Okaaaay... that kinda sounds like a cop-out. I'm asking you to take night time pictures, not jump off a bridge for me.

You'd think with the time and money already put into this project you'd be willing to snap a few more pictures to help sell it to potential customers. But you make it sound like taking another 90 seconds out of your life to snap two more pictures would be the end of the world.
Taking daytime pictures and claiming the lights can light up your entire garage doesn't do anything for those of us wanting to know that they will be safer on the road at night.
You'd already have the other 8 sales you need if you would help those of us who have been asking for better comparison shots from day 1. I'm not the only one asking for it. Every time someone asked for more pictures or information you cry about having to do anything. You're giving everyone very vague information about when they will be ready and when they will be shipped.
Guess I'll keep my $250 warm in my wallet. Thanks and good luck filling out the rest of the order!