only justifiable civilian use of a firearm is self defense at very short range I wouldn't say that hole in hole shooting at 25yds is a requirement. A new hole will work just as well in a target 20ft or less away. Especially when Much less is the norm in defense. I wouldn't say bulky either. It is Very comfortable. I haven't done a direct comparison but I'd bet it's identical in width to the Beretta. Honestly, for me these two are the most comfortable of any handguns I've held and shot. Of course, I got mine when they were under $300 if I recall, so today for the extra $100 I'd probably go with the Beretta in the first place. But then I wouldn't have the Ruger to enjoy also, and I want the Beretta in .40 so that's something different anyways.

See how well I can justify multiple handguns??!!!;):D:D
I've got a full size px4 9mm and it has been fantastic so far ( only owned it 2 months and about 500 rounds) . Love the feel the grip was so much better to me than the xd or glock I was looking at plus the price. Two weeks after buying it two friends meet me at the range one with his xd9mm and the other with a glock 23 40 cal i preferred the beretta to them both . They didn't feel as balanced but all guns were vry accurate.
I broke down and got the PX4 Storm in .40 a couple weeks ago. Couldn't pass it up really. Dude made change on 4 bills for a fullsize w/ night sights!!! Didn't appear to have been shot though he claimed it had a couple boxes through it...

Shoots Very nice! Just as comforatble as holding it, repeatedly til I found the right deal on one.

Only thing I've got an issue with is the slide release...!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

I've got a couple ideas to fix that. Anybody know if somebody has already addressed it?

I had my buddy try to draw it on me within arm's reach three times over the weekend. I stripped the slide and barrel combo off it before he could point it at me all three times and pretended like I was gonna beat him with it while he held nothing but a chunk of lightweight plastic!!!:eek::p
I just picked up my 4.5" 9mm XDM last week....what a handgun! I haven't shot a pistol in nearly 6 years, but this thing was insanely accurate. Love the 19+1 capacity for home defense, that intruder may kill me with my own gun, but he's going to have to beat me to death with it because I'll unload half a box on him.

I think mine was a little pricey for a polymer 9mm, but I optioned it with the bi-tone stainless slide and Trijicon night sights. Took it home for $690. After shooting this and my friend's XD .40 cal I'm so glad I got the 9mm, much easier to group and the accuracy of a follow-up shot was much better (at least in my hands) Plus I don't have to drop $50 on ammo to go shooting for the afternoon.
Anyone looking a deal on a NEW black XDM 9mm? I won one on GB at a good price... I can do it for $550.00 shipped to your FFL of choice, let me know....
Just bought a 9mm & searching for a fast loader device. Most appear to be somewhat flimsy. San Diego area.
i have a ruger p95 and love it. its still near new so every once in a blue moon it wont properly load the next round...but thats just normal for break in. its super accurate for 20 feet and i can squeeze all 15 rounds inside the "head target" around 9 seconds.

got my vote
I have finally made a decision and I will be buying a 1911, my co-worker has a Springfield .45 with extended slide release, beaver tail safety, ext thumb safety, fully adjustable sights,polished barrel, ultra light hammer. He asked me to make him an offer, but I don't know what it's worth. Any ideas? He said that he has 1000 into it.
1911 is my go to weapon.. P95 is the back up within 3 ft of the front door(if I had weapons that is).
ruger sr9c runs from $379.99 to $421.00. the 40 cal is the same price very nice and well made and a very good price.