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Considering Cadillac CTS or CTS-V... Any input?


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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2004
So, considering picking up another car so I can park the GN and play with it some more. Was considering a Honda or something similar, like a small Ford (need 4 door for 3 kids) but saw a Cadillac CTS and kind of fell in love. Not sure how I go from an econobox Honda to a CTS or even a CTS-V, but that's where I am at. Haven't driven one yet, but may in the next few days. I wasn't really keen on the 6 speed for the V, but that's all they come with by the looks of it.

Anyone have any experience with either the CTS or the V? Really love the V, with the LS6, Brembo brakes, sport suspension, etc.

How do they ride, what kind of true mileage are you experiencing, are their any known issues with them, etc, etc, etc?

EDIT: Looking at the CTS in a 2008, CTS-V in a 2004-2005, if that helps.
2006/2007 CTS-Vs come with the LS2 that has a better torque range than the LS6 in the 2004/2005 models.

The fit and finish is much better in the 2008 and beyond models than the earlier ones.
The only thing I'm not fond of in the older V's is that they are all sticks. If I'm driving a Caddy I don't want to be shifting gears. Just my two cents.
Yeah, I love the newer models and can swing the $ in the CTS of that yeat, but when looking at the V, my budget drops the year to a 2004-2005. ;)
Picked up a 2011 CTS-4. Milage isn't all that great getting about 17mpg right now. I suspect it'll get around 20 when it warms up. It handles like it's on rails. Very nice, oh and the chicks dig them... :eek:
The only thing I'm not fond of in the older V's is that they are all sticks. If I'm driving a Caddy I don't want to be shifting gears. Just my two cents.

I'm with you on that, that is why I need to go drive one. I always said I wouldn't have another stick as a driver, especially in the SoCal traffic we get into... But, damn they are sick!

We shall see...

Anyone know if you have to run premium fuel (91) in them? I am pretty sure you don't in the CTS, but not sure about the V. Some of the older Cad's needed 91.
2004- 2005 cts-v

has weak rear end,
06 up has stronger rear end,
ask Gary he is well versed on CTS V
This is the place to be if you are thinking about a Cad, regardless of model:
Cadillac Owners and Enthusiasts Forum Homepage - Over 100,000 Members

This is the forum area:

This is the V section, both V1 & V2:Cadillac V-Series Forums

As Lee said, the V1's do have a weak rear end, and there have 2 or 3 changes to fix them. I would strongly recommend a 2006-2007 V1, stick only of course, there was no 2008 in the v cars, but the 2009 V2 opened up a whole new world to the Caddy, stick or auto, although I think that autos are more common, and in 2011 they brought out the coupe, and the wagon with the V2 motor might be out by now.
I love mine and never intend on getting rid of it, but I have felt the same way about my turbo T ever since I have had it.
I would strongly suggest looking & driving a few of them before making up your mind.
I can only stand up for the V's, IDK anything about the non-V cars.

LS1Tech forum has a pretty strong V1 following, not so much on the V2. It's probably worth looking at too. I follow it also.
I post quite a bit on the V2 section
Last summer we rented a CTS 6 cylinder and drove it from LAX to SF and back. I liked it, not very big compared to my Fleetwood. Set the cruise at 100 mph several times and the passengers didn't know we were going that fast:wink: I would love to drive the CTS-V
Thanks for the info guys, especially the forums. I drove a CTS tonight. Nice car, kind of plain, but real nice.

Then went and drove an '04 CTS-V... Wow... I am in love. Obviously need to do some more research but man it handled nice, rode nice, had good power, was comfortable, etc, etc, etc. Nice cars for sure...
If all goes well my buddyis picking up an 04 CTS-V tomorrow.
Cool shop car ;)
FWIW, even though the '09 & up CTS-V's are heavier than a tank, they can be made to move pretty fast. There are at least 4, I believe in the country that are into the 9's. Fastlane is one of them, another is 600+ CTS-V running a solid 9.85 and is a member on the Cad forum. I know of at least a couple of 600 RWHP cars in the greater SoCal area and 1 is just a hair below or over 700 RWHP. Getting overly enthusiastic with one of these at a stoplight could be embarrassing. The record on the Cad forum is 11.99 for a bone stocker. Commonly, they run 12.1 - 12.6 bone stock on stock tires & rims. Wish that I could say that mine was one of the fast ones, but so far I am bone stock.
CTS-V would be a great family cruiser. I'm not sure if the build quality is the same but a few years ago I had a CTS as a rental and it felt like it was coming apart in some ways. Not sure if that's just rental car life or the build quality on the regular CTS is not up to par. I'd go drive some high mileage cars at dealerships just to see how they are as they age.
The CST Sportwagon has our (wife and I) attention right now. Just not sure about leg room in the rear for the kids. A V wagon would be great, but NOT in our range.:eek:
I drove another V today, this time a black 2005... Man, I really want a black one too. It was super clean, 55k on it. Price was about $21k. Already has a few simple mods, like exhaust, 1" Eibach springs, K&N intake/filter.

Sucks they take 91 like our GN's, especially since it is hovering at $4.05/gal right now...

I am really having a hard time not jumping on it. The wife is asking if I was feeling ok because I told her I needed to think about it. I know it is not the smartest, most economical choice for a driver, but I am very tempted. Everyone keeps telling me to "reward myself" and splurge on it. We shall see...
Man, you even thinking about getting a V makes you one lucky bastid in my book!

I was looking at a CTS very closely last year but decided on a truck (which had nothing to do with the quality of the Caddy - I really wanted one, but my truck is more useful.)

My father is a diehard Mercedes owner, but he actually really wants a CTS-V. He got turned onto them by his attorney, another German car guy, who fell in love and now swears by the car. I guess the only reason this is relevant is cause the old man's standards in cars are VERY HIGH, but he said he was totally impressed by the V - especially the quality of the interior and the performance!

It sounds to me like if you don't get're gonna be mad at yourself. DO IT!

FWIW...I shopped cars for several months last year trying to find something economical to drive 100 miles a day (right through Los Angeles.) But all I really wanted was a truck. I finally decided the only thing that would make it worse was doing it in something I didn't even want to drive - some economy car I felt forced into buying by gas prices right? Well, I bought the damn truck...and I couldn't be happier! I LOVE my truck, and I pay whatever gas costs. I'm also getting almost 20 MPG :) (cruise control is my friend.)

Try this:
If your commute is short: tell yourself you don't go very far anyway, so gas prices aren't an issue.
If your commute is long: tell yourself you spend so much time in your car, it should be something you love.
It worked for me :biggrin:
09 V gets about 20mpg on the hwy, maybe 21:biggrin:Around town, not so good. They *seem* to have a few fit and finish issues, like most cars. The drivetrain as been pretty bullet proof. At least no one is pulling it and dropping in a 350 small block and turbo 400;)
Dont for get the STS-V alittle bigger and nicer ride. Can be found at a good price
Well, I couldn't say no to this car, so now it is sitting in my driveway. :biggrin:

Got 26 mpg on the way home from Escondido, was pretty shocked at that. :cool:

This car is sick...!


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