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crazy idea: race gas injection?


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Dec 15, 2001
Since we all have alcohol injection cause we want the power of high boost without the cost of paying for race gas for daily driving, I was just thinking of this: What if we use an alky kit to inject race gas at higher boost levels, where it is needed? Is that at all possible? I'm guessing it won't work, otherwise it would've been done by now.
I think its the cooling effect that alky has to cool intake temps. It does have high octane ( 117 )i think.

Maybe someone else can chime in on this...
I pondered this as well and came up with a couple of reasons.

First and foremost is that I believe the alky has a better atomization effect compared to gasoline. When you are spraying a liquid before the intake manifold, you will have puddling/atomization problems if you spray too much of it because the intake manifold is meant to flow AIR not LIQUID. Going by this arguement you can spray a LOT more alky than racegas.

Secondly, I have heard that spraying alcohol on top of 93 pump fuel is like being on a 110 octane gas. That being said, if you were running 93 pump fuel you would need to spray a ****LOAD of racegas to get to a 110 octane mix. I don't think you can spray this much gas before the intake manifold and expect it to atomize and mix well in the combustion chambers.

But strangely enough, when I looked up the octane of alcohol it said the R+M/2 is only 101? :confused: I guess the cooling properties of it is what aids in the knock protection? I could have swore I remember alcohol being 114+ octane, but a quick google search turned up 101 R+M/2 for Methanol. Maybe someone can correct me here?
Different types of alcohol have different octanes. But you need to cooling effect of the water to prevent detonation
Well I just read an old post on here that said Methanol was 140-160 octane! Thats quite a bit. I don't know why most websites list the R+M/2 as 101? :confused: