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Digital LED Tailights for the TR


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I was behind a car with led lights this morning, and got all excited! I can't wait to have these in my car!
As others have noted, it is a nice setup.

Without taking my tail lights out could you provide some more details?

Do the tail light assemblies just use a silicone gasket or an RTV type of sealant between the lens and backing? Clips? Basically, what is involved in the disassembly and reassembly?

Are the boards just sandwiched in the assembly or do they make use of the socket hole for support?

Does it require the removal of the light bulb sockets from the harness? Should I get a different tail light harness if it will be cut?

I just want to know if the modification is fully reversible if for any reason I would want to restore the vehicle to an original state.

Lastly, the video provides a decent demonstration. Although, it could be enhanced by clearly showing the various states including

1. brakes
2. turn signals
3. turn signals with brakes
4. running lights
5. running lights and turn signals
6. running lights, turn signals, and brakes
Each condition can be called out vocally. (yes, another picture/video request :) )

As others have noted, it is a nice setup.

Without taking my tail lights out could you provide some more details?

Do the tail light assemblies just use a silicone gasket or an RTV type of sealant between the lens and backing? Clips? Basically, what is involved in the disassembly and reassembly?
They use a Butel (tar like seal) and disassembly and reassembly is super simple! 3 screws/ 2 clips = done.

Are the boards just sandwiched in the assembly or do they make use of the socket hole for support?
They go between the lens and the basket and the wires come out of the socket hole with a rubber gromet supplied to seal it off.

Does it require the removal of the light bulb sockets from the harness? Should I get a different tail light harness if it will be cut?
NO it does not! and it will be able to be returned to orriginal with no problem what so ever..

Lastly, the video provides a decent demonstration. Although, it could be enhanced by clearly showing the various states including

1. brakes
2. turn signals
3. turn signals with brakes
4. running lights
5. running lights and turn signals
6. running lights, turn signals, and brakes
Each condition can be called out vocally. (yes, another picture/video request :) )

Pictures and video's are Done!. I will possibly do a video of a complete kit after the production kits come out, but for now the majority of the people here wanted to see comparison pictures and video's so that's what I done. The prototype has been sent back and production has started on them so I don't even have a set yet to show you But like I said, Possibly after they are completed.

Thanks For Your Intrest Everyone!! ( 5 More to Go!! ) Come on we are almost there!!! ;)

Scot W.
5 More to go!!

Thanks For Your Intrest Everyone!! ( 5 More to Go!! ) Come on we are almost there! We can do it !! :)

Scot W.
Butyl is the same kind of seal that many auto manufacturers use to seal headlight and tail light lenses. It is also used to seal heater boxes for heater cores, evaporators, windows, and many other things where you would want a water tight seal.
Butyl is the same kind of seal that many auto manufacturers use to seal headlight and tail light lenses. It is also used to seal heater boxes for heater cores, evaporators, windows, and many other things where you would want a water tight seal.
Exactly! Very well said. Thank you!

Scot W.
5 More To Go!!

Well 40 People have viewed this thread in one day and It's hard to belive that we can't get to the 25 kit group purchase on these LED tailights. We only need 5 more to go to meet the 25. Were almost there!

They are in production right now and shoud be done in several weeks or so! I took this on because I thought this would be a great impovement over the stock tailights and a newer nicer look to a 20yr old car. (And it is!)

I did this for "ALL OF US" not just me! ( Guy is coming next friday to buy my car so it will be gone without a LED kit on it!) This has cost me ALOT of money, ALOT of time, ALOT of other peoples time too that are involved. After seeing the response to these orriginally I thought it would be easy to reach a "25 kit" group purchase so I decided to put forth the efforts in getting this done for us. I would rather not have to buy the last 5 kits myself to make this happen for the ones who have bought there kits but (I will if I have too).

I'm not sure at this time if these will continue to be made so if your intrested you might want to get yours if you would like to be 1 of 25 with the Only "Full Digital LED tailights made for the TR"!! ;)

There is only 3-4wks left to get your order in before the production will be done. So if your intrested please order before this time is up.

Thanks to everyone who has ordered there kits and supported me on this idea & product.

Scot W.

For Short Example Video/Order here:
Down To 4 More!!


Thank you!
Scot W.
If I place my order now will hey be done and shipped to me by bowling green on may 12th
Yes! That was strongly sugested by me to the manufacture and The production was started over a week ago so they should be shipping out in 3-4wks or so. They should be shipped out to everyone by the end of April. ;)

Everyones shipments will be shipped out at the same time. One big shipment using UPS and I will post up when all shipments were shipped out.

Scot W.
I am waiting for a credit card to come in the mail, they never gave me a number at aproval, should be here by the end ofthe week is that gonna be to late to order