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Do nitrous fogger nozzles atomize the alcky well??


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Turbo Spooled by CORN
May 25, 2001
Im trying to put together a simple homemade kit for a friends turbo 4cyl Ford before the last track event on Nov 1. I cant decide on what setup will be best. Will a Nitrous fogger nozzle with jets work. I was told these dont atomize the alcky good enough.

I was going to follow the homemade kit setup off
Anyone have luck with this? It uses a NOS nozzle.

Imo, they do not. N2O operates at 900psi and is mixed w/ the gas in the nozzle.Thus the "fogger" description[ Unless it's a dry system] Given the pressure in an alky system is usually 100psi, and for the most considerably less, the alky is not a fine mist. Use of the SMC kit will atomize the alky much better.
There are alot of NOS nozzle kits in use, and I suspect work to the owners satisfaction...;) ;)
What would you guys recommend as an alternate for using a nos nozzle for a simple kit.

What about shooting the alcky in before the turbo???
maybe you could call a vendor and buy one of their nozzles. i have a few friends running alky w/NOS nozzles and it works fine. steve monroes website says the alky cooling effect doesnt happen till TDC on the compression stroke in the cylinder so fine spray noozzles arent necessary. and ive read before that spraying before the turbo will damage the blades badly.
Dont spray before the turbo

NOS nozzles get the job done. Aquamist nozzles are probably the best I know of, but that setup will cost triple that of a NOS setup. I wouls start out using NOS nozzles and move on from there
Rich, who's turboford ya working on?? Anybody from Just wondering. Let me/us know about the setup you end up w/! My Flat top turbo 2.3 is gonna need it!!
I highly recommend Aquamist nozzles for _excellent_ atomization in Water/Alcohol injection systems.

Here's the website:

Here's the US distributor: Ask for Brad and tell him Denis sent ya

Here's a photo of an Aquamist nozzle.