Chicago Police aka "REVENUE" SUCK


Active Member
Sep 29, 2005
We wake up this morning to find the cars on our street lined with tickets. We've always had a quiet enough neighborhood with wide enough streets that basically everyone parks their cars facing either direction. Legally your car is supposed to be parked facing the same way as the flow of traffic on that side of the street but in 20 years not a WORD has been said about it. Everyone parked the wrong way last night got ticketed.

We are NOWHERE near the city, if you cross the street directly east of me, you're in the suburbs. I could understand an action like this is the neighborhoods closer to downtown where people are fighting over parking all day. There aren't parking meters within 20 miles of here, this is not the type of neighborhood where a "meter maid" would be wandering around doing this, must have been a bored cop.

Bunch of @$@&* cowardly crooks that sneak around in the night and try to drum up revenue any way possible. Come write all these tickets in the daylight next time. Grow a pair.

I thought the police were supposed to protect you from getting robbed in the middle of the night?

This is a nice quiet neighborhood, certainly never a need to call the police, and this is how you repay us? Don't give me the BS that it's a safety issue, as I stated the streets here are wide and maybe 2 cars come through in an hour, not like there's a constant issue with people getting hit by cars pulling out from the wrong side of the street. There is no "traffic flow" to be concerned about.

Reminds me of my friend who got a ticket for a cracked windshield while her car was PARKED, how can you prove we weren't waiting for new glass to arrive, she purposely WASN'T driving the car until it was fixed!

Honestly I feel the same way I did a few years ago when we woke up to find stereos stolen from cars all up and down the street. Thanks Chicago!
I read somewhere that all the drug dealers and rapist were in jail now. Next... J-walkers and parking violators.
Would U like some cheese with ur whine?

We wake up this morning to find the cars on our street lined with tickets. We've always had a quiet enough neighborhood with wide enough streets that basically everyone parks their cars facing either direction. Legally your car is supposed to be parked facing the same way as the flow of traffic on that side of the street but in 20 years not a WORD has been said about it. Everyone parked the wrong way last night got ticketed.

We are NOWHERE near the city, if you cross the street directly east of me, you're in the suburbs. I could understand an action like this is the neighborhoods closer to downtown where people are fighting over parking all day. There aren't parking meters within 20 miles of here, this is not the type of neighborhood where a "meter maid" would be wandering around doing this, must have been a bored cop.

Bunch of @$@&* cowardly crooks that sneak around in the night and try to drum up revenue any way possible. Come write all these tickets in the daylight next time. Grow a pair.

I thought the police were supposed to protect you from getting robbed in the middle of the night?

This is a nice quiet neighborhood, certainly never a need to call the police, and this is how you repay us? Don't give me the BS that it's a safety issue, as I stated the streets here are wide and maybe 2 cars come through in an hour, not like there's a constant issue with people getting hit by cars pulling out from the wrong side of the street. There is no "traffic flow" to be concerned about.

Reminds me of my friend who got a ticket for a cracked windshield while her car was PARKED, how can you prove we weren't waiting for new glass to arrive, she purposely WASN'T driving the car until it was fixed!

Honestly I feel the same way I did a few years ago when we woke up to find stereos stolen from cars all up and down the street. Thanks Chicago!

Allow me to give U an informed perspective on the matter. Ur exactly right that the tickets issued were really not needed however I believe this may be a situation where an inspector was working last nite and that info spreads quickly thru the watch. If u have ever listened to a scanner and heard the phrase "timecheck in 16" thats the over the radio warning to the watch of an inspectors presence in the district. An inspector's sole purpose is to drive around and try to Police the Police in regards to uniform conformity, response time to "in-progress" jobs (burglaries, batteries, etc) and completion of necessary paperwork by patrol officers when necessary such as false burglar alarm tickets and parking tickets. Failure to write a ticket can be a suspension day for the Officer. I personally will not take a suspension day for NOBODY would U? So its obvious that some stroke on ur block called in on a cars violation for whatever reason and since the Officer had to go write on the block, he was forced to write all violations observed or get jammed by an inspector. So don't blame the Officer for doing his job, Im sure U know who called it in ---every block has a nut job on it.
Allow me to give U an informed perspective on the matter. Ur exactly right that the tickets issued were really not needed however I believe this may be a situation where an inspector was working last nite and that info spreads quickly thru the watch. If u have ever listened to a scanner and heard the phrase "timecheck in 16" thats the over the radio warning to the watch of an inspectors presence in the district. An inspector's sole purpose is to drive around and try to Police the Police in regards to uniform conformity, response time to "in-progress" jobs (burglaries, batteries, etc) and completion of necessary paperwork by patrol officers when necessary such as false burglar alarm tickets and parking tickets. Failure to write a ticket can be a suspension day for the Officer. I personally will not take a suspension day for NOBODY would U? So its obvious that some stroke on ur block called in on a cars violation for whatever reason and since the Officer had to go write on the block, he was forced to write all violations observed or get jammed by an inspector. So don't blame the Officer for doing his job, Im sure U know who called it in ---every block has a nut job on it.

I don't think the rant was based towards the cop personally, it seems to me that the intent and anger was based towards the government searching for every way it can to make money off it's own people. I think our government is too busy looking to reach in peoples pockets lately. Frustration is building because of the economy and our governments "screw you little guy" attitude.

I don't know if policy is different for each jurisdiction but I saw a special on court t.v. about an Oak Lawn cop who has only written a handful of speeding tickets in a couple years time (and yes he pulls over a ton of people, he lets them off with warnings). Shouldn't he get in trouble for not filling a quota or "doing his job" and enforcing the law? I'm not being a smart a$$ I really am curious. Is each department allowed to make up it's own rules?
Governments should be fair, flexible and intelligent. They should enforce laws that serve people not look for ways to generate revenue. They should revere the people who are the core of it's being. They should NOT feel as if they can do as they please like place new laws on the books, let a machine/robot convict you in court (traffic cams, breathalyser machines) , charge you double because you choose to pay a toll with AMERICAN currency instead of letting a machine tally it up for you. I don't think the housing of criminals should be left to a company who makes it a business.

The list goes on...people are getting tired of it and we have a right to be.
Allow me to give U an informed perspective on the matter. Ur exactly right that the tickets issued were really not needed however I believe this may be a situation where an inspector was working last nite and that info spreads quickly thru the watch. If u have ever listened to a scanner and heard the phrase "timecheck in 16" thats the over the radio warning to the watch of an inspectors presence in the district. An inspector's sole purpose is to drive around and try to Police the Police in regards to uniform conformity, response time to "in-progress" jobs (burglaries, batteries, etc) and completion of necessary paperwork by patrol officers when necessary such as false burglar alarm tickets and parking tickets. Failure to write a ticket can be a suspension day for the Officer. I personally will not take a suspension day for NOBODY would U? So its obvious that some stroke on ur block called in on a cars violation for whatever reason and since the Officer had to go write on the block, he was forced to write all violations observed or get jammed by an inspector. So don't blame the Officer for doing his job, Im sure U know who called it in ---every block has a nut job on it.

yet another example of CPD's finest that needs to grow a pair.:wink:
Reminds me of a ticket I got once for an abandoned vehicle that hadn't been moved in 7 days (in my own private driveway). Now I am not sure I have ever read or heard of such a law. But that isn't the weird part. This particular ticket was issued 2 days after to car was purchased and driven to the location it was parked in a private driveway.... Must have been a misunderstanding.:rolleyes:
Private property tickets..

Reminds me of a ticket I got once for an abandoned vehicle that hadn't been moved in 7 days (in my own private driveway). Now I am not sure I have ever read or heard of such a law. But that isn't the weird part. This particular ticket was issued 2 days after to car was purchased and driven to the location it was parked in a private driveway.... Must have been a misunderstanding.:rolleyes:

If ur car was blocking a little bit of the sidewalk as it was parked in the driveway then that ticket would stand but if the car was completely on private property then that ticket if contested would be dismissed. Tickets can be written on private property if they are accomanied by a "private parking complaint form". That would be attached to the hard copy of the ticket and forwarded to Dept of Revenue.

I Shouldn't he get in trouble for not filling a quota or "doing his job" and enforcing the law? I'm not being a smart a$$ I really am curious. Is each department allowed to make up it's own rules?

Unless ur in the traffic unit or assigned to parking enforcement, u not required to write moving and parking tickets in Chicago. Our contract does not say we have to write X amount of tickets. As I mentioned before Burglar alarms if determined to be accidental or false have to be cited by General Order. We never used to cite a residence on a false alarm but within the last 2 years or so we are now required. Churches and schools still get a pass. I dont write movers because traffic court to me is a pain in the @ss to get to unless Im working the day of the court date then I drive the squad car and park it under Lake St. L. So U really have to be deserving to get a mover from me.
Respect the city cops,and kick the nearest suburban cop in the nuts,their pu$$ies:wink:
It was several years ago...(I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong) this thread just reminded me of how pss'd I was at that time.
FWIW- the car was in the driveway, in front of the garage with all valid registration temp. tags, about 80' from the street, and about 60' from the sidewalk.
I can appreciate your explanation about the "inspector" and perhaps an officer was just covering his butt and making sure cars in his patrol were properly ticketed, BUT none of the other streets around us got hit. We were up early this morning, so it's not just that everyone else had pulled the tickets off their cars. They simply hit my block, which runs North-South, the two sidestreets that cross mine running west didn't get hit. So the inspector story doesn't really fly with me otherwise I'd see tickets everywhere.

Well obviously I was a bit heated this morning. Trust me, I have never been one of the idiots in the world who just have a general problem with police on a daily basis, I respect what they do. I can even go so far as to understand... parking illegally is parking illegally. My main problem is that this is such a peaceful neighborhood. Like I said, we aren't the kind of people calling the police over every week, having loud parties, etc. I can't remember the last time anyone has actually called the cops here.

I knew when I posted this that certain board members ;) would read it, and I did mean to put a disclaimer at the bottom of the original post saying I wasn't making a blanket statement against all police officers, I just felt this was a crappy situation.

When I worked out by the lake, I'd get a ticket for my meter expiring, but the person double parked on my back bumper where there isn't even a meter because it turns into a driveway, wouldn't get ticketed. Same thing today with only our block getting ticketed. I don't get the "pick and choose" mentality. Ticket everyone or leave people alone.

Again looking at the name of the thread I was trying to not directly refer to "police", but I had no other way to word it.

Even the few times I've watched Parking Wars on TLC gave me a new appreciation for the people on the other side of the ticket, the people just trying to do their job writing parking tickets, and getting yelled at all day by people that can't afford 50 cents or can't pay attention to the time and fill their meter back up.

It just rubbed me the wrong way... the people in this neighborhood don't deserve this. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

Times are hard right now, with gas at $4 sometimes you don't want to circle around the block just to park the "right" way! Seems like a slap in the face that the government sends out a stimulus check, and then your own city wants to get a piece of it so they start writing random parking tickets.

I agree generally the city police aren't that bad and this IS the kind of crap I'd expect from bored suburban cops.
If I speed and get a ticket, I accept the consequences of my action. Doesnt matter about those that didnt get caught. I did.

If I run a stop sign and get ticketed, 10 other people behind me run the stop sign, I get ticketed but nobody else does, I accept the consequences of my decision to run it. Im not worried about the 10 others.

If I park the wrong direction KNOWING its against the law and get caught and ticketed, again, I accept the consequences. Its against the law. Doesnt matter if there are 100 others just like it. Am I any less guilty? No.

My question is this. If you were not breaking the law, would you have gotten a ticket? What if you saw another street get hit with tickets, and yours didnt? Would you call the police department and say its not fair to those others, come give our street tickets too?

Im not a cop, but Im sure they are in a no win situation. They have a job to do, and theres very little appreciation unless you need them.
I knew this thread was going to stir the chat

I got a ticket the other day from Lockport for no seatbelt. What a crock of chit. My kids school bus has no seat belts also show me a motorcycle with with seat belts. I'm so tired of the BS. My car is full of air bags you pricks. Not you Gary....:eek:
I know, I know, waaa waaa waaa.
Surprised I did not end up in jail. I never mother fudged a cop so bad and got away with it.:eek: :D ;) :cool:

The list goes on...people are getting tired of it and we have a right to be.

A-men brother. The system is f__cked.
Like the song goes. You and me will all go down in history with a sad statue liberty and a gen-a-ration that didn't agree!

Respect the city cops,and kick the nearest suburban cop in the nuts,their pu$$ies:wink:

:biggrin: I'd love too. ;)
I can appreciate your explanation about the "inspector" and perhaps an officer was just covering his butt and making sure cars in his patrol were properly ticketed, BUT none of the other streets around us got hit. We were up early this morning, so it's not just that everyone else had pulled the tickets off their cars. They simply hit my block, which runs North-South, the two sidestreets that cross mine running west didn't get hit. So the inspector story doesn't really fly with me otherwise I'd see tickets everywhere.

Well obviously I was a bit heated this morning. Trust me, I have never been one of the idiots in the world who just have a general problem with police on a daily basis, I respect what they do. I can even go so far as to understand... parking illegally is parking illegally. My main problem is that this is such a peaceful neighborhood. Like I said, we aren't the kind of people calling the police over every week, having loud parties, etc. I can't remember the last time anyone has actually called the cops here.

I knew when I posted this that certain board members ;) would read it, and I did mean to put a disclaimer at the bottom of the original post saying I wasn't making a blanket statement against all police officers, I just felt this was a crappy situation.

When I worked out by the lake, I'd get a ticket for my meter expiring, but the person double parked on my back bumper where there isn't even a meter because it turns into a driveway, wouldn't get ticketed. Same thing today with only our block getting ticketed. I don't get the "pick and choose" mentality. Ticket everyone or leave people alone.

Again looking at the name of the thread I was trying to not directly refer to "police", but I had no other way to word it.

Even the few times I've watched Parking Wars on TLC gave me a new appreciation for the people on the other side of the ticket, the people just trying to do their job writing parking tickets, and getting yelled at all day by people that can't afford 50 cents or can't pay attention to the time and fill their meter back up.

It just rubbed me the wrong way... the people in this neighborhood don't deserve this. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

Times are hard right now, with gas at $4 sometimes you don't want to circle around the block just to park the "right" way! Seems like a slap in the face that the government sends out a stimulus check, and then your own city wants to get a piece of it so they start writing random parking tickets.

I agree generally the city police aren't that bad and this IS the kind of crap I'd expect from bored suburban cops.

Don't feel bad about being upset. What ever happen to a warning ticket? They are a thing of the past. Thats all it would have taken and nextime there would be no problem. Moving violations are one thing, BS tickets are another.
You must have some idiot on the street that called up the PD complaining about the parking style. Dispatch has no choice but to dispatch an officer to check upon the problem. When the PO arrived on scene, he had no choice but to write tickets on that section of the street. The PO does not know who's watching him. If he did not write, the caller might complain about him for not writing.

Maybe that same idiot on the block had it out for someone and called the PD.

On the registration issue, check your local ordinace about having unregistered vehicles on your property.

Billy T.
I just went through my own parking ticket horror. Seems you're presumed guilty unless you can prove otherwise. I got a summonse in the mail in late Dec. stating that I had an overdue parking ticket from Oct. from NYC. I have never driven to NYC, ever. Long story short, they entered the wrong tag # into their computer. they entered a "B' instead of an "N", which are right next to each other on the keyboard. The wierd thing was that the vehicles were the same make and model, different color. My vehicle in question was sold 4 years earlier, so I was very confused as to why the tags were showing up now. I had to write to them, trying to prove that it wasn't me. Getting signed papers from the dealer stating that I had sold it to them 4 years earlier. police report on stolen tags, ect. After getting a 2nd and 3rd notice, I finally get a copy of the ticket, I noticed the last # on the tag was wrong. Up until that point, they were threatening me with a license suspension and possible jail time (big crime). I called their ticket hotline to tell them the mistake, and after pulling the ticket up on their computer and running the tag on the ticket, they said that tag # was not mine, but there wasn't anything they could do for me. I was told that I had to waste more time, and write them to clear it up. Waste of time, waste of time, waste of time. Guilty until proven otherwise. Finally got a "Sorry for the inconvienience" e-mail. They can wipe their a$$ with it......
Seems you're presumed guilty unless you can prove otherwise.
I was told that I had to waste more time, and write them to clear it up. Waste of time, waste of time, waste of time. Guilty until proven otherwise. Finally got a "Sorry for the inconvienience" e-mail. They can wipe their a$$ with it......

Guilty until proven innocent. You got that right!

I got a ticket in the city for parking to close to a RR crossing when I know I was far enough away. The building I was parked in front of was at least 2 feet closer to the tracks than the back of my car. I called the police district and to complain and got the old..."well you can go to court and contest it". Yeah take a day off work to fight a 50$ ticket. I would do it if I got reimbursed by our government for taking the day off to prove myself innocent.

I think if you go to court and show beyond a shadow of a doubt you were right you should be compensated for your time and the officer who ticketed you should get penalized somehow. Maybe not a monetary penalty but say if an officer rights 5 false tickets in a month he/she get a nice "training session" without pay for the day. It would raise the accountability level to a new high.

If we dick with the system they can take our lives/livelihood away and if they do it we get an apology email.

If there is no accountability in a system it leads to corruption and abuse.
What ever happen to a warning ticket? They are a thing of the past.

I got a written warning last month. My Cadillac is too loud for some law enforcement officers to tolerate so I got pulled and written up for "Improper Passing". Nevermind the fact that I was #1 at the light and while I did take off in a 'spirited' manner, I did not pass anyone improperly. I was WAY ahead of anyone else.

The cop that pulled me over opened with "I heard that thing a mile away.....don't see too many hot rodded Caddies......".

Since he presented me with a written warning I didn't bitch about it.......until now.
