Casey-Anthony Jury should Bury Their Head in SHAME!!!

Casey Anthony juror Jennifer Ford who is obviously a complete moron said that she and the other jurors cried and were “Sick to our stomachs” after voting to acquit.

SICK TO OUR STOMACHS!!!!!!! which means they feel that she was GUILTY.

she goes on to say....

“I did not say she was innocent,” “I just said there was not enough evidence. If you cannot prove what the crime was, you cannot determine what the punishment should be.”

**(Cant prove what the crime was? WAT? the duct tape around the little girls face PROVES it was murder. u gotta be fukn ****ten me!)**

she goes on to say.....

“I’m not saying I believe the defense." (NO chit! Really? I cant imagine why that would be)

she also states.....

“If there was a dead child in that trunk, does that prove how she died? No idea, still no idea.” Ford told Moran. “If you’re going to charge someone with murder, don’t you have to know how they killed someone or why they might have killed someone, or have something where, when, why, how? Those are important questions. They were not answered."

this future brain surgeon states that she was "Sick to her stomach" about the verdict and she does not believe she was "Innocent" and "Does not believe her story" and thinks that the prosecution needs to prove exactly HOW she dies and WHY she dies.

that is someone who does NOT believe in the death penalty and therefore was not going to put someone to death. if that was her complaint I could live with it. but she is saying the prosecution did not prove their case. BS

that jury did NOT do what they were instructed to do. they were looking for answers to questions that only Casee and her now DEAD daughter Calee would have the answers to. Well, one is gone and the other is getting ready to hit the clubs and party.

fuken idiot! and anyone else who agrees with that dumb bitch is doing so just to do so. you know dam well you do not believe she was innocent. if you do not believe she was innocent then you believe she was guilty!

to go on and say "Well I believe she was guilty but the prosecution didnt prove its case" makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. you were not there at the scene of the murder and neither was the jury. the only accurate information you have is what has been told to you by the prosecution. so, if you "believe she is guilty" then you believe the prosecution proved its case. its that simple!

people as well as and especially JURORS have a very limited understanding of reasonable doubt.

a juror cannot make those kind of statement without blatantly violating their duties as a juror.

I think I might agree with Pierce Morgan about having cameras in the court rooms. its never done in Britain. its the only reasonable conclusion I can come up with as to why our jurors at times refuse to vote for the truth even knowing its right in front of them.

its a real shame this little girl will never get any justice for being brutally murdered in cold blood for being nothing more then a two year old girl.

its pathetic how people lose sight of that reality and are more focused on this ongoing circus of a trial. this child gets nothing from society. if not for the prosecution who else could possibly bring justice to that little girl? Who?
its pathetic how people lose sight of that reality and are more focused on this ongoing circus of a trial. this child gets nothing from society. if not for the prosecution who else could possibly bring justice to that little girl? Who?
The answer to that question is really quite simple. Society is not just a court room.
Casey Anthony juror Jennifer Ford who is obviously a complete moron said that she and the other jurors cried and were “Sick to our stomachs” after voting to acquit.

SICK TO OUR STOMACHS!!!!!!! which means they feel that she was GUILTY.

she goes on to say....

“I did not say she was innocent,” “I just said there was not enough evidence. If you cannot prove what the crime was, you cannot determine what the punishment should be.”

**(Cant prove what the crime was? WAT? the duct tape around the little girls face PROVES it was murder. u gotta be fukn ****ten me!)**

she goes on to say.....

“I’m not saying I believe the defense." (NO chit! Really? I cant imagine why that would be)

she also states.....

“If there was a dead child in that trunk, does that prove how she died? No idea, still no idea.” Ford told Moran. “If you’re going to charge someone with murder, don’t you have to know how they killed someone or why they might have killed someone, or have something where, when, why, how? Those are important questions. They were not answered."

this future brain surgeon states that she was "Sick to her stomach" about the verdict and she does not believe she was "Innocent" and "Does not believe her story" and thinks that the prosecution needs to prove exactly HOW she dies and WHY she dies.

that is someone who does NOT believe in the death penalty and therefore was not going to put someone to death. if that was her complaint I could live with it. but she is saying the prosecution did not prove their case. BS

that jury did NOT do what they were instructed to do. they were looking for answers to questions that only Casee and her now DEAD daughter Calee would have the answers to. Well, one is gone and the other is getting ready to hit the clubs and party.

fuken idiot! and anyone else who agrees with that dumb bitch is doing so just to do so. you know dam well you do not believe she was innocent. if you do not believe she was innocent then you believe she was guilty!

to go on and say "Well I believe she was guilty but the prosecution didnt prove its case" makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. you were not there at the scene of the murder and neither was the jury. the only accurate information you have is what has been told to you by the prosecution. so, if you "believe she is guilty" then you believe the prosecution proved its case. its that simple!

people as well as and especially JURORS have a very limited understanding of reasonable doubt.

a juror cannot make those kind of statement without blatantly violating their duties as a juror.

I think I might agree with Pierce Morgan about having cameras in the court rooms. its never done in Britain. its the only reasonable conclusion I can come up with as to why our jurors at times refuse to vote for the truth even knowing its right in front of them.

its a real shame this little girl will never get any justice for being brutally murdered in cold blood for being nothing more then a two year old girl.

its pathetic how people lose sight of that reality and are more focused on this ongoing circus of a trial. this child gets nothing from society. if not for the prosecution who else could possibly bring justice to that little girl? Who?

people are found guilty all the time without a body , murder weapon, cause of death.... these people were living in some TV fantasy crime and punishment show.

i think too many people in the thread are harping on "what if an innocent person goes to jail" its very rare... guilty people are going free and looking to kill or rob you!!!! how do you FEEL about that?!?!