Do You Tithe 10% at your Church???

In the church system I belong to,all pastors receive the same pay, whether
they have 2 people attending or 3000 people they get paid the same, this tends to not hinder there message in fear of offending a big contributure,keeps the pastor humble and honest.
Keep in mind, just like people, churches are quite different from one to the next, something I've only recently started getting a grip on myself, my early years were marred by quite a few bad experiences with churches, mostly super conservative Pentecostal and Baptist churches. The crowning (and final) slap was when the pastor of the church I had attended some as a child and my childhood best friend's granddad (who raised him) was an associate pastor for years there, refused to marry my (soon to be) wife and I because we lived together. It was nearly 15 years before I set foot in a church again and I still don't trust them much. For the record I'm still married to that same girl and have a great marriage and a 7 year old son (we weren't getting married cause we had to, and we had no children until several years after we married).

So just remember not all churches are scummy, but it sometimes seems like more are than aren't.

I have seen that too. One pastor wouldn't marry my wife and I because he said we were too young. She had just turned 18 and I was 20. That was 14 years ago and we are still together.:rolleyes:
JESUS ask for 10%. He will bless the giver much more than that. It's between you and GOD. Not you and the church. Just remember you are the church. GOD STILL LOVES YOU.

Well said! Tithing is giving of your resources as God has provided for you. Whether anyone likes to believe it or not, it's GOD's money in your bank account and it is your calling to be a good steward and give back 10% of what HE has provided for YOU. You will be rewarded in ways you cannot imagine.


In closing I appreciate all the long writings that have come to this point on this thread, religion is a touchy topic and I simply wish people would look past what they see on TV, read in the paper and try to experience what the fullness of God is and can be in a local Bible believing church. There will be hypocrites, there will be liars, and there will be people in various states of belief. The great thing is church was created as a hospital for sinners to learn and grow faith, not as a country club for saint as some places would have you believe.

Many have had bad experiences with a church at some point in their lives and have permanently turned their back on God and the church as a whole. There are many churches out there who have strayed a LONG way from the path they should be on. There is no perfect church but we are called as Christians to worship WITH other fellow believers.
Well said! Tithing is giving of your resources as God has provided for you. Whether anyone likes to believe it or not, it's GOD's money in your bank account and it is your calling to be a good steward and give back 10% of what HE has provided for YOU. You will be rewarded in ways you cannot imagine.

I've read this thread with some interest, but the question in my head remains the same - if you took 10% of your income and donated it however you wish - Red Cross, American Cancer Society, V Foundation, Salvation Army, local food pantries, Goodwill, Feed the Children, Volunteers of America, Rotary, some disaster relief fund ~ whatever - is it any less favorable and giving in the eyes of God? Are you sharing any less, or contributing to your fellow man any less just because you don't route your financial gains back through a religious organization?

Because, personally, if your money must be donated back to the church so that they can continue doing "God's will" to become a good steward to the world, you've just reminded me why I don't like "organized" part of "organized religion". That to me reads recruitment, not helping others.
What I dont understand is why does anyone need Religion? Why not just live together as one?

Religion does 1 of 3 things for people, it makes them fulfilled, neurotic or psychotic.

I have never believed in any sort of religion whatsoever, and never will.
I will keep my opinions on religion to myself however, as I'm sure most would like this thread kept open.

But as you've said, religion should have no bearing in modern times, the only use it ever had was a primitive form of law and ethics that relied on inducing fear to get you to "believe".
I realize it is much different living in the United States, every time I am there, there are billboards and propaganda for churches everywhere. Believe or fear your death.

Read up on the pineal gland, and the release of DMT, I'm sure you'll find that interesting.
I've read this thread with some interest, but the question in my head remains the same - if you took 10% of your income and donated it however you wish - Red Cross, American Cancer Society, V Foundation, Salvation Army, local food pantries, Goodwill, Feed the Children, Volunteers of America, Rotary, some disaster relief fund ~ whatever - is it any less favorable and giving in the eyes of God? Are you sharing any less, or contributing to your fellow man any less just because you don't route your financial gains back through a religious organization?

Because, personally, if your money must be donated back to the church so that they can continue doing "God's will" to become a good steward to the world, you've just reminded me why I don't like "organized" part of "organized religion". That to me reads recruitment, not helping others.

All men have their own walk/relationship with God and a church is nothing more than a congregation of people with similar beliefs. But all too often denomonations get thrown into the equation when they really shouldn't be.
This is a very interesting thread. I've seen all sorts of comments on here. And bless all the true Christians, who donate $1.00Dollar, or who donate a full 10% of their Salary to their local Church. All those who think it's a personal matter, however, I feel that people should talk about what they give or don't give and reasons why. It's important. It's not to judge anyone, or look down or up to people. It's simply about trying to understand the reason why 10% is such a hard number to accept or not. Many people are stuggling these days. Some trying to live week to week, putting gas in their cars, and food on the table along with rent, mortgages, and of couse in our case- 93 octane, and methanol in the alky tanks. I love our cars, and our hobby's too. They cost money. So do vacations, Christmas, Birthdays, Restaurants, appliances that breakdown, and home improvements.

Some Christians incorporate the 10% faithfully without batting an eye. 10% of gross of their salary. Some through electronic draft, or by handwriting a check every week. I'm pretty impressed by that. I'd 50k a year, that's 5k cash. 70k a year, 7k cash. 90k a year, 9k cash. A million a year, 100k cash. The way to get blessed back I guess is at tax time. Nice write off to Charity, which isn't a bad deal. Plus you did something wonderful. All I'd have to say is please be careful what Pastor, Church, Organization you give that 10% to. There's "wolves" everywhere! Christian or not. At some point though, there's not guarantee anyways. You're giving in "Faith." God sees your heart. My question is, does God get mad at people who don't give a full 10%???? I currently don't. I hope I'm not pissing God off. I hope for forgiveness, but if I did, I'd have to sacrafice a few things. The money couldn't mysteriously drop out of the heavens to make up for it either. But, I personally think the Old Testament is not to be taken literally. Please don't let me speak for anyone else but myself. If you're a Christian and giving 10% faithfully, Bless Your Heart. You're much more blessed in Heaven than I ever could be. Jesus said, "Lay up for yourselves, treasure in Heaven..."

On another note, I would venture to say in my opinion that if you donated 10% of your salary to a Red Cross, or another Goodwill type of organization, Feed the Poor, or so forth- you'd be quite a blessed person! Do you do this, in place of sending it to your local Christian organization? That's entirely up to you I would venture to say. However, when you give to a Church, you're giving to a whole organization that has many branches of ministries. Some references in this thread have referenced Pastors, Ministries which wrongly use the money to buy expensive cars, homes, vacations, etc. Does this happen sometimes? Yes. And this seems so wrong, but then again- who's to judge exactly? As long as there's growth, missions, food outreaches, and other ministries which seem to be growing, whether a pastor drives a nice car, or owns a nice home, isn't really bad. Would I rather that a Pastor drives a simple car? Lives in a simple home? Has simple children who don't go to expensive schools and they too drive a simple car? Yes, I prefer a Pastor with a family like that. I personally don't care for ministers' who seem so materialistic- it's against what's written in the Bible on how we should act. We should be trying to live humble lives, not so attached to the world. Was King David rich? Solomon? Yeah... however, did Jesus (who was the Perfect example) live a rich life? Was he so attached to the world? Were his apostles rich? They were rich in spirit.

However, this is nothing to do with donating 10% of your salary to your local Pastor, Evangelist, or other organization. Jesus never said anything specific about giving 10% of your tithes and offerings to the Lord, Church, or other Charity. That was Old Testament, and it was referring to tithes being Food Offerings. Do we live under the Law???

In order to determine whether or not Christians must tithe, we should prayerfully study everything that Scripture tells us about tithing. Our job is made easier by the fact that the Old Testament Law of Moses (with its commandments and regulations) was completely abolished and canceled at the cross:
Ephesians 2:13: "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ."
Ephesians 2:14: "For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,"
Ephesians 2:15: "by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace"

Colossians 2:13: "When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,"
Colossians 2:14: "having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross."

However he did say below...

Jesus made it clear that our attitude towards money demonstrates which master we are serving:
Luke 16:13: ""No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.""
This means that we should be careful that we have our priorities right. Most of us would like a better standard of living, and we have bills to pay, and we have debts to pay off, and so on. But remember, our job does not supply our needs, and people do not supply our needs. It is God who supplies our needs, and the above passage tells us that we are meant to focus on Him, not focus on money. God is not against us being wealthy (the more money we have, the more we can help pay for His work to be done on earth), but wealth should never be our focus or our priority (e.g. 1 Timothy 6:9-11, Hebrews 13:). Our focus and our priority should be God, whom we serve (Luke 16:13, above).

Instead of worrying about how to receive more money, we should change our priorities and enjoy giving more money:
Acts 20:35: "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'""
Here Jesus said that it is more blessed to give than to receive, which means that we will be more blessed when we give than when we receive. So if you want to be blessed then be a giver! But where should we give our money? Here's our Scriptural priority:
Romans 12:13: "Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality."
In this passage and in other passages that we'll see, our priority should be to share with other Christians who are in need. This can be done through giving to our church, giving to other ministries, and giving to Christians who are in need.
I've been reading up on the whole 10% tithe, and I feel that I've come to a couple of conclusions regarding this Old Testament requirement.

I don't feel it's an absolute requirement to give 10%, to be "obedient" in your spiritual walk. This is my opinion.

Since are not "under the Old Testament Law" & there's no place in the New Testament which states we have to tithe 10%. We have to live and support families, but however, I believe there's a principle in giving. The more you give with a cheerful heart, the more you'll be blessed back. Maybe not here on earth, but for sure in your afterlife someday. And that God will provide all your needs here on earth if you trust him.

The more you give from a cheerful heart, the more you'll get back. Plain and Simple. We need to try and be discerning to give to a Church or Organization that has integrity in the 1st place. Not some scandals.

Does anyone feel the same as me? I thought I seen a few people like me in this thread.
The more you give from a cheerful heart, the more you'll get back. Plain and Simple. We need to try and be discerning to give to a Church or Organization that has integrity in the 1st place. Not some scandals.

Thats the key to it all.
God doesnt need your money, its the attitude in which it was given.
Even if the money you gave was a scandal-- you gave it with your heart in the right place; and it is upon those who stole it, who will be held accountable.
I do find it interesting that believers have been programmed to think the more they give the more of Gods favor thy will receive?
How much Blessing do you want to buy this week? If that doesn't make very clear who's idea Tithing is then the whole blind faith concept was successful.
After all he is an all benevloent.all loving merciful a price
Isn't it kind of arrogant to think that we are "it"? And this "life" is all there is to our existance? I feel sorry for those who have no faith. Titheing is about giving and unselfishness. I don't think I am buying Gods favor.

I can tell you one thing. When I miss church several Sundays in a row for whatever, I can tell my behavior changes and things in my life seem to become more difficult, stressful, etc. But, when I get back on track, things always turn around. I can't explain it, its just silly faith I guess.
Isn't it kind of arrogant to think that we are "it"? And this "life" is all there is to our existance? I feel sorry for those who have no faith. Titheing is about giving and unselfishness. I don't think I am buying Gods favor.

I can tell you one thing. When I miss church several Sundays in a row for whatever, I can tell my behavior changes and things in my life seem to become more difficult, stressful, etc. But, when I get back on track, things always turn around. I can't explain it, its just silly faith I guess.

Funny, because those with no religion feel sorry for those who have one.
Religion offers fulfillment to your life, keep at it, and do what makes you feel best. I have always been completely fulfilled without it.

What do I think happens after this life? When you are born, DMT is released to your brain, it causes "True Dreaming", it is also released from the pineal gland while dreaming at night.
When you die, large amounts of DMT are released in your brain, causing a dreamstate/true hillucinations that will last for what seems like days/weeks. I think as long as you have a conscience without guilt/fear you will transend into death the same way you would having a wonderful dream of family and friends. Die with fear/guilt on your mind, and you can be stuck in a nightmare type dream for weeks. What happens after that? I guess I'll find out when the time comes.
It amazes me how predictable the believers are. The same old lines. Who said they feel sorry for believers? Most are adults and choose their course.
Is it arrogant to believe the 3 billion of us are it? Doesnt sound like there is just a few of us. What does bother me is the belief pounded into their brain that if you dont fall in line with the group you are going to Hell. LMAO Lets see if a Religious group thinks theres is the real religion and numbers several million that means about 2.7 billion are going to Hell? Hmmm
If they would just listen to what they say it should make them wonder just a little.
Dont forget all the wonderful leaders of the past. Jim (motel )Swaggert. Anal Roberts, and Mr ( I love young girls) Baker and Tammy.
Christians all and real role models
It amazes me how predictable the believers are. The same old lines. Who said they feel sorry for believers? Most are adults and choose their course.
Is it arrogant to believe the 3 billion of us are it? Doesnt sound like there is just a few of us. What does bother me is the belief pounded into their brain that if you dont fall in line with the group you are going to Hell. LMAO Lets see if a Religious group thinks theres is the real religion and numbers several million that means about 2.7 billion are going to Hell? Hmmm
If they would just listen to what they say it should make them wonder just a little.
Dont forget all the wonderful leaders of the past. Jim (motel )Swaggert. Anal Roberts, and Mr ( I love young girls) Baker and Tammy.
Christians all and real role models

AND let's not forget... Mother Teresa. Oh wait... she devoted her life to God and lived that way.

Take the good with the bad.
I just wish the good out weighed the bad. I thought over the remark about feeling sorry for those with faith. I will say I do feel sorry for the lives of young people lost because the parents believe God doesnt want any intervention by Doctors that would save or greatly prolong the the said life. Didn't Jesus heal the sick? I also cringe when I read about two young people who were in love and the parents did not approve of the relationship. These kids jumped off of a local YMCA building so they could be together in Heaven. Yes I do feel sorry for some lives impacted by their religion.
Some religions do teach it is ok to kill those who are not believers. After all didn't Moses come down from the mountain with his version of the Ten Commandments and kill all the non believers?
You know, I never down anybody for believing in what they believe in. I moved from NYC to NC. What a huge difference in religion from up where I was born to down here. I want to call it a form of brainwashing to be honest. I mean, to believe that one man created everything or one man and some of his buddies. Its kind of childish I feel. I question it becuase why do I have to "believe", if it is real then its just that, real, no believing or not. Do you believe in Santa? The tooth fairy? The easter bunny? That is how I look at it. The church is a business plain and simple, does not matter what anybody says. Why does one have to pay to get married in a church, why is there a fee? These are just some of the things that enter my mind when I think about devoting my life to religion that make me stop and question it.

The bible, I have never read it but I'm gonna go and place it with my Fictional books right next to my Harry potter collection. My goal is not to offend anybody here but when you have people always asking me if I have been "Saved" it annoys me.

Another question I have is why is there so many religions with so many different gods... I mean... What makes your god better then mine. If Jesus was jewish why do jewish people not believe in him...

Bottom line is this... you can believe in what you want, it is your right. It is my right to call bullsh!t when I see it and asking me for money is no different then the bum on the corner asking me for a handout.

I think there is something but I wont know until...

Ehh... Rant over...

God bless you all!!
Mr. Nate I want to commend you for printing the entire article on locating the Ark. Many would stop at the finding and not print the rest of the story about no confirmation or name of the so-called lab etc etc. I will disagree with the line it takes more faith not to believe. Remember Faith is you have no proof of any kind or anything substantial to support a position. You are implying one has to ignore all of the proof the Biblical account of our existance provides?? One also has to not know about all the fossils, genetics. examples of changes to man and animals over time that we do have. Like I said earlier for many years the Christians have fought against the onslaught of information from evolutionists. They were adament that evoltuion didn't happen. Well now the amount of support for evolution grew so large the Christians decided they better jump on the Bandwagon or lose their flock.
Inteligent Design was the answer. Now its " I knew that" its actuially called ID. Dont confuse me with facts just let me rename the facts.
Why does one have to pay to get married in a church, why is there a fee?

Are you married? Was it in a church? If so, why? Can you get married at the courthouse for free? There are costs involved in a church, ie. electricity, morgage, pastors salary. I think it should be looked at as a small donation.

The bible, I have never read it.

I guess that qualifies you to speak on the matter. You should read it. I promise you will get something positive out of it.

asking me for money is no different then the bum on the corner asking me for a handout.

I don't think bums feed any homeless except themselves, They don't help the older shut ins with their needs, and they don't participate in mission trips to rebuild homes in Louisiana, or help in third world countries.

The bible is open to interpretation. The message is a good one. Obviously there are believers that take everything extremely literally. I don't subscribe to that belief myself. Just as I don't think non-believers should use the worst examples of religious leaders as their reason to not believe.

Titheing is a personal choice. Many people attend church and don't. I know of no one (in any church I have ever attended) being asked to leave and don't come back because they didn't.
I think church is BS and so is most of the bible.

I believe in god,but not the BS that was written down on paper by common men based on visions and dreams and such.

The bible reads alot like a greek mythology most times.

The churches and religions were created by men who want to control the lives of other men. No other reason.

Just look at how different the rules are for all of them.

Islam right now is a good example of this.:mad:

I give because it is good to help others,not because some BS holier than thou preacher says to.

I can honestly say I have been blessed from my giving selflessly. My grandmother always said you get it back sevenfold. I am convinced this is true.

So,how come these people that are giving 10% if they can afford it or not are still struggling?

I think because you do it because you think you have to.

Funny how extravagant these churches are built when a simple building will do.

I also think that when you give directly to someone who needs it,rather than some BS church dividing it up after they take their cut (if they don't just take it all). Then your giving is 100% and the effort was all you and not left up to someone else. You are giving from the heart and not just pitching into a plate.