Cali Cop Gets Off W/ Hung Jury


So what you are telling me is that between the time he is picked up off of the ground and slammed on the car he is resisting arrest.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Chris S
I hate this label trading... I wouldn't call myself "liberal"...BTW..I tell my wife when I go to work every moringing that I HAVE to go to work every morning because I have 1 million people on welfare depending on me :D

As far as Saddam is concerned:
As far as Saddam is concerned...he's an awful guy...but why is it that this guy was a "great" guy back in 70s and early great that we armed him with chemical weapons...turned a blind eye when he gassed our mortal enemies (the Iranians), sold him fighter jets ...the guy even sold us oil when all the OPEC contries were boycotting the west. Seems to me that at one point we thought he was the "angel of our eye". It seemed the Reagan administration couldn't get enough of Saddam.

I'm pist that the real enemy (Mr Bin Laden) is still out there along with his buddy "Omar Taliban". How hard could it be to get these guys-one guy's on a kidney/liver machine and the other is blind. I am not sold on the idea that IRAQ was this "high" priority our government was touting.

BTW I would take Bill Clinton's economy and lies any day over Bush's lies and economy

I have a different opinion of police officers than most folks.

First of all they are highly deserving of $100K a year. Each and every one of them, to include the donut eating ones too. Once you pay them a wage that cannot get compromised then you can start to become even more selective in who gets to remain a police officer.

Now that we are a country at war I want to see police officers given more status and the responsibility that goes with it.

If you flip off a police officer it should be known up front that he/she is bringing an ass whupping with them when he/she confronts you. If you make the mistake of wielding a weapon and threatening that police officer you should know up front he/she is going to kill you. If a police officer gives you directions to follow and you chose to ignore the officer and run it should be known right up front the police officer is going to put a bullet in your skull to make you stop.

I don't agree with the liberal be nice types. I want police officers who are pit bulls, jury, and executioner all rolled up into one. They should be addressed as "Sir" or "Maam" when they talk to you. They should be able to beat the **** out of you if you upset them or threaten them.

Don't get me on a jury trial... the police officer will walk every time. Emphasis on "every."
Originally posted by 70Firebird/TTA
I hate this label trading... I wouldn't call myself "liberal"...BTW..I tell my wife when I go to work every moringing that I HAVE to go to work every morning because I have 1 million people on welfare depending on me :D

As far as Saddam is concerned:
As far as Saddam is concerned...he's an awful guy...but why is it that this guy was a "great" guy back in 70s and early great that we armed him with chemical weapons...turned a blind eye when he gassed our mortal enemies (the Iranians), sold him fighter jets ...the guy even sold us oil when all the OPEC contries were boycotting the west. Seems to me that at one point we thought he was the "angel of our eye". It seemed the Reagan administration couldn't get enough of Saddam.

I'm pist that the real enemy (Mr Bin Laden) is still out there along with his buddy "Omar Taliban". How hard could it be to get these guys-one guy's on a kidney/liver machine and the other is blind. I am not sold on the idea that IRAQ was this "high" priority our government was touting.

BTW I would take Bill Clinton's economy and lies any day over Bush's lies and economy


As far as labels......."if it looks like a duck........."

Too bad the Reagan administration's crystal ball was broken when they were supplying Saddam with weapons to fight "our friends" the Iranians. Remember our 400 hostages? Pretty piss poor democrat argument as always.

And about Bush's lies.........proves when people say something over and over again, no matter what it is, some people believe it with absolutely no proof.

And the economy........I know that 9-11 (REMEMBER 9-11?) has had no effect on the economy. I like how democrats leave out "little" details when they make statements. :rolleyes:

I got news.......the real enemy is all those people who live over in that part of the world and the sooner people figure that out, the better. The reason they want to murder us is simply because we are not muslims. That's pretty sick. :(
I don't recall the Iraqi's having anything but Mig's and soviet based aircraft in their inventory. Perhaps you are confused with our supporting Iran's leadership with spare parts to keep their handful of F-4's, F-5's, and grounded F-14's barely running?

Yes... we prolonged that conflict. We also watched them take breaks to pray 5 times a day. What else can you say about a war that used WW1 tactics?

BTW... I was a USAF radar operator monitoring that conflict in '81/'82 I watched competing aircraft dog fight on my radar console. :D