One thing i noticed is the chip you're holding in that picture shows it's burned for 60lb/hr flowing injectors and alky. You had said in the mods list on your 2nd post in this thread it has 50lb injectors, which if that's what's in there instead of 60's means the chip and the injectors aren't matched up. So you would need to get 60 lb flowing injectors to have them match up, as the chip was burned for slightly larger injectors and the fueling programmed into the chip is expecting there to be more injector.
It's not a good thing to have smaller injectors than the chip was burned for, things will go very badly. If the injectors were larger than the chip was burned for, which would be leaving room to grow in the future however is perfectly fine and won't cause problems.
That's something that needs to be addressed and it's critical that the injectors flow rate is at least what the chip is burned for or you're gonna tear stuff up.
The cable is a data cable that went to a power logger device if i am not mistaken.
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