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The Fab 9 housing is wider than a big web 9in housing.The mounts will not be able to get any lower than perhaps 3/4 in-1 in? Just 1/2 in change in my opinion is a substantial change.

I have a HD Moser big web style housing and may be able to lower them just over 1in.

BTW im positive the housing TRZ is using is a Stange piece. They are a huge Stange dealer.
The Fab 9 housing is wider than a big web 9in housing.The mounts will not be able to get any lower than perhaps 3/4 in-1 in? Just 1/2 in change in my opinion is a substantial change.

I have a HD Moser big web style housing and may be able to lower them just over 1in.

The only way to lower the ears on the housing is switching over to the TRZ set up. The Moser ears will not be able to be lowered.

The height difference between the Moser 12 bolt vs. the Moser Fab 9 is 3/8"

Here is a pic of the front side.


Billy T.
Yeah thats a better view. You are correct. Those cannot be lowered. Here are mine for comparison.

I've always heard the same thing about the upper mounts on 9" rears but all 9"ers are different. I agree that I would try it first and see how the car works. I have the same rear in my street car and the uppers aren't my concern with the car lowered - it's the lowers. What is the consensus for the angle the lowers need to be at? With the car lowered they are almost horizontal where a stock ride height would put them at around a +3 deg angle. Moser didn't offer the adjustable LCA brackets like BillyTs when I got mine.:mad:
Lowering the ride height will lower the front of the lower control arms thus leveling them more. It also increases the angle of the uppper control arms. The net effect is lowering the IC height in the car. If the control arms were equal length and had no angularity the IC length would not change.
I've always heard the same thing about the upper mounts on 9" rears but all 9"ers are different. I agree that I would try it first and see how the car works. I have the same rear in my street car and the uppers aren't my concern with the car lowered - it's the lowers. What is the consensus for the angle the lowers need to be at? With the car lowered they are almost horizontal where a stock ride height would put them at around a +3 deg angle. Moser didn't offer the adjustable LCA brackets like BillyTs when I got mine.:mad:

It depends on the nose weight of the car. I can't get away with a level lower bar, the car blows the tires off before it gets the nose in the air. The instant center is out too far.
It depends on the nose weight of the car. I can't get away with a level lower bar, the car blows the tires off before it gets the nose in the air. The instant center is out too far.

As well as the rear weight and additionally the type of tire used. A DR tired car will usually like a bit more hit.
UPDATE...... Sorry for the delay. I want to finish this thread. The Moser housing had some issues which I had to correct. This is for your information so you know what to expect. The guys at Moser were not much help, either.

If you are going to install a HR bar on the housing with a backbrace, the bolt that holds bar bracket needs to be welded to the mount bracket. Once the bracket is welded, there is no access to put the bolt in.


Here are the issues I experienced:

The sleeves on the upper control arm were too long to fit a spherical bushing in it. Also the ID of the sleeve varied. I was able to push one bushing in while the other had the proper interference fit. Soooo, I had to cut down the sleeves with a band saw.




I spoke with Moser and so did TRZ and Paul (HR Parts) about the length and ID of sleeves. Moser's response was the that they make the rear for OEM bushings. I told them how about offering an option for the racers? They couldn't answer me.

Next issue was that the lower control arm brackets were too long. When I went to put my wheels on, part of the bracket hit the wheel. The fix was easy by cutting off approximately 3/4" of the LCA corner. I called Moser and told them that the bracket were too long. The idiot told me that I needed to buy different offset rim. I replied back to him then I have to change the length of the axle tubes/axles, he couldn't answer me.



The final issue was when my chassis shop (JW Racing-Fab) squared up the rear, it was shifted to the passenger side approximately 3/4". I was able to loosen up the boby bushings and shift the body slightly. The other way the rear could be shifted if all the control arms are adjustable. I could shift the rear was due to the solid length LCAs. I believe that Moser's jig is off. Previously I was running a Moser 12 bolt with no issues. Sorry no pics.

IMHO the it is a nice piece but if I knew off these issue before hand I would have corrected them before the housing was powdercoated. When I go PRI, I will voice my issues with them.

Some finished pics




Glad you got all the issues worked out. I can attest to the fact that these things aren't exactly "bolt-in" as they are advertised.

I didn't have the issues with the upper bushing sleeves but I didn't use the sphericals since mine is primarily a street car. JEVANS used Wolfe spherical uppers and didn't have any issues to my knowledge.

I totally agree that they have some issues with their jig. I ordered mine with the axle tubes narrowed 1/2" per side based on the stock dimensions. I ended up having to use a 1/2 spacer on the passenger side to get the inner tire off the frame rail. I measured that thing countless times before I ordered it so there's something off on the rear somewhere. It's still a nice piece overall if you're willing to work around the issues. Next time I'll just fabricate a rear from scratch so there's nothing left to chance.
Well I just got a Moser 9" from a local so I now know what to look for. Thanks for the info. Everything on mine looks good but I won't know until I put it in.
I am really shocked to see how bad that fab9 from chris alston fits dead nuts perfect,no clearance issues anywhere ,bolted right in and both rear tires have equal clearances between the frame rails and quarter panel lips,no problems at all....