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Daily abused GNX spotted


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daily driver

i agree hats off to people with daily driver collectables, i got an 87 gn, and when weather is great in chicago, i take her out of the garage and put some miles on my 58k odometer, bought it to enjoy it and store in winter. alot of people in chitown turn their heads to look at it :D :biggrin: :cool: :eek:
she probably took it in a divorce just to pierce her ex's heart..he probably never drove it anywhere that could cause harm and then she decided I'll get that cheatin a-hole...I'll drive his baby into the ground...chicks can be cruel!

thats it!!!
wow some of you people amaze call urself car enthusiasts and then say this kind of stuff.the car is a collectible, and therefore should be treated as not saying dont drive it, but as a daily driver just seems dumb.that old lady is ruining a piece of american automotive history:mad: now if u want to drive cars and have fun well hell im all for that.if ur going to spend that kind of money though why get a gnx and destroy it.for 20 grand u could buy or build a nasty street car that u can take to the strip, drive to work, leave in a mall parking lot, or even drive in the heck buy a regular regal and clone it to a gnx if thats what u want ur car to look like.but dont ruin a collectible. and to whoever said u buy ur caddys and lexus(fake POS toyotas) and destroy them u made urself sound like a idiot, no offense.547 gnx's were made not thousands like todays current lexus and caddys.also show me a 22 year old stock cadillac, lexus, or anything like that, thats worth as much as even a decently taken care of GNX.ur comparing apples to oranges to make ur point, which didnt even make sense at all.

It's her car, she can do whatever she wants to it.
There is one in Gadsden Alabame. I have seen it out at least 10 times when I am home on leave. Never able to talk to the person driving it because we are usually passing in opposite directions or the owner is not to be found when parked. Maybe not a daily driver but it is driven a lot. My brother called and said that it was behind him at the drive thru last week. He has heard it is a rebuilt wreck. I will see if I can find out the production number.

If I was her, I would cash in, there is always someone out there that would drop a wad of cash on something like this. I bought mine to drive and race and I do it as often as I can. I would drive mine everyday if I was able.:biggrin:
She may have a plan . A friend of mine in El Paso Texas has a "78" SS El Camino that is just like new , Except it hasn't been painted , or even washed in quite a while . The plan . If it looks like hell no one will steal it . By the way his plan has worked for a very long time . lots of luck . Bobby .
Hi guys, I am new here been a long time fan of GNs and of course the GNX. I found the sirte by accident and got caight up reading GNX-ray's GTNX detials...fascinating stuff.
I have had several friends that have owned several examples of GNs, and at one time inherited a large pile of GN memoribilia which regrettably I gave up to another friend who also was a GN enthusiast.

At any rate I just wanted to share with you GNX watchers that here on Long Island NY, there is a large shoppiong mall called Roosevelt Field in which I have seen on several occasions a genuine daily "abused" GNX. I am guessing that it is driven by a woman (there is eveidence by personal possesions). The car is as you would imagine a daily driven 80's car would be. There appears to be some paint bubbling and the the seals all seem to be cracking....kills me to see this special car treated in this way.

I dont rememer the dash number since it was a few months ago since I last saw it. I am sure this car is one of those cases where the owner has a million people asking her daily to sell them the car for a fair price given its state and she refuses because while she knows its special and thinks that even in its sad state is worth a million bucks, she obviously iss not a car-guy/gal per they just uses it and drives it into the ground.

If any of you are in the NY area and are looking for a real GNX to might want to look there since I am guessing that she is an employee in the mall most probably of Nordstroms since it was in this area that I spotted that car.

I believe that this is the car that you are speaking of.

Good job little ol lady. Drive it everywhere. Do what most dont have the balls to.
Don't have a GNX, heck I don't have a GN yet but I have alway been of the mindset that I don't WANT something so nice I was afraid to drive it. Unless I have the $$ to buy it and put it away as an investment. My 72 Chevelle and 68 Camero were anything but stock but I didn't fell "bad" when I changed an intake or carb or rearend cause they weren't "special" like a SS or Z28. When I get a GN I have an idea of what I want to do to it, but if I could afford a GNX I would want to keep it stock and well guarded. Just saying it's what I would do.
not necessarily; there were only 547. If only that one was stolen, that makes 546 left. Do that scenario for 22 years and think how many people are hoarding theirs and then take into account all of the ones that got butchered due to drag strips and your "it can be replaced" starts to fade away....

Just a thought

i bought one and said i'll drive my 95 isuzu pup more and keep this at the house. well that went out the window, regardless if its hot or rainy, i'll take her out. i own it, i fill it up i'll drive it as i see fit. she probably did get it in the divorce and now the X looks at her with despise. my wife said she'd get the car if i left, i almost took her out right then and there. she wouldn't drive it because she says there is too much to remember. just do it out of spite, and i'd light a match before i relinquish the keys.
God forbid this poor woman ever needs help with it and comes on these forums and finds this thread...
yea right

that lady is one of those to take it to a buick dealer and have him make it dependable without worrying about looks. unlicky she's even online. ou know we've all had freinds find diamonds on the rough with low miles garage kept but when she passes her son in law or someone will be informed real quick that it's worth more then a few thousand. if so some lucky person will run into it at an estate sale for dirt cheap, talk about hating on someone, regardless if it is or not it's worth money so when she kicks it i'd be curious who gets it. i'd love to be her neighbor.
I stand on the fence on this issue..

I'm all about driving/enjoying my cars (look and the mileage on mine in my sig). I bought my '87 GN with 59.5K miles on it in May and it now has 63k and some change on it now...and I only drive it on the weekends when it's nice, I drove it to work a few times and I drove it everyday for a week when I was on vacation from my job this summer and it's basically my Friday/Saturday night cruiser, looking for street races that don't happen since everyone's too scared to race it. But I'm also responsible with it too. I won't leave it in the mall parking lot, I won't leave it at a movie theater parking lot and I sure as Hell wouldn't leave it in a Wal-Mart parking lot either. I basically don't leave it out of my site. Not too mention I always keep it clean and if something breaks on it I fix it right away. With a GNX I would be even more anal..

See, I live in the Youngstown, Ohio area. Which is pretty much an "urban" area for the most part if you guys know what I mean. "DONKS" are pretty popular with the locals around here. I've been approached by these "urban types" a few times asking me if I wanted to "sell my sh*t". Though I appreciate their interest, they also come off a little pushy and look at it with hungry eyes which would make most Turbo Buick owners a little nervous. Needless to say, I never go straight home after such encounters while keeping an eye on my rear view mirrors. :mad: And it's just a well optioned hardtop GN, 1 of 20,000+ made that year. I couldn't even imagine leaving an '87 GNX unsupervised anywhere around here. Though I do my shopping in nearby Boardman (an upper middle class area) Youngstown is too close for comfort.

I can't see why this woman can't go buy a cheap 2 or $3K car and keep the GNX put away. A shame she's just ragging it out. Regular GN parts are hard enough to find as it is..
Hey 02WS686GN - A lot more robberies happen in "upper middle class" areas than you think.

On one hand you say you drive your GN all the time but you want this lady to buy beater so she won't drive her GNX...kinda hypocratic of you isn't it?

My opinion is that it's her car, she can store it, drive it, burn it, whatever. If you really don't want her driving it, make her an offer she can't refuse and then you can store it.
Keep in mind with the divorce theory that some guys really are worthless piles of crap and don't deserve their car because of what he did to his family. I say this because it just happened to my aunt and uncle. He ran off with some other girl and stuck her with three kids to feed and a small business to run and tried to take everything of value. But the judge disagreed. :) Everything went to auction, he was too big of a pu$$y to show up and sent another person to bid, that person screwed up and one of my family members bought his 67 impala convertible. My aunt is currently driving it daily just to rub it in his worthless face. I hope it gives him a heart attack, because the stress she faced literally gave her one, almost killed her and definitely shortened her life. If I was rich i'd pay for it and set it on fire in his front yard. :mad:

If it were a GNX i'd feel the same way about it.

i mentioned it and just said if your miserable then take the leap. just depends on the situation. i bought my 87 with the intention of weekender but it's become my daily lately.
If you want sometiing collectible to keep in the house, buy a Babe Ruth rookie card. Cars are meant to be driven!