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Central Ohio Buick Meet (Cookout!!!)


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Jim - Take 71 South to I-270 and go West. The outerbelt will turn to the left and start running South. When you get to I-70, Turn to the East and follow Jeremy's "If you are headed EAST on I-70" directions.
FYI - the Dyno Day in Cincinatti has been rescheduled to Sunday July 13th as one of the "contestants" exploded his turbo over the weekend and another guy has family matters to atttend to.

By rescheduling, those who come to the session should get to witness a Stage II car and 3-TSM cars...some with secret new pieces!:eek:
What time on the 13th? I'm going to Cedar Point that weekend, but should be back sometime Sunday morning.
Prolly about the time everyone can get there in the AM. Don't know for sure, but it will start in the AM.
I hope its not too late, I'd like to join y'all on Saturday. I just found out (thanks Tarey) since I rarely browse the Lounge.

Tom Miner
Originally posted by tminer
I hope its not too late, I'd like to join y'all on Saturday. I just found out (thanks Tarey) since I rarely browse the Lounge.

Tom Miner

Not too late at all!! How many will you be bringing? Check the thread for directions and e-mail if you are confused.

I am coming from the north so any directions from here would be great. I figure on coming down 71 south into columbus but not sure where to go from there. Thank You. Jim and Rachael.

Jim, I hope what Scott said cleared things up for you. There are a couple ways you can get to my place from 71. Scott has mentioned the easiest. I can tell you how to get to my place by going straight from 71 to 70 but you'll have to go through downtown if you do that. It's your call. Also, how many are you bringing?
Ok guys the day is almost upon. Last chance to let me know if you are coming. Hope to see everyone there! Call me if you need directions. Send me a PM for my cel phone number.
Well yesterday was a big success! I didn't have as much left over food as I thought I would so that's good.

I really enjoyed meeting the new people and it was good to see the people I already know.

Thanks for coming out guys, I had a blast!!
Ya know, we need to do these things about monthly, LOL

Yep, was fun, other then the BUST!.

Dang Arch Criminals of Society......
Yup, good time as always.

Lots of Buick's this time too, finally a nice weekend. :D