Sing it with me - frustration, frustration, frustaaaation...

(but read to the end, 'cause I discovered something with the TPS).
Wanted to confirm the integrity of the FPR diaphragm, so I take out the four allen bolts on the top of it, as well as loosen the adjustment nut, hoping to get into it. The top housing wouldn't budge. Tried to coerce it with a small screw driver and channel lock pliers (neither too hard); still no. I then just decided to take a look at the vacuum line that normally goes to the cruise control, and discovered that it was no longer capped. It was as of a week or two ago, and think that might be the "new" cause, I capped it good and went for a run.
I hit it, and for the first time, all the way through the top of 2nd gear, it performed flawlessly. 17 psi, 820 MV reading, fuel pressure rising good. So I cruise for a couple minutes to cool it down and repeat. Same exact results - perfect. I finally think I've resolved it, so I go to fuel up at the local station and head home. On the way home, I decide to do one last blast to triple confirm and just enjoy. WOT, and it fully cuts out, almost like the ignition was turned off. I wasn't watching any gauges that time.
However, after I got home, I checked the TPS setting with ignition on. At idle - 0.44. At WOT 3.98. If I put all my strength into the pedal to the floor, I was able to squeeze out a 4.02. It should be 4.45, correct? Could that be the problem?
Ideal at idle is 0.45, right? What's the solution to get it right at WOT?