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CAS V1 Intercooler ?


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Working on it. I found the drawings and designs but still working on digging up the paperwork from the last time I ordered then to call the company that bends them.
Late to the party but NEED a set. I've got the old 2.5" pipes and was just thinking last week that I would love to upgrade to 3" since I am going back over everything.

Any word on time frame?
OK I FINALLY found the paperwork and called them to see if I can still get them and I can. She is calling back on pricing as I haven't ordered them since 2007 and they no longer have it in there system.
I talked to my powdercoater and he will do Jet Hot for about $100 and just about any solid color for $75 if you want powder coating.
FYI these are exact CAS pipes straight from the supplier that Tony used. 3" aluminum one piece outlet and inlet.
I have commitments from:
3.8L V-8 eater

I will have exact pricing possibly today or tom.
Thanks for doing this Chris, this is really fantastic.
I now have some solid info and I'm ready to roll. I will need to order a minimum of 10 sets and will get them order with 5 orders sold.

Few points, first these are the original CAS V1 IC pipes from the original manufacturer. I will only guarantee they fit a stock car that hasnt been hit has a stock intake with stock TB and a CAS V1 IC. Anything else is a "custom" application!

That being said I am willing to split the inlet pipe and bead roll the ends if someone needs it or is running a plenum spacer, different IC combo etc. I do believe they will work with a V2 but you may need different/longer hoses and some mods to make them work.

Pre-order Pricing:
Pair of 3" alum CAS V1 IC pipes bead rolled ends raw material finish $165 plus the box and plus shipping.
Powder Coating $75 Basic solid colors, black white red etc.
Jet Hot Ceramic coating $95
Split inlet pipe and bead roll ends $10

My chassis guy is doing the bead rolling and I am sure he would be willing to tig weld in inlet temp sensor bungs, LMK and I can look into pricing.

I need 5 people to commit to get the ball rolling, post sale pricing will be $185 a set till they are gone then they are gone.

If you are ordering I only ask that you please be patient with me. I am not in the parts/Buick business and only plan to run one set of these.
Just tell me where to send a check, mo, paypal or whatever to. I want a set powdercoated black.
I'm in, and would like to get back to you on the split and bead roll on my set. Definitely in to get a bung put on for IAC.. there's a machine shop on ebay that was selling bungs really cheap if that helps.

I may be in for two sets if I decide to split the my twin turbo intercooler in 1/2.

THanks for getting this done.

ps... anyone else contemplating polish and chrome plating?
Paypal is locked and loaded. Just let me know where to point it and when to hit send.
I need one more person to commit to a set then I will order them.
Just to make sure my math is right...

TType85 in for a set
Eticket in for a set
forcefed3.8's is in for two sets
Crazi in for a set

Thats 5 sets right or did someone back out?
I definitely would like a set split and bead rolled chris. Also the IAT sensor bung too - everyone should have this done I would think.
I'll get them ordered today. I agree everyone should consider the IAT bung.
turbobuick said:
I'll get them ordered today. I agree everyone should consider the IAT bung.

How much extra for the iat bung?
Any word on these? Found a source for them locally but since I committed to order a set, don't want to back out if they have already been ordered.