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Everyone OKAY???


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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2003
Storms ripped through MO today.... multiple tornados were spotted... i've heard of damage in W County, South County..... also Rolla was hit.... JPratt - ARE YOU AND FAMILY OKAY???? everyone else???
crap..i have family in Lebanon but am not in a position to contact them..hope they are ok....

Edit: now I'm really worried..I didn't know where Rolla was and it is right up 44 from my parents. :(
Had my wife call my parents...they are fine!! Apparently everything except the rain just went right around them! Very glad to hear that!! THanks for starting the thread cause I didn't even know bout this!

Looks like Fenton, Sunset Hills, and Crestwood got hit pretty hard. We're only a few miles from there but sustained no damage.

Looks like Fenton, Sunset Hills, and Crestwood got hit pretty hard. We're only a few miles from there but sustained no damage.

thats great news.... im still hoping Jeff is okay... heard Rolla was hit pretty bad... i think we have another board member from Rolla as well:confused:
I'm ok, though a few hrs. of Rolla. All we got is some rain and thunderstorms in the morning.

Yeah there's another member here from Rolla I believe, his silver T was totaled during the last big tornado and posted the insurance co. was dicking him around b/c he had the engine out of the car. There's a pic of his car all mangled on a flat bed in the "dead/fallen TR's" thread.
Thanks for the concern, we are all fine. No damage to me or my family.
All good here too. Wife's friend's house was hit in Sunset Hills, wasn't home luckily.

Glad you guys are ok! Have some friends in Pacific Mo, better make a call.
That was WICKED, sounded like someone had the handle of my front door and was shaking it in and out ... the pressure was intense!!!

The rain against my windows sounded like hail trying to bust through ---