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Crime Rate Stats, Lets put out the REAL facts


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No problem. Im not doing my part if Im not passing the RIGHT facts around. And spreading the word. I put it all over my facebook. Spread the facts, bc alot of people are suckers for the news channel.
I think this is similar to corporate financial people who juggle the numbers to make parts of a company look a certain way so they can push their agendas through. The truth is out there if you know where to look, things are worse than ever where I am at, Its always in the back of my mind is something going to go down today and involve me? I try to be carefull and prepared as best I can but you really are not safe locked inside of your own home anymore. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Simple as that, it applies to many areas of our lives.
fastblackracing said:
I think this is similar to corporate financial people who juggle the numbers to make parts of a company look a certain way so they can push their agendas through. The truth is out there if you know where to look, things are worse than ever where I am at, Its always in the back of my mind is something going to go down today and involve me? I try to be carefull and prepared as best I can but you really are not safe locked inside of your own home anymore. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Simple as that, it applies to many areas of our lives.

Where you from? I live in NJ so I'm used to all these gun regulations. But I'd like to think one day when I move outta here I can buy a pistol without having to wait 2-4 months for a pistol permit that's valid for only 90 days
Where you from? I live in NJ so I'm used to all these gun regulations. But I'd like to think one day when I move outta here I can buy a pistol without having to wait 2-4 months for a pistol permit that's valid for only 90 days
Ohio---right now I can still buy whatever and usually have it the same day. This will all change one day if things keep going the wrong direction.
QUESTION Dreamn4gn, do you still have crime up in NJ with all of the gun restrictions, or do you just feel like your not allowed to protect yourself?
That is the way it seems to be heading, slowly and surely the regulations creep. You say you are use to the Regs. I think that I should be able to buy weapons as I please. I am a law abiding voter. I wouldn't stand for a representative and would never vote for one who didn't share my views.

2nd amendment is non-negotiable to me.
QUESTION Dreamn4gn, do you still have crime up in NJ with all of the gun restrictions, or do you just feel like your not allowed to protect yourself?
Camden NJ has more murders then some major cities. They had a gun buy back a few weeks ago, And their were 2 rocket launchers turned in. Like are you shitting me? Its like 20 mins away from me. I mean I can buy any long gun I want after a backround check and outta there same day. They are just strict on the pistols. But I mean 15 round mag limits, No collapsable stocks, no adjustable stocks. Sucks but its tolerable. Atleast NJ doesnt have the bullet button law.Not sure if I could tolerate that.
That is the way it seems to be heading, slowly and surely the regulations creep. You say you are use to the Regs. I think that I should be able to buy weapons as I please. I am a law abiding voter. I wouldn't stand for a representative and would never vote for one who didn't share my views.

2nd amendment is non-negotiable to me.
Couldnt agree more. NJ is one of the most corrupt state out there I gaurentee it. I will not own a home in NJ , EVER Im saving my money to buy a nice 100 plus acre farm in Kentucky somewhere. NJ is one of the few states who make previous home owners pay a tax to leave and move out of NJ. I just want to be a visitor of the state of NJ in the next 5 yrs
Camden NJ has more murders then some major cities. They had a gun buy back a few weeks ago, And their were 2 rocket launchers turned in. Like are you shitting me? Its like 20 mins away from me. I mean I can buy any long gun I want after a backround check and outta there same day. They are just strict on the pistols. But I mean 15 round mag limits, No collapsable stocks, no adjustable stocks. Sucks but its tolerable. Atleast NJ doesnt have the bullet button law.Not sure if I could tolerate that.

when you say "rocket launchers" are you talking about those now useless aluminum tubes that at one point in the past had something resembling an rpg in them?
someone brought in $5 worth of aluminum scrap and got a couple of hundred dollars for it- they'd be stupid not to take that deal. hell, most of the guns that were brought in were probably old worn out junk that were only worth their weight in scrap metal and could only be used to assault someone if the person holding it got close enough to swing it like a hammer..
when you say "rocket launchers" are you talking about those now useless aluminum tubes that at one point in the past had something resembling an rpg in them?
someone brought in $5 worth of aluminum scrap and got a couple of hundred dollars for it- they'd be stupid not to take that deal. hell, most of the guns that were brought in were probably old worn out junk that were only worth their weight in scrap metal and could only be used to assault someone if the person holding it got close enough to swing it like a hammer..
From what I heard , it was a real actuall launcher, with 2 rockets handed in. One of my buddies is a cop in Camden and actually worked the trade in , thats where i got my info from.He said some older man brought it in. Im guessing someone put him upto trading it in. Their were tech-9's, Uzi's all types of fully auto guns handed in. He the officer in camden, is also on some elite taskforce, doing drug raids and etc, and has seized in a raid that conficasted over 100 weapons in just one house. All illegal. So it shows that gun laws will not prevent the bad guys or crazies from getting these weapons.
Ill see if I can get an answer from him if the rocket launcher was actually in working condition.