Hi All. Having the hardest time with my 84 GN. Car will absolutely not build boost without stumble and falling flat on its face. The setup is 42lb. Injectors, TT Chip, Delco CR43 gapped at .32, Walbro Pump Hotwired, 86 ECM, stock MAF (was working fine), all Powerlogger numbers look good. Pulled a spark plug and it was black with soot after less than 5 miles on them. The car was running fine with about 10 psi of boost, then I added the Walbro so I could turn up the boost. That when the problems started. I verified fuel pressure on my Bosch 237 (looks about 41, line on) and it looks good, even rose with the barely 3 psi of boost I am able to get, then that's when it bogs out. Switched ignition module and coil, checked for vacuum leaks (none), not gonna change plug wires because the may be bad. The shortest tested about 2.5-3K ohms and longers tested 1.5K? Any other suggestions? Please help!!!