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C5 Kill


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Aug 11, 2002
This isn't a real big deal...but yesturday on the way back from a car show...I cam up on a stop light that turns into the 55FW...a good clear 3 lanes for a couple of miles with very little traffic. I was already thinking of going for a good launch just for the heck of it...and low and behold a guy in a 00 C5 Auto comes pulling up in the middle lane next to me. He is a half in front at the cross walk lines and I can see him scoping my TTA in his side mirror (probably looking at the Pace Car Stickers). Light turns green and we both roll to a slow start around 5-7mph when I hear him slam the peddle down and the LS-1 rev...since I wanted to GO before he appeared..I was ready and almost instantly responded by flooring the throttle. I instantly pulled 2 car lengths on him in a matter of 2 sec and had him in my rear view all the way when he decided to let up at 70mph. I was doing 100 before I let up and he disappeared in my rear view. :cool:

My buddy in his 70 W-30 (3:90 rear) also noticed that C5 people tend to give up early when they see you pass them by. Possibly they didn't expect (or were ready) for what appeared to be a 3rd gen pass them...let alone my buddies old time iron 442 (510 ft/lbs). This was officially my first C-5 since purchasing the TTA 2 months ago.
Good job. He probably knew what you had, because if he would have thought you had a 350 he would have tried to catch you on top end. He was saving face:p