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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
I'll start off by saying first that I am very far from being a "racist" person. I have a lot of friends of many different racises and can consider myself blessed to have the opportunity to know people that are of many different backgrounds.

I have one simple question, when is our community and society going to quit calling people white, black, mexican, indian, chinese, etc?

I had a chance to work with a few guys from out east lately and I dont think they have really been exposed to people other than white people. I hear them talk about people in terms of color and its really bothering me lately. I'm a white guy that loves Indian food and indian culture, I have many black friends and mexican friends and I enjoy seeing the different cultures. I really do enjoy being exposed to everyones lives and comparing theirs to mine.

We are the melting pot in this country for all different types of people. Not only race but wealth. We, in this country seem to judge people based on their color, wealth, what they drive, how they look so much and it really makes me sad.

I grew up with a mother, who was a missionary that went around the world trying to preach the word. Now, I I dont really agree with trying to force issues because everyone has the right to live and believe what they want. But, why does our country always base impressions on the first thing you see? My mom took care of a homeless guy back when I was about 9 years old. She let him live with us for a few months to help him get on his feet. His room was right across the hall from mine and I spend a lot of time listening to his stories and complicatins and it really taught me a lot about different types of life. I am greatful to have that experience.

Can we ever get to be a country of true freedom and except people for who they are? Really, do you think we can do that or do we have a media base that manipulates us to think we have to be a certain way, color, belief? When are we going to quit calling people by their color? Lets stop, and see people for they are.
I'm hear ya, I've been in the Army for 17 years and 6 deployments and counting and all I see in my brothers in arms is my brothers nothing else. I never could understand how people can separate others by their skin color, thoughts, beliefs or religion.
[quote="jdpolzin, people white, black, mexican, indian, chinese, etc? I had a chance to work with a few guys from out east lately and I dont think they have really been exposed to people other than white people. "[/quote]

I'm from the East - New York- a melting pot - all the types mentioned above and more - plus combinations of the above. I'm sure I've been around as many different people as the people in Iowa are? I've lived in areas where my family was the only 'white' family. Don't cover everyone from the East with such a broad stroke. Just saying.....
If said in any derogatory manner, I agree it's uncalled for. But I'm not sure I follow what you're getting at. Say I'm trying to refer to one of 5-guys standing out of shouting distance being whom you're looking for. They're all roughly the same height and wearing the same uniform and I'm trying to send you down there to find one in specific knowing that the group may disburse before you reach them and you won't know who to follow for your information. Are you saying I shouldn't mention the guy you're looking for is the Puerto Rican? Or the white guy? Is that not helpful to your needs? Are we senselessly sensitive to the simple fact that we aren't all the same shade of grey? I really wonder if the sensitivity isn't the result of all the "Diversity" training we've gotten? Bunch of backward thinking designed to "Divide". We aren't the same, maybe we should be as proud of and cognizant of our differences as we should be of still being brothers in other senses. I wouldn't have any problem telling you that you want to go talk to the short black guy if that were the case. It isn't that I don't respect him, or you. Just that it's a simple recognizable feature. Should I also be wary of calling him short? I don't get it.....
friend of mine was mugged. Told the LEO a few minutes later that mugger was about 5'10", brown hair, brown eyes. LEO: Can you give us any more info - he may still be in area - was he White? Black? Purple? Sometimes it's like Rivical's not always personal or racist.....sometimes it's just descriptive.
That being being said - racism does exist - just ask the Jihadists.....
jdpolzin said:
I'll start off by saying first that I am very far from being a "racist" person. I have a lot of friends of many different racises and can consider myself blessed to have the opportunity to know people that are of many different backgrounds.

I have one simple question, when is our community and society going to quit calling people white, black, mexican, indian, chinese, etc?

I had a chance to work with a few guys from out east lately and I dont think they have really been exposed to people other than white people. I hear them talk about people in terms of color and its really bothering me lately. I'm a white guy that loves Indian food and indian culture, I have many black friends and mexican friends and I enjoy seeing the different cultures. I really do enjoy being exposed to everyones lives and comparing theirs to mine.

We are the melting pot in this country for all different types of people. Not only race but wealth. We, in this country seem to judge people based on their color, wealth, what they drive, how they look so much and it really makes me sad.

I grew up with a mother, who was a missionary that went around the world trying to preach the word. Now, I I dont really agree with trying to force issues because everyone has the right to live and believe what they want. But, why does our country always base impressions on the first thing you see? My mom took care of a homeless guy back when I was about 9 years old. She let him live with us for a few months to help him get on his feet. His room was right across the hall from mine and I spend a lot of time listening to his stories and complicatins and it really taught me a lot about different types of life. I am greatful to have that experience.

Can we ever get to be a country of true freedom and except people for who they are? Really, do you think we can do that or do we have a media base that manipulates us to think we have to be a certain way, color, belief? When are we going to quit calling people by their color? Lets stop, and see people for they are.
As long as we have the government and the media there will always be a division.
hello people; IMO calling a person as he or she looks is not the problem. Your black I discribe you as a black guy or if your white that's your discription. Just like your car you got a black car that's the discription nothing else. It goes far beyond how you look but it is your first impression and that is how it goes. I know where all humans but you are what you are.
Why can't everyone except the simple fact that we are all different??? Why can't we all be Americans and still be different??? I think it is cool that we have so many diverse cultures in our country... Wouldn't it be boring as hell if we were all the same color and had the exact same lifestyles?

I will never understand why some people insist on everyone being the "same..."
I will never understand why some people insist on everyone being the "same..."

For Marxism to work everyone must be self centered. It is dangerous to Marxists to have people running around that care about others.

I saw a show on tv the other night that really got me thinking. This was a staged scene real life "what would you do" scenario.

First was a white man and black female child in a restaurant, white man corrected the young girl and the waiter(who was in on the scam) said I dont think thats your child. White couple in the restaurant called the cops on the white man.

Second was a black man and white female child in which the first scenario was played out again. Instead of the white customers calling the police they got all defensive and basicly told the waiter he was a piece of crap for saying that young white girl was not his daughter.

I do not understand why white people think they owe blacks anything or need to defend them.
I'm not wanting us to be the same. The "east" reference was simply trying to state that I was working with people I don't normally work with. Not labeling all people that live east of me in any negative manner. My point is simply what JT is stating right above me. I feel our media insists on making reference to people of different race, religion, lifestyles, etc as negative. This does have an impact on our society and our children. There's no reason your first impression of anybody should be based on their color or how they look.

I agree a description of a person is what it is but a description is only that. What you feel inside you about different people is what I'm talking about.
I'm a white guy that loves Indian food and indian culture, I have many black friends and mexican friends and I enjoy seeing the different cultures. I really do enjoy being exposed to everyones lives and comparing theirs to mine.

Right there. You did it yourself.

It's nearly impossible to avoid and to be honest with you, I don't have the time, energy or inclination to be that g dang politically correct.

99.999% of the time people use these terms as a descriptor or differentiator and nothing else.

The Declaration of Independence states that "All men are created equal" and the Constitution is designed to furthur that truth.

There are, however, far too many people out there that need to come to the stark realization that neither document guarantees an equal outcome in life.

People need to stop being so god awful sensetive. If these words were never again to be used in a derogatory manner, the people that use them for that purpose would only find another way to demean those they want to hurt.

Life on this planet, for ANY species isn't fair, it never has been.
It's POLITICS...... Just like CLASS WARFARE, and pushing a socialist agenda!

There is nothing wrong with stating the obvious.
Also, there are allot of jobs that require profiling and could not be performed properly without it.

Can you imagine if we were cars? Would it be politically incorrect to differentiate us cars at a show?

I couldn't tell you about the black GN being cooler than the White Mustang!

You might feel guilt about liking the red Camaro over there even tho you're another black GN!

The yellow GSX is throwing a fit that he's being disrespected by being put next to an import!

But I heard there were some hot bikini girls over by the imports! Let's go show em some Real Metal!

Buicks are different from Fords and so forth. We don't freak out about it. But when you get down to some, they may each have t-tops, grey interiors, a spoiler, trick wheels, and maybe even be the same color. Or not. They're still different, and still cars.

The media can only divide us until we come to the acceptance that we are all people no matter our differences and quit being sensitive to their games.
I'm proud of who I am, and respect you for who you are, if you are respectable too. I won't pretend we're the same tho, even if we look similar. We are all individual with certain basic characteristics. So what's the difference? Perspective.