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Corvette Killed


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Nov 23, 2003
Bright Yellow Corvette!!!!!!! KILLED!!! Twice to be exact. Minding my own buisness runnin about 50 getting on to the 4 lane and before i get on good here comes headlights slingshotting around me and all i see is yellow and tail lights!! Momentarilly that is, pushed the petal on down, caught & passed, we slowed down for a caution light and was cruising about 60 and YEP, You guessed it, Here he comes again:eek: No mercy this time, I held it for about a mile and put about an 8th mile between us with him looking at my tail lights.:D :biggrin: :cool: Then later tonight goin down the road and some :mad: kid hits my windshiel with a friggin TWINKIE!!! Ran em down,got tag# called cops and now they are in Trouble!! They tried to outrun me but you know the rest of that story.:biggrin:
Little punks! They probably don't even know what a Grand National is. If they do maybe you should cut them a break, like 3 years in maximum security. Corvette guys are not as cocky as Mustang guys, but still a good kill!
Well, one of the kids grandfather witch turned out to be a very good friend of mine:rolleyes: came by this morning and appologised for what his grandson had done(He was the one that threw the Twinkie) and said his grandson would be coming by with an appology also. So much for the 3 yrs in maximum security!:rolleyes:

I forgot to mention on the first post that i have one of the old bumper stickers on my back bumper that say's(We Brake For Corvettes) He He!
No damage, Just poor visibility through the windshield until i washed it off! First time ive ever really wanted to LICK my T/Type though:biggrin: