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chasin down the punk


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three turbos

Oct 17, 2010
Well i normaly dont post much in this section but i was reading some stories out loud to the wife (who loves our T) and she reminded me of this so here we go.I am on my way home from a car show in wich my wife is a little ways back in our mini van with our lovely daughter who woke up late so they came to the show later and caught up with me there.So we r on r way home now in wich it had been lightly raining for a while now so im already pissed that the car is getting trashed and the wife calls me on my cell (she is about 3 cars back) and says dont get to far ahead this guy behind me is rideing my ass and driveing like an idiot.I look to see what is happening and i can see him playing peekaboo,swerving you know the routine.I tell her just let it go hes just a punk kid in his daddys blazer,as i say this he trys to pass her in wich he had to fall back behind her due the fact he was unable to pass.My blood pressure is starting to rise now thinking this jag is going to cause my family to get in a wreck.Now we r approaching a light wich i had no choice but to go through as well as the other 2 cars behind me but the wife got the red, having a gut feeling me and the T pull to a stop on the shoulder to wait, so im watching my mirror,whata ya know the punk pulls up along side the wife rolls down his window pointing cussing and waveing his hands at my wife (did i mention im still on the phone hearing everything he is saying) Yeah well this went over like a fart in church, i flipped, I threw he phone down and punched it did a 360 right in the middle of a 4 way stop ,keep in mind he has know idea im in the big black car coming to get him he thinks shes just some soccer mom well he chose the wrong minivan fellas.As im approaching him and the wife the light turns green and he takes off like a bat out of hell well im on him like stains on a mattress and i think he might be putting 2 and 2 together now and realizeing he made a big mistake!The T is sideways more than it is straight due to my foot being mashed on it and the rain boost is just pegged at 16 lbs I want to kill this guy.We went through 2 neighberhoods blowing through stop sighns weaving around cars im thinking to myself man this is getting dangerouse as im thinking this to myself i see a stop sign ahead with traffic at it that leads to a very busy rd.Im thinking ok i got you now Bit$$, he comes up on the traffic knowing I got him boxed now, he stopped im right on him I throw the T in park open my door start to approach his door to pull his a$$ out im 5ft. from his door he sees me in his mirror and takes off into oncoming traffic pulls out onto a main rd cutting people off and away he goes again.I could not believe my eyes at this point I had to tell myself if somene gets killed because of this Im going to be linked to it and if i were to pursue him more he was probably going to cause an accident.I proved my point that he was the little b$$$$ running like a litlle school girl. Not so tough when your not dealing with a mom and daughter in there mini van r ya!! I can assure you of this the next time he thinks about mouthing off to another driver or sees a black TR in his mirror he is going to remember that day and may have a whole new respect for the big black cars with the the bulge in the hood.My wife say to this day it was like watching a seen out of gone in 60seconds in real life,Im sure if you guys where in my shoes you would do the same if someone talked to your wife like that in front of your 3 yr old daughter.Take it for what its worth its as true as they come!!!!:cool:
I can understand your anger, but your actions put you as well as others in danger. You drove like a maniac, on wet roads, in a powerful car AND "blew thru stop sighns" "weaving around cars". Had you approached me in my car in that manner, you would have come face to face with the business end of my .45....and had you tried to "pull my a$$ out" your wife would have been a widow and some other man would be rasing your child.

I don't mean to come across as an azz, but your actions were WAY out of line. I guess that's just "the Chicago Way". Think about your wife, child and car....they need you.
I can understand your anger, but your actions put you as well as others in danger. You drove like a maniac, on wet roads, in a powerful car AND "blew thru stop sighns" "weaving around cars". Had you approached me in my car in that manner, you would have come face to face with the business end of my .45....and had you tried to "pull my a$$ out" your wife would have been a widow and some other man would be rasing your child.

I don't mean to come across as an azz, but your actions were WAY out of line. I guess that's just "the Chicago Way". Think about your wife, child and car....they need you.

X2. You never know these days with folks.
Ya....I don't do road rage...

It's tempting sometimes...people are stupid animals (the kid who went after your wife is one)...and I have played someone some chin music when they got in my hair...but after seeing a news story years ago about twin brothers who road raged on some guy and one got stabbed in the chest and died in the others arms on a toll road ramp about 1.5 miles from my home... I decided that it aint worth it.

These days...I just smile and wave...give the occasional stern look...

If I do something to deserve a scolding, I just apologize and try to hold my tongue ...and finger.:rolleyes:
I had a driver get out on a guy at a stop light once. My driver had been cut off by the other guy and brake checked several times as well as finding it "funny" and taunting my truck driver. When my guy got out of his truck at the light he had his "load bar" in his hand. The other driver saw him and "blew through" the light nearly getting T-Boned in the process. Of course I "repremanded" the truck driver and explained to him that if the other guy would have been killed at that light he could have been charged (and very likely convicted) of Voluntary Manslaughter! I know it's hard to hold your temper and I have been guilty of the "Rage" myself but you are actually better off having the guy "get away" because YOU would have ended up bing the "Bad Guy" in the eyes of the law. Not sure how I would have handled your particular situation and you know what they say about "hindsight". I'm glad it ended ok, the wife and daughter are fine and DAD gets to come home everyday. Its easy to see you love them. I often tell my wife and daughter that road rage in today's culture is a no win proposition......if the law doesn't make you pay someone with no regard for your life will. Sorry for the ramble this just touched a chord with me and I wanted to pass on some FRIENDLY advice. Merry Christmas!

BTW: NICE pics in your album!
Thanks for all the replies guys yeah i agree it was probably not one of my smarter moves and thats a first for me with that stuff,as i watched the scenerio unfold behind me my anger and emotions went out of control and i just reacted throwing common sense to the side and as the went on common sense started to kick in again and thats when i called it off. The wife and i talked later that night and both agreed it was not smart but, its easy to see your mistakes after look back on the situation without emotions involved.Im sure we have all reacted on things once in our life and later wish we would have handled it differently after we had calmed down.
Thanks for the comments on the picts i will be posteing more soon.
Probably should have just called 911 and reported an erratic driver. Lots of loose cannons out there lately and never know who you are dealing with, they could end up having more rage than you.
Both you and the guy are still alive, so it’s not a kill. (J/K)
X5 what was said. Read my sig.