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Dyno day in connecticut


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that sounds good Steve, maybe Eric can also help you out with whatever trouble you are having, see you there,
Count me in 311.......Talked to J.Burkhart about transmission, looks like i'll have it this weekend. Should have it on the road the same day!! :D Trying to talk my brother into bringing his 95 GT, but he's not gonna run it on the dyno, says it's not making enough horsepower yet. I think he's afraid of looking bad in front of a bunch of V6 Buicks!!! ;)
dyno day

i should be up to coming won`t have the $$ to dyno tho to many doctor bills but i am still coming can somboby email me directions i live in lisbon next to norwich thanks:D
hot6, sounds good, bring mousetang too we wont laugh to hard, i see the #s they make all the time, we know that they are not right.....:p
dyno time will start depending on # of cars but we will be at the shop at 8am, when we get better car count i can pin down time,come early get in line and check out the cars
rob, call me at the shop 860-645-6389 ask for Steve, it will be easier to give you directions over phone 8:30-4:30, Thanks Steve
Justin, look forward to seeing you, havent talked since last year at the pike, havent seen your car since it was done bring it down!!
dyno day

dyno day/car show is next sat 20th need to know who is coming, we would like to see as many cars as possible,even if you dont dyno. :cool: let me know Thanks
dyno day

i hope to make it up i will not be able to use the dyno but i will come up anyways:p
That sounds good rob, hope you are felling better, hope to see you there:D Steve
quick6, we would like to see as many people and cars as possible,show up any time after 8am, see you sat.,if you need directions call J&M at 860-645-6389:D
thats cool, i might show up i usually work on sat around 3, i also live in manchester so J and M is not far away
I'm going. Will the forcasted rain have any effect on the dyno process? I'm guessing it will take a little more time, but what do I know?

Ben glad you can make it on sat. it will NOT rain, there wont be any effect on it, except for maybe for getting dripped on when we strap the car to the dyno.. see you sat