What do you guys think about this product?
I saw a infocomerical today, where they had an impalla SS i think making 200 rwhp and 220 after the install of this product. I was actually gonna buy one, but then got hold of myself. These commercials can sell us monkeys even if we did not need it.
The commercial was very convincing. i was gonna buy one and test it out for you guys. But I am tight on funds.
Kenne bell has a maf that intergrates vanes in their pipes. Similiar to the vornado except that it runs the full length of the pipe. So the Vornado does not seem to be a new idea, but does it work?
What do you guys think about this product?
I saw a infocomerical today, where they had an impalla SS i think making 200 rwhp and 220 after the install of this product. I was actually gonna buy one, but then got hold of myself. These commercials can sell us monkeys even if we did not need it.
The commercial was very convincing. i was gonna buy one and test it out for you guys. But I am tight on funds.
Kenne bell has a maf that intergrates vanes in their pipes. Similiar to the vornado except that it runs the full length of the pipe. So the Vornado does not seem to be a new idea, but does it work?