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A moderators view of the board!


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RIP Charlie!
Sep 20, 2007
Any of you ever wonder why the moderators seem grumpy or give smart ass answers some times? Let me see if I can explain a little. Our job is kinda like being a cop. We police the board looking for issues like misplaced posts, no pricing on cars, fights, and inappropriate posts. We have to step in and try to take care of those issues. At times we have to act like judge and jury when things get out of hand. When a board member won't listen to a mod then we have to call in the admin to help. There are more than a few times where one of us gets stomped on by an OP and we need back up. This doesn't happen very often thank goodness.

Just imagine going through a lot of posts where you see the same thing over the years, and sometimes over several days. Monotonous, right? Better believe it. We do this as unpaid volunteers trying to help out. How many of you work with the boy or girl scouts? Maybe you're shriners? We get very little recognition for what we do but we do get a lot of grief at times. We even get calls from other mods on issues to help them. This can happen from standard time to pacific time so there's several hours difference when it happens.

We like to have fun just like the rest of you and sometimes that means that we make fun of someone. I've got a group of members that I'm friends with and will tease them and they do the same to me. Sometimes we do get rough but it's all in good fun.:D We do the same to some of the members when they post something just because we're in that kind of mood. Sometimes it's done for a reason though. We always get the new guy that jumps in over his/her head and things their car will easily be made into a 10 second screamer with nothing more than a turbo or maybe some exhaust work. We've all seen this before and after 30 or so of these posts it gets old. We will all raz them to some degree. It's part of being a newby on any board.

We very seldom over step and get nasty though. It's part of being a mod. I helped in 1 feedback thread a while ago that Jay got into. It was a fight between 2 very well known members and it wasn't getting any better. Several other members jumped in trying to aggravate the situation and that's when Jay stepped in. I was watching the thread to see if it really got out of hand. It did I'm sorry to say. After Jay posted that it was between the 2 members several others posted so I jumped in and told everyone that wasn't involved to get the hell out. Needless to say, one member had to jump in about 30 minutes later and smarted off. I killed his post and suggested to Jay that he needed a time out. Since Jay didn't catch what was posted I suggested 3 months and Jay ave him a temporary ban. The guy was so upset that he PM'd me on GNttype as well as TBs.

I explained exactly what had happened and told him to take the ban and deal with it. What happened next? He didn't like the answer so he tries to appeal to Jay and Shane to get back on the board. Now I get 2 emails asking WTF, so I have to explain to Shane what was going on and send more info to Jay about this. Now he somehow got my email and I start getting emails from this idiot. I forward them as well as my response to both Jay and Shane. The former member goes from threatening me to trying to be nice and friendly. I finally copied what I posted about getting out and his smart ass response and email it to him along with Shane and Jay. I think if Jay could've gone through his puter screen he would've decked him, but instead he was banned permanently.

This isn't a normal thing but it does happen and this is why the mods may become asses at times. What I posted above has happened to me several times over the years and that's a basic example. I'm sure the other mods have their own nightmares that they've had to deal with and since most of our members don't see things like this happen I thought I might give you guys and gals an idea of what we actually do on the board as well as why we may be like we are.;)

We make no money for doing this or get any special benefits from it so keep that in mind. We do this for free just like the admin on this site.
Thank you for all your hard work. Personal think this should be stickied.

Don't want this to turn into a "I'm sorry" thread, but I gotta say.....

I apologize for the stupid pms and posts and anything I may have done to piss off the gurus an other guys trying to help me.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
One thing that is forgotten when plinking away at the keyboard is ; would you say that to the person if they were standing right in front of you? Sometimes it's easy to forget that. Sooner or later everyone pops off. Sometimes to goes too far and I'm glad the mods step in. Most of the time it's the only way to stop a bad thread from going totally off the rails.
Any of you ever wonder why the moderators seem grumpy or give smart ass answers some times? Let me see if I can explain a little. Our job is kinda like being a cop. We police the board looking for issues like misplaced posts, no pricing on cars, fights, and inappropriate posts. We have to step in and try to take care of those issues. At times we have to act like judge and jury when things get out of hand. When a board member won't listen to a mod then we have to call in the admin to help. There are more than a few times where one of us gets stomped on by an OP and we need back up. This doesn't happen very often thank goodness.

Just imagine going through a lot of posts where you see the same thing over the years, and sometimes over several days. Monotonous, right? Better believe it. We do this as unpaid volunteers trying to help out. How many of you work with the boy or girl scouts? Maybe you're shriners? We get very little recognition for what we do but we do get a lot of grief at times. We even get calls from other mods on issues to help them. This can happen from standard time to pacific time so there's several hours difference when it happens.

We like to have fun just like the rest of you and sometimes that means that we make fun of someone. I've got a group of members that I'm friends with and will tease them and they do the same to me. Sometimes we do get rough but it's all in good fun.:D We do the same to some of the members when they post something just because we're in that kind of mood. Sometimes it's done for a reason though. We always get the new guy that jumps in over his/her head and things their car will easily be made into a 10 second screamer with nothing more than a turbo or maybe some exhaust work. We've all seen this before and after 30 or so of these posts it gets old. We will all raz them to some degree. It's part of being a newby on any board.

We very seldom over step and get nasty though. It's part of being a mod. I helped in 1 feedback thread a while ago that Jay got into. It was a fight between 2 very well known members and it wasn't getting any better. Several other members jumped in trying to aggravate the situation and that's when Jay stepped in. I was watching the thread to see if it really got out of hand. It did I'm sorry to say. After Jay posted that it was between the 2 members several others posted so I jumped in and told everyone that wasn't involved to get the hell out. Needless to say, one member had to jump in about 30 minutes later and smarted off. I killed his post and suggested to Jay that he needed a time out. Since Jay didn't catch what was posted I suggested 3 months and Jay ave him a temporary ban. The guy was so upset that he PM'd me on GNttype as well as TBs.

I explained exactly what had happened and told him to take the ban and deal with it. What happened next? He didn't like the answer so he tries to appeal to Jay and Shane to get back on the board. Now I get 2 emails asking WTF, so I have to explain to Shane what was going on and send more info to Jay about this. Now he somehow got my email and I start getting emails from this idiot. I forward them as well as my response to both Jay and Shane. The former member goes from threatening me to trying to be nice and friendly. I finally copied what I posted about getting out and his smart ass response and email it to him along with Shane and Jay. I think if Jay could've gone through his puter screen he would've decked him, but instead he was banned permanently.

This isn't a normal thing but it does happen and this is why the mods may become asses at times. What I posted above has happened to me several times over the years and that's a basic example. I'm sure the other mods have their own nightmares that they've had to deal with and since most of our members don't see things like this happen I thought I might give you guys and gals an idea of what we actually do on the board as well as why we may be like we are.;)

We make no money for doing this or get any special benefits from it so keep that in mind. We do this for free just like the admin on this site.

Well said
well thanks to all the mods and jay and shane for keeping this place open. I enjoy coming on here and learning things. I also enjoy meeting the people in person that I have met through here. 98% of everybody is pretty nice.

thanks everyone your appreciated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reminds me of this guy that use to work at the Cafeteria where I worked. He came in every day mad at the world hated everything about his job and always told everyone. He collected a pay check you guys are doing this for free so that tells me there is a degree for crazy on this board. The only thing I see that drives me nuts are to post arguments over a part that wasn't received or didn't look like what was described. The part in question might have cost $40?? Sometimes I think there are way too many sections on this board and that causes the problems. The feedback forum alone is probably the biggest culprit. Keep doing what you guys are doing and stay medicated.
Very well said Charlie! And yes this type of work behind the scenes does go unnoticed most of the time.... Thanks to Shane, Jay and ALL the moderators for what they do to give all of us a place to come and learn about these cars, without this board I think you would see A Lot more of these cars in back yards! ;)
Everyone is well behaved in the TX section, I don't have any problems there we are all out working on our cars!

And if I do I sic Charlie on them! ha
Well, i am not very computer savvy but i only have issues from my work computer because i am not allowed to install google chrome or anything else other than the regular internet explorer. I can tell you that i love this site and never had a problem so far. I think that the problems come when topics get into religion or politics or products sold not being as described,etc. unfortunately, i am newer to the turbo buick world and cannot help others as often as i want to but i am learning and hopefully can help others some day. Maybe even help by being a mod, who knows, but right now i am having fun with my cool ass car, getting compliments everywhere i go, and enjoying this site, in my garage, next to my gn, with a beer in my hand. Now thats awesome!!!!! Thanks to jay and all the mods for a job well done!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Well, i am not very computer savvy but i only have issues from my work computer because i am not allowed to install google chrome or anything else other than the regular internet explorer. I can tell you that i love this site and never had a problem so far. I think that the problems come when topics get into religion or politics or products sold not being as described,etc. unfortunately, i am newer to the turbo buick world and cannot help others as often as i want to but i am learning and hopefully can help others some day. Maybe even help by being a mod, who knows, but right now i am having fun with my cool ass car, getting compliments everywhere i go, and enjoying this site, in my garage, next to my gn, with a beer in my hand. Now thats awesome!!!!! Thanks to jay and all the mods for a job well done!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

IE definitely has some issues here and unfortunately theres not a lot I can do about it. V1.2 of the forum software we use is in the works. Theyve just released the second beta.. I figure it will take about a dozen betas but theyre coming pretty quick.

For those of you that dont know, Xenforo (The forum software we run and the company that makes it) has been involved in a bitter lawsuit with Internet Brands for about a year. The lawsuit was settled in Feb and since then, they've been making rapid progress. 1.2 is a nice step forward. Not a lot of new features but lots of fixes, optimzations, etc... I expect the releases following to start adding more stuff.

I hope some of the fixes in 1.2 are geared towards IE. It needs all the help it can get.
Thanks jay, for now i use my turbo buick app which is awesome!!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
We make no money for doing this or get any special benefits from it so keep that in mind. We do this for free just like the admin on this site.

Not even a free "GOLD" membership??????? :D

Thanks for all you guys do, it may not seem like it very much but 99.9% of us really appreciate what all of you do.
Not even a free "GOLD" membership??????? :D

I don't think you'd like the initiation Guy.;) Think about some of Ty's posts and it might give you nightmares.:eek:

This wasn't about me but it was about letting the board in general have some sort of idea of what goes on daily that isn't seen. I really don't think most even have a clue about what happens when the crap hits the air moving device like it does once in a while. 99% of the time the mods and admin hide on the board and don't say much, but there are times when one of us has had a bad day or end up stepping in to calm things down and everything goes to hell in a hand basket. The reason I posted this was to show that, while we may have power, we've got to use it carefully even though we might seem heavy handed at times. All of us work together to improve the board and try to keep problems to a minimum.:cool:

I am sorry, I thought you were an Admin with Benefits. =)
Damn, Charlief1, I sure got your thread all wrong.
I thought that you just wanted some attention.
I get lots of attention, just none of it good.
Damn whine a lot.........LMAO
We appreciate all that is done behind the scenes..

I expect to be the only red haired stepchild on this board.
And I probably deserve it.