David Hunter aka Countrybumpkin

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Havent heard a word from him. Waiting on his income tax check to come in!!!
I will keep you posted!!! Thanks Mike:cool:
It was never mentioned what fiscal year the tax refund was coming from, was it? Oops. Maybe he's waiting for next year's.
CP go take out a bank loan if you're broke..that will show you are honest and you have integrity. Put yourself in Mikes shoes for a minute and think how you would feel if you sent $3600 to some body for a sack of $hit and some fairy tales. Shane, members getting involved is the only way we got to protect ourselves from stuff like this. Nothing wrong with being judged by your own peers...Mike was only getting BS before some members spoke up. If this guy doesn't do the right thing his IP address should be blocked so he can't re-register with a different username and bend someone else over.
Start again

This thread is so convoluted, it isn't serving blownv6 well at all. Too many people breaking the forum rules. Blownv6, start anoather thread please and catch us all up to date....Ther rest of you, stay out of the new thread. :)
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